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of March 3, 2014 No. 111

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for visit of the organizations performing punishments and the enforcement powers of criminal law action connected with isolation from society of criminal executive system of the Kyrgyz Republic

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of 19.10.2018 No. 488)

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure for visit of the organizations performing punishments and the enforcement powers of criminal law action connected with isolation from society of criminal executive system of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. To public service of execution of punishments under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to take measures for implementation of this Resolution.

3. This Resolution becomes effective from the date of official publication. 

4. To impose control of execution of this Resolution on department of defense, law and order and emergency situations of Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Prime Minister

Zh. Satybaldiyev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 3, 2014 No. 111

Regulations on procedure for visit of correctional facilities of criminal executive system of the Kyrgyz Republic

1. General provisions

1. This Provision determines procedure for visit of the organizations performing punishments and the enforcement powers of criminal law action connected with isolation from society of criminal executive system of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - correctional facilities) representatives of means the mass of information, the state, international, public organizations, religious faiths (further - the organizations) and physical persons.

2. Visit of correctional facilities without special permission

2-1. Representatives of mass media visit correctional facilities on special permission, according to the procedure, determined by Items 3-9 of this provision.

3. Issue of permissions to visit of correctional facilities

3. Permission to visit of correctional facilities is issued by administration of correctional facility or state body of criminal executive system of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - authorized state body).

The form of permission is established by authorized state body.

4. For receipt of permission to visit of correctional facility the organization or physical person provides administrations of correctional facility or in authorized state body the following documents:

- the address about visit of correctional facility, with indication of the purpose, date of visit and personal data about persons having intention to visit correctional facility;

- passport or identity document;

- copies of the registration certificate or re-registration of the legal entity in judicial authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic (for legal entities).

5. Authorized state body in addition to the documents provided in item 4 of this provision, having the right to request in addition the following documents:

- the copy of the project offer / program on implementation of actions in organizations;

- documents on accreditation (are provided by the international and diplomatic missions in case of the initial appeal of the organization);

- the copy of the registration certificate in State commission for religions of the Kyrgyz Republic (for the religious organizations).

In case of provision of medical, legal, social, educational services by the organizations by the convict, the authorized state body has the right to request documents:

- about education;

- about criminal record;

- about marital status.

6. Consideration of the address is made within 7 working days from the date of its registration. Permission is by results issued or the refusal in visit, with indication of its reasons is provided.

7. Issue of permission to visit of correctional facilities it can be refused for the following reasons / bases:

- for the benefit of providing law and order and legality in correctional facilities, safety of convicts, and also employees, military personnel and workers of criminal executive system, and the other persons who are in the territories of these organizations;

- in case of complication of operational and regime situation in correctional facilities when there is real threat for life and health of convicts and other persons;

- if there were established facts of violation by representatives of the organization of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic during the previous visit;

- if the organization reported about itself false data;

- if there are other bases established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

8. For the purpose of carrying out monitoring and assessment of implementable actions in correctional facilities, and also planning and coordination of activities the authorized state body has the right to request and obtain information on the actions realized in correctional facilities from the organizations.

9. In case of refusal to provide to the organization information on the actions realized in correctional facilities, earlier issued permission to visit of organizations can be cancelled.

4. Visit of correctional facilities

10. Visit of correctional facilities is performed in the working days (Monday through Friday inclusive, from 9-00 till 16-00 o'clock). In cases of need of departure of religious practices and ceremonies, and also in other exceptional cases, visit is possible also on the weekend (from 9-00 till 15-00 o'clock).

11. Data on production of film, photo and video filming of the objects ensuring safety and protection of convicts are specified in permission to visit of correctional facilities.

12. Production of film, photo and video filming of convicts, their interviewing, including with use of means audio-, video equipment representatives of mass media and other persons, is allowed with the consent of administration of correctional facility and convicts.

Production of film, photo and video filming of the objects ensuring safety of correctional facilities is performed with the permission of administration of the specified organizations.

Administrations of correctional facilities ensure safety of persons visiting them.

13. Visit of correctional facilities is performed under control of administration of correctional facilities.

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