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of March 6, 2014 No. 169

About approval of the standard agreement of the compulsory national insurance performed according to the Federal Law "About Compulsory National Insurance of Life and Health of the Military Personnel, the Citizens Called on Military Charges, Faces of the Private and the Commanding Structure of Law-enforcement Bodies of the Russian Federation, the Public Fire Service, the Staff of Organizations and Bodies of Criminal Executive System, Employees of Troops of National Guard of the Russian Federation, the Staff of Bodies of Forced Execution of the Russian Federation"

(as amended on 08-09-2023)

The government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed standard agreement of the compulsory national insurance performed according to the Federal Law "About Compulsory National Insurance of Life and Health of the Military Personnel, the Citizens Called on Military Charges, Faces of the Private and the Commanding Structure of Law-enforcement Bodies of the Russian Federation, the Public Fire Service, the Staff of Organizations and Bodies of Criminal Executive System, Employees of Troops of National Guard of the Russian Federation, the Staff of Bodies of Forced Execution of the Russian Federation".

2. To the federal executive bodies which are insurers on the compulsory national insurance performed according to the Federal Law "About Compulsory National Insurance of Life and Health of the Military Personnel, the Citizens Called on Military Charges, Faces of the Private and the Commanding Structure of Law-enforcement Bodies of the Russian Federation, the Public Fire Service, the Staff of Organizations and Bodies of Criminal Executive System, Employees of Troops of National Guard of the Russian Federation, the Staff of Bodies of Forced Execution of the Russian Federation" to sign according to the contracts of compulsory national insurance containing the provisions provided by the standard agreement approved by this resolution specified by the Federal Law.

3. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 22.07.2017 No. 865

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2014
, No. 169

The standard agreement of the compulsory national insurance performed according to the Federal Law "About Compulsory National Insurance of Life and Health of the Military Personnel, the Citizens Called on Military Charges, Faces of the Private and the Commanding Structure of Law-enforcement Bodies of the Russian Federation, the Public Fire Service, the Staff of Organizations and Bodies of Criminal Executive System, Employees of Troops of National Guard of the Russian Federation, the Staff of Bodies of Forced Execution of the Russian Federation"

___________________________                   "__" _______________ ____.

  (place of agreement)                       (date of the conclusion of the agreement)


   (name of federal executive body (federal

   state body) in which the military service, service is provided)

acting  on behalf of the Russian  Federation,     hereinafter referred to as

the insurer,  on behalf of ____________________,   acting on the basis of the

powers of attorney from "__" ___________ ____ , on the one hand, and insurance

_______________________________________________________________ organization


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