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The document ceased to be valid since  December 14, 2016 according to the Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of August 25, 2016 No. 437

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Ukraine on February 6, 2014

No. 237/25014


of January 20, 2014 No. 40

About approval of the Regulations on Film logical service of Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations

According to article 24 of the Code of civil protection of Ukraine, Regulations on the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of April 6, 2011 No. 406, Regulations on Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations, approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of January 16, 2013 No. 20, for the purpose of accomplishment of functions of operational rescue service of civil protection on carrying out search and wrecking by means of guard dogs, I ORDER to the organization of film logical ensuring office activities of bodies and divisions of Public service of Ukraine for emergency situations:

1. Approve Regulations on Film logical service of Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations which are applied.

2. To provide to the chairman of Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine according to established procedure.

3. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Ukraine concerning emergency situations and for protection of the population against effects of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash against November 30, 2006 No. 761 "About measures for the organization of activities Film logical services Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine", No. 1311/13185 registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 15, 2006.

4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

Minister of Defence of Ukraine


Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of January 20, 2014 No. 40

Regulations on Film logical service of Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations

I. General provisions

1.1. The film logical service of Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations (further - Film logical service) is created for the purpose of effective management by actions for the organization, providing and carrying out search and rescue works by film logical divisions using specially trained guard dogs, the organization of carrying out preparation of film logical calculations and content of guard dogs in film logical divisions of Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations (further - DSNS Ukraine).

1.2. In the activities the Film logical service is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other regulatory legal acts including this Provision.

1.3. Film logical services are part:

Film logical service of the device DSNS of Ukraine;

the film logical center (educational) as a part of the Interregional center of quick response;

search and rescue film logical divisions as a part of rescue units of the central subordination and special purpose of Operational rescue service of civil protection.

1.4. The chief Kinologicheskogo of service of the device DSNS of Ukraine is appointed to position and dismissed by the Chairman of Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations and performs management of Film logical service DSNS of Ukraine.

1.5. Film logical service DSNS of Ukraine interacts with film logical services of other public authorities, the companies, organizations and the organizations for development of film logical case, carrying out search and rescue works, training of the specialists carried to film logical specialization.

II. Main objectives and functions

2.1. The main objectives of Film logical service are:

the organization and carrying out search and rescue works by film logical divisions using specially trained guard dogs;

management and coordination of forces and means of Film logical service by preparation and emergency response of technogenic and natural nature;

implementation of preparation of film logical calculations and content of guard dogs in film logical divisions of DSNS of Ukraine;

organizational, analytical and methodical support of office activities of Film logical service;

implementations of organizational actions for ensuring development of material and technical resources of system of office dog breeding, implementation Zooengineering, veterinary and other necessary types of activity.

2.2. On accomplishment of the main objectives Film logical service:

determines the main directions of development of service, develops documents concerning the organization of activities of service, conducting search and other urgent works using specially trained guard dogs;

analyzes, methodically provides and coordinates activities of film logical divisions for effective use of guard dogs in search of injured people;

will organize training system and preparation of film logical calculations for accomplishment of search works using guard dogs in the conditions of emergency situations of different nature, increase in professional training of regular and freelance (volunteers) rescuers-cynologists;

carries out certification of film logical calculations;

exercises control over the implementation of requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine by film logical divisions for the questions which are within the competence of Film logical service. Gives practical help to divisions in the organization of work;

takes measures for high-quality selection, arrangement, training and education of staff of film logical divisions and enhancement of his professional skill;

controls procedure for content, preserving and breeding selection of livestock of dogs in film logical divisions of DSNS of Ukraine;

represents offers on financial and economic reasons for content of Film logical service;

analyzes and generalizes results of activities of Film logical service and provides offers to management of DSNS of Ukraine on its enhancement;

participates in creation and testing of new samples of rescue equipment, the equipment and tool for needs Film logical services;

participates in the international film logical actions (doctrines using specially trained dogs, seminars, competitions). Studies, generalizes and extends the best practices of work on cynology questions. Jointly with structural division of DSNS of Ukraine concerning international cooperation performs in accordance with the established procedure exchange with the international delegations of rescuers-cynologists and cooperates with the international film logical organizations;

performs measures for social protection of cynologists, carrying out rehabilitation of the rescuers and animals who were taking part in search and rescue works in case of mitigation of consequences of emergency situations;


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