of March 4, 2014 No. 48
About approval of the Regulations on procedure for education, consolidation, separation and abolition makhally cities, settlements, kishlaks and auls, and also establishment and change of their borders, assignment by it of names and renaming
According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About self-government institutions of citizens", and also for the purpose of further enhancement of organizational bases of activities of self-government institutions of citizens, the Cabinet of Ministers decides fixing of national and cultural wealth:
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for education, consolidation, separation and abolition makhally the cities, settlements, kishlaks and auls, and also establishment and change of their borders, assignment of names and renaming by it according to appendix.
2. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas, city of Tashkent, areas and cities:
provide strict observance of requirements of the Provision approved by this resolution, having provided that education and separation makhally is allowed only within the corresponding local budgets of assignments for content of self-government institutions of citizens which are annually provided in parameters;
together with territorial authorities of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on land resources, geodesy, cartography and the state inventory to provide in 2014-2015 at the expense of means of the corresponding local budgets performance of works on establishment of borders makhally the cities, settlements, kishlaks and auls according to the Provision approved by this resolution.
3. To impose control of execution of this resolution on deputy prime ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. I. Ikramov and B. I. Zakirov.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Shavkat Mirziyoyev
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 4, 2014 No. 48
1. This Provision according to the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About self-government institutions of citizens" and "About names of geographical objects" determines procedure for education, consolidation, separation and abolition makhally the cities, settlements, kishlaks and auls (further - waved), and also establishment and change of their borders, assignment of names and renaming by it.
2. Waved will be formed in the territory of the cities, settlements, kishlaks and auls.
3. Waved are not administrative and territorial units.
4. Self-government institutions of citizens makhally and their officials perform the powers conferred to them by the legislation within borders of the territory corresponding waved, established according to the procedure, determined by this Provision.
5. Offers by training, to consolidation, separation and abolition makhally, and also to establishment and change of their borders, assignment of names by it and to renaming are prepared by kengasha of descents of citizens of the settlement, kishlak, the aul and the cities waved.
6. Actions by training, to consolidation, separation and abolition makhally, to assignment of names by it and to renaming, and also establishment and change of their borders are performed according to the scheme according to appendix to this Provision.
7. Education, association, separation and abolition makhally settlements, kishlaks, auls, and also the cities of district subordination is made district by Kengashami of People's Deputies according to the petition of descents of citizens of settlements, kishlaks, auls and makhally the cities.
In the cities regional (in the Republic of Karakalpakstan - republican) subordination and in the city of Tashkent education, association, separation and abolition makhally is made city by Kengashami of People's Deputies according to the petition of descents of citizens makhally the cities.
8. Waved will be formed taking into account historical features of the territory, geographical arrangement of settlements where at least 500 families live, as a rule.
Waved, in exceptional cases, can be formed with the population less 500, but at least 100 families, in remote and and also military camps.
In case of impossibility of education waved according to paragraphs the first and second this Item of the territory of settlements, kishlaks and auls are controlled the corresponding descents of citizens of settlements, kishlaks and auls, without formation of makhally.
9. If in the territory of descent of citizens of the settlement, kishlak, the aul no more than 1500 families, live in these settlements, kishlaks, auls waved are not formed.
10. Offers by training, to consolidation and separation of makhally are introduced kengashy descent of citizens of the settlement, kishlak, the aul and the cities for consideration of descent of citizens of the settlement, kishlak, the aul waved and the cities waved.
11. In offers by training, to consolidation and separation of makhally information is reflected:
about studying of opinion of the population;
about the specific territory, its historical and geographical features;
about arrangement of nearby settlements and makhally;
about population and the families living in this territory;
about the largest industrial, transport and other bodies, farms located in this territory;
about offers on establishment of the borders which are subject to education, association and separation of makhally;
about offers on assignment of the name and renaming of makhally.
12. The descent of citizens of the settlement, kishlak, the aul also waved the cities, having considered offers by training, to consolidation and separation waved, the decision approves them or reasonably refuses, if necessary suggests to make corresponding changes to them.
13. In case of adoption of the positive solution of the offer by training, to consolidation and separation makhally within three days go descents of citizens of settlements, kishlaks, auls and makhally the cities with the corresponding petition to hokim of the area, city.
14. Together with information specified in Item 11 of this provision are applied to the petition sent to hokim of the respective area (city):
the solution of descent of citizens of the respective settlement, kishlak, the aul also waved the cities about approval of offers by training, to consolidation and separation of makhally;
offers on assignment of the name formed, united waved also to renaming acting with makhally;
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