of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ
About bases of social servicing of citizens in the Russian Federation
Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 23, 2013
Approved by Council of the Russian Federation on December 25, 2013
1. This Federal Law establishes:
1) legal, organizational and economic basis of social servicing of citizens in the Russian Federation;
2) powers of federal bodies of the government and power of public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation in the sphere of social servicing of citizens;
3) rights and obligations of receivers of social services;
4) rights and obligations of suppliers of social services.
2. Operation of this Federal Law extends to citizens of the Russian Federation, to the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are constantly living in the territory of the Russian Federation, refugees (further - citizens, the citizen), and also to legal entities irrespective of their form of business and the individual entrepreneurs performing social servicing of citizens.
Legal regulation of social servicing of citizens is performed based on this Federal Law, other Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, and also the laws and other regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation.
For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) social servicing of citizens (further - social servicing) - activities for provision of social services to citizens;
2) social service - action or actions in the sphere of social servicing for rendering the permanent, periodic, one-time help, including the urgent help, the citizen for the purpose of improvement of conditions of its activity and (or) expansion of its opportunities to independently provide the basic vital needs;
3) the receiver of social services - the citizen who is recognized as the person in need in social servicing and to whom the social service or social services are provided;
4) the supplier of social services - the legal entity irrespective of its form of business and (or) the individual entrepreneur, performing social servicing;
5) the standard of social service - the main requirements to amount, frequency and quality of provision of social service to the receiver of social service established by types of social services;
6) prevention of the circumstances causing needs in social servicing - system of the measures directed to identification and elimination of the reasons which formed the basis of deterioration in conditions of activity of citizens of decrease in their opportunities independently to provide the basic vital needs.
1. Social servicing is based on respect for human rights and respect of advantage of the personality, has humane character and does not allow humiliation of honor and advantage of the person.
2. Social servicing is performed also on the following principles:
1) equal, open entry of citizens to social servicing regardless of their floor, race, age, nationality, language, origin, the residence, the relation to religion, beliefs and belonging to public associations;
2) targeting of provision of social services;
3) nearness of suppliers of social services to the residence of receivers of social services, sufficiency of number of suppliers of social services for ensuring needs of citizens for social servicing, sufficiency of financial, material, personnel and information resources at suppliers of social services;
4) preserving stay of the citizen in the habitual favorable circle;
5) voluntariness;
6) confidentiality.
The system of social servicing includes:
1) the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of social servicing (further - authorized federal executive body);
2) the public authority of the subject of the Russian Federation authorized on implementation of the powers provided by this Federal Law in the sphere of social servicing in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation (further - authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation), including on recognition of citizens needing social servicing, creation of the individual program of provision of social services (further - the individual program);
3) the organizations of social servicing which are under authority of federal executive bodies;
4) the organizations of social servicing which are under authority of the subject of the Russian Federation (further - the organizations of social servicing of the subject of the Russian Federation);
5) non-state (commercial and non-commercial) the organizations of social servicing, including the socially oriented non-profit organizations providing social services;
6) the individual entrepreneurs performing social servicing;
7) the organizations which are under authority of authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation and to which according to this Federal Law powers on recognition of citizens by persons in need in social servicing and creation of the individual program in the territories of one or several municipalities are conferred (further - authorized organizations).
1. Disclosure of information carried by the legislation of the Russian Federation to information of confidential nature or office information on receivers of social services by persons to whom this information became known in connection with execution of professional, service and (or) other duties is not allowed. Disclosure of information on receivers of social services involves responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. With the consent of the receiver of social services or his legal representative this in writing information transfer about the receiver of social services to other persons, including officials, for the benefit of the receiver of social services or his legal representative, including mass media and the official site of the supplier of social services on the Internet is allowed (further - Internet network).
3. Provision of information on the receiver of social services without its consent or without the consent of his legal representative is allowed:
1) at the request of bodies of inquiry and investigation, court in connection with conducting investigation or legal proceedings or at the request of bodies of prosecutor's office in connection with implementation of public prosecutor's supervision by them;
2) at the request of other bodies given authority on implementation of the state control (supervision) in the sphere of social servicing;
3) when processing personal data within interdepartmental information exchange, and also in case of registration of the subject of personal data on the single portal of the state and municipal services and (or) regional portals of the state and municipal services according to the legislation on the organization of provision of the state and municipal services;
4) in other cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
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