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of March 1, 2014 No. 37-V

O6 approval and enforcement of the Budget code of Turkmenistan

(as amended on 13-07-2024)

Article 1. Approve the Budget code of Turkmenistan.

Article 2. Enact the Budget code of Turkmenistan since January 1, 2015 taking into account the provisions established by this Law.

Article 3. Establish phased transition to implementation of the budget process based on provisions of the Budget code of Turkmenistan.

Article 4. Perform development, consideration, approval and execution of Government budgets of Turkmenistan for 2016 and 2027 on the basis of the Law of Turkmenistan "About the budget system".

Article 5. As a part of Government budgets of Turkmenistan for 2016 and 2027 to provide budgets of the pilot ministries of Turkmenistan which development, consideration, approval and execution to perform according to the Budget code of Turkmenistan.

Article 6. Perform development, consideration, approval and execution of the State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2028-2030 (planning period) according to the Budget code of Turkmenistan, the Law of Turkmenistan of June 18, 1996 "About the budget system" (Sheets of Majlis of Turkmenistan, 1996, Art. No. 1-2, 2); part XVII of the Law of Turkmenistan of April 18, 2009 "About modification, amendments and recognition voided some legal acts of Turkmenistan" (Sheets of Majlis of Turkmenistan, 2009, No. 2, the Art. 33).

Article 7. Recognize voided since January 1, 2028:

The law of Turkmenistan of June 18, 1996 "About the budget system" (Sheets of Majlis of Turkmenistan, 1996, Art. No. 1-2, 2);

part XVII of the Law of Turkmenistan of April 18, 2009 "About modification, amendments and recognition voided some legal acts of Turkmenistan" (Sheets of Majlis of Turkmenistan, 2009, No. 2, the Art. 33).

Article 8. To the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan within one year from the date of official publication of the Budget code of Turkmenistan:

1) to determine measures for realization of provisions of the Budget code of Turkmenistan;

2) to bring regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan into accord with the Budget code of Turkmenistan.

President of Turkmenistan

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov


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