Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of April 30, 2004 No. 617-II

About financing of political parties

(as amended on 02-07-2024)

I. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of financing of political parties.

Article 2. Legislation on financing of political parties

The legislation on financing of political parties consists of this Law, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About political parties" and other acts of the legislation.

Article 3. Sources of financing of political parties

Sources of financing of political parties are:

the admission and membership fees if their payment is provided by the charter of political party;

income gained from business activity according to the legislation;

the funds of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan allocated according to this Law;

the donations of legal entities and citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan performed according to this Law.

Article 4. Basic principles of financing of political parties

The basic principles of financing of political parties are legality, openness, publicity and equality of political parties.

Article 5. Availability of data on financing of political parties

Political parties provide availability of data on their financing to the members and the public.

Political parties shall publish information on amount and sources of financing of their activities.

Article 6. Target use of financial and other resources by political parties

Political parties use financial and other resources for the purpose of, provided by the law and their charters. Use of these means for other purposes is forbidden.

The property and money of political parties cannot be redistributed between members of political parties.

Political parties, their organizations are forbidden to have bank accounts more than in one bank, and also foreign bank accounts.

Political parties can have the following on-demand deposit accounts in one bank:

the key account - for transfer, use and control of allocated funds of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

two secondary accounts for transfer and use of the means arriving:

a) from the membership fees, donations and other sources which are not forbidden by the legislation;

b) from the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

II. Public financing of political parties

Article 7. Public financing of authorized activities of political parties

The political party has the right to public funds for financing of the authorized activities if following the results of elections to Legislative house of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Legislative house) she received the necessary number of deputy places for formation of fraction of political party in Legislative house according to the Constitutional law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About Legislative house of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

The annual amount of the allocated public funds for financing of authorized activities of political parties is created of calculation of two and a half percent from the basic settlement size established for September 1 of the year preceding year of allocation of these means increased by the number of the citizens included in electoral registers on the last elections to Legislative house.

The public funds specified in part two of this Article based on the results of the last elections to Legislative house established by Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan are distributed by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan between the political parties having the right to their obtaining, according to the procedure, determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the following procedure:

forty percent of the allocated funds equal shares between political parties;

sixty percent of the allocated funds between political parties are pro rata to the number of the deputy places received by them in Legislative house.

At the same time in case of change of number of deputies of Legislative house redistribution of public funds is not made.

Article 8. Financing of participation of political parties in elections

Financing of participation of political parties in elections is performed in accordance with the established procedure only at the expense of the public funds allocated for these purposes. Financing and other material support of political parties in elections at the expense of other means is forbidden.

The size of the public funds allocated for financing of participation of political parties in elections counting on one candidate is determined by Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Public funds for financing of participation of political party in elections are transferred in accordance with the established procedure into the settlement account of political party after registration of the candidates proposed from this batch in the amount corresponding to the number of the registered candidates.

The funds allocated for financing of participation of political parties in elections shall be spent by political party on:

carrying out propaganda;

the organization of work of authorized representatives of candidates and other asset attracted to carrying out propaganda;

all-party actions for holding the election campaign.

If following the results of elections to Legislative house the political party did not receive the necessary number of deputy places for formation of fraction, then the public funds allocated for financing of participation of political party in elections to Legislative house are subject to return to the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the expense of the means of this political party received from other sources.

Article 9. Public financing of activities of fractions of political parties in Legislative house

Public funds for organizational, technical and other support of activities of fractions of political parties in Legislative house are provided in expense budget of Legislative house.

Article 10. Source of public financing and procedure for its allocation

Source of public financing of political parties are means of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The public funds allocated for financing of political parties are transferred into bank accounts of political parties in accordance with the established procedure.

The public funds which are not used by political party within financial year are not subject to return to the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan and are used for financing of their authorized activities in the years ahead.


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