of December 28, 2013 No. 1149
About some measures for implementation of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of July 25, 2013 No. 332
According to Item 5 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of July 25, 2013 "About single questions of functioning of the State inspectorate for small size vessels and introduction of amendments and changes in some presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 332
1. Approve:
Regulations on procedure for training and examination by citizens of rules of control of motor small size vessels which engine power exceeds kilowatt 3,7 (5 horsepowers) (are applied).
2. Make changes and additions to the following resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus:
2.1. ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 14.07.2017 No. 523
2.2. ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 18.08.2023 No. 543
2.3. ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 16.01.2016 No. 19
2.4. ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 30.05.2019 No. 343
2.5. in the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 20, 2007 No. 812 "About approval of Rules of state registration of courts and Instructions for use by small size vessels, hydrocycles, courts with outboard engines and bases (constructions) for their parking" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007, No. 157, 5/25408; No. 292, 5/26272; 2008, No. 6, 5/26438; No. 120, 5/27656; 2009, No. 119, 5/29736; 2010, No. 184, 5/32253; No. 261, 5/32707):
2.5.1. state the name in the following edition:
"About approval of Rules of state registration of inland navigation vessels, courts of the swimming mixed (river sea) and Instructions for use small size vessels and bases (constructions) for their parking";
2.5.2. state Item 1 in the following edition:
"1. Approve enclosed:
Rules of state registration of inland navigation vessels, courts of the swimming mixed (river sea);
Instructions for use small size vessels and bases (constructions) for their parking.";
2.5.3. in Rules of state registration of the courts approved by this resolution:
state the name in the following edition:
"Rules of state registration of inland navigation vessels, courts of the swimming mixed (river sea)";
from Item 1 of the word", small size vessels (except for rowboats, kayaks and inflatable motorless crafts with a loading capacity less than 225 kilograms), hydrocycles and courts with outboard engines" and "or the ship book" to exclude;
3, of 8, of 12, of 15, 16, of Items 19-21, of the name of Chapter 5, of Items 50, of 55, of 58, of paragraph one of Item 60, of Item 66 and the name of Chapter 6 of the word "or ship book" in the corresponding case to exclude Item parts three from Items;
state item 4 in the following edition:
"4. Inland navigation vessels, vessels of the swimming mixed (river sea) are subject to state registration in the Register.";
exclude Item 5;
state Item 7 in the following edition:
"7. State registration of courts and the rights to them is performed by public institution "Belarusian inspection of river navigation" (further - the Belarusian inspection of river navigation).";
in Item 9:
to exclude from part one of the word "or ship book";
to exclude from part two of the word "or ship book";
the fourth to exclude part;
in Item 10:
to exclude from part one of the word "or ship book";
third to exclude part;
in Item 14:
to exclude from word part one of "inland cruise and the vessel of the swimming mixed (river sea)";
the second to exclude part;
third to consider part part two;
to exclude from the name of Chapter 3 of the word of "inland cruise and courts of the swimming mixed (river sea)";
22, of paragraph one of part one of Item 23 of the word of "inland cruise, the vessel of the swimming mixed (river sea)" to exclude from Item;
24, of paragraph one of Item 34, of Items 35 and 36 of the word of "inland cruise or the vessel of the swimming mixed (river sea)" to exclude from paragraph one of Item;
from paragraph one of part one and part two of Item 25 of the word "inland cruise," to exclude the vessel of the swimming mixed (river sea);
in Item 29:
from parts one and the second to exclude words of "inland cruise and the vessel of the swimming mixed (rekamor)";
from word part three "inland cruise," to exclude the vessel of the swimming mixed (river sea);
to exclude from Item 32 of the word of "inland cruise and court of the swimming mixed (river sea)";
in Item 33:
to exclude from word part two of "inland cruise and the swimming mixed (river sea)";
to exclude from word part three of "internal water swimming and the vessel of the swimming mixed (river sea)";
exclude Chapter 4;
in Item 51:
to exclude from part one of the word "or ship book";
third to exclude part;
in Item 52:
in part one:
to exclude from paragraph one of the word "or ship book", "or ship book" and "or ship book";
to exclude from the paragraph of the fifth word "or ship book";
from the paragraph of the seventh word "inland cruise," and "or the ship book" to exclude the vessel of the swimming mixed (river sea);
from the paragraph of the eighth word" (the ship ticket)", "or the ship book" and "(the ship ticket)" to exclude;
third to exclude part;
the fourth or sixth to consider parts respectively parts third or heel;
from word part three "inland cruise," to exclude the vessel of the swimming mixed (river sea);
the fourth to exclude part;
the fifth to consider part part four;
in Item 56 part one:
to exclude from paragraph one of the word "or ship book";
" (the ship ticket)" to exclude from the paragraph of the fourth word;
to exclude from the paragraph of the seventh word "or ship book";
to exclude from Item 59 of the word "or ship book" and "or new ship ticket";
in Item 63 part one:
to exclude from paragraph one of the word "or ship book" and "or ship book";
to exclude from the paragraph of the fourth word "or ship book";
to exclude from the paragraph of the sixth word "or ship ticket";
state Item 64 in the following edition:
"64. The vessel exception of the Register makes sure issue by the Belarusian inspectorate of river navigation of the certificate on vessel exception of the Register.";
exclude Item 65;
in Item 67:
to exclude from part one of the word "or ship ticket";
in word part two "the documents specified" shall be replaced with words "the document specified";
in Item 68:
to exclude from paragraph one of part one of the word "or ship book";
third to exclude part;
and "(the ship ticket)" to exclude from Item 69 of the word "or ship book";
third of Item 70 to exclude part;
2.5.4. To be reworded as follows the instructions for use small size vessels, hydrocycles, courts with outboard engines and bases (constructions) for their parking approved by this resolution (are applied);
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