of May 26, 1997 No. 256
About streamlining of registration, re-registration of automotor-vehicles, conducting their accounting, issue and replacement of national state number boards
For the purpose of streamlining of registration, re-registration of automotor-vehicles, conducting their accounting, issue and replacement of state number boards the Cabinet of Ministers decides:
1. Approve:
Rules of registration, re-registration of automotor-vehicles, conducting their accounting, issue and replacement of national state number boards in the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the appendix N1;
distribution of territorial codes of the national state number boards issued to automotor-vehicles according to the appendix N2;
the national state number boards issued to public automotor-vehicles and the belonging owners according to the appendix N3;
the special state number boards issued to the automotor-vehicles belonging to representations abroad in Uzbekistan, to the international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons according to the appendix N4;
distinctive mark of the vehicles registered and participating in the international auto traffic according to the appendix N5. It (is not brought).
2. Confidentially.
3. Assign to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Almatov):
order placement on production of national state number boards, the registration certificates meeting state standards of the republic, providing with them and distribution on serial numbers;
creation of the list of obligatory data for forming of centralized accounting (on the basis of computer and other equipment) by the end of 1998 of automotor-vehicles;
providing the trade enterprises, firms and other organizations which are engaged in trade in automotor-vehicles, the account reference of single sample;
implementation of the computer program of registration and search of national state number boards.
4. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Guskov) to allocate to republican GAI necessary assignments from the funds provided in the budget for 1997 for acquisition of 28 computers for use in centralized accounting of automotor-vehicles and creation of obligatory data.
5. Ceased to be valid
6. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on Department of transport and communication of the Cabinet of Ministers.
Prime Minister
Republic of Uzbekistan U. Sultanov
Appendix No. 1
to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 26, 1997 No. 256
Registration, re-registration of motorized vehicles and trail cars (1), accounting (2), is the state allowing measure of participation of automotor-vehicles (3) in traffic, including in international. Registration of vehicles is performed for the purpose of ensuring control of compliance of their design, technical condition and equipment to the established requirements of traffic, observance of procedure for purchase and sale, acquisition, the order, operation, transfer to other persons, recognitions their unsuitable, observance of legal acts on payment of charges, ensuring centralized and territorial accounting of vehicles, fight against crime and other offenses.
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The document ceased to be valid since September 11, 2017 according to Item 10 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 31, 2017 No. 683