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The document ceased to be valid since January 4, 2021 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 20, 2020 No. 393


of September 30, 2013 No. 20/460

About approval of professional standards of technical and professional education in the field of agricultural industry and conversion of agricultural products

According to Article 138-5 of the Labor code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I ORDER:

1. Approve:

1) the professional standard of technical and professional education, according to appendix 1 to this order by the form activities "Mechanization of agricultural industry";

2) the professional standard of technical and professional education, according to appendix 2 to this order by the form activities "Maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery";

3) the professional standard of technical and professional education, according to appendix 3 to this order by the form activities "Agronomics";

4) the professional standard of technical and professional education, according to appendix 4 to this order by the form activities "Storage and conversion of grain";

5) the professional standard of technical and professional education, according to appendix 5 to this order by the form activities "Production of meat and meat products";

6) the professional standard of technical and professional education, according to appendix 6 to this order by the form activities "Production of dairy products";

7) the professional standard of technical and professional education, according to appendix 7 to this order by the form activities "Production of foodstuff".

2. To departments of agriculture (A.A. Buts), conversion and agrofood markets (Akhmetov Sh. I.) take measures to implementation of professional standards according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. To management of social policy (Lepeshko S. S.):

To provide 1) in accordance with the established procedure state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) after passing of state registration to publish this order in mass media.

4. To impose control of execution of this order on the responsible Vice-Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days from the date of the first official publication.


A. Mamytbekov

It is approved

Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan

of October 21, 2013


T. Duysenova

Appendix 1

to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 30, 2013 No. 20/460

Professional standard "Mechanization of Agricultural Industry"

1. General provisions

1. The professional standard is intended for:

developments of single requirements to content of professional activity, updating of the qualification requirements meeting modern requirements of the labor market;

solutions of wide range of tasks in the field of personnel management;

developments of educational standards, curricula, modular training programs, and also developments of the corresponding educational and methodical materials;

evaluating professional readiness and confirmation of conformity of qualification of specialists.

2. The main users of professional standards are:

graduates of the organizations of education, workers;

heads and employees of the organizations, heads and specialists of divisions of personnel management of the organizations;

the specialists developing educational programs;

specialists in the field of assessment of professional readiness and confirmation of conformity of qualification of specialists.

3. On the basis of the professional standard internal, corporate standards of the organizations on functional models of activities, position, advanced training, employee assessment, incentive system of work and others can be developed.

4. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) qualification - readiness of the worker for high-quality accomplishment of specific functions within certain type of labor activity;

2) qualification level / skill level - set of the requirements to employee competences differentiated in parameters of complexity, non-standard of labor actions, responsibility and independence;

3) object of the labor - subject to which actions of the worker for the purpose of creation of product by means of certain labor instruments are directed;

4) labor instruments - the means used by the worker for transformation of object of the labor from initial condition in product;

5) type of labor activity - the component of area of professional activity created by complete set of labor functions and competences, necessary for their accomplishment;

6) labor function - enrollment of the interconnected actions directed to the solution of one or several tasks of process of work;

7) area of professional activity - the set of types of labor activity of industry having general integration basis (similar or close appointment, objects, technologies, including labor instruments) and assuming similar set of labor functions and competences for their accomplishment;

8) the professional standard - the standard determining in specific area of professional activity of the requirement to skill level, competences, to content, quality and working conditions;

9) unit of the professional standard - the structural element of the professional standard containing the developed characteristic of specific labor function which is labor activity, complete, complete, rather autonomous and significant for this type;

10) profession - sort of labor activity which requires ownership of complex of the special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special preparation, work experience;

11) competence - capability to apply knowledge, abilities and experience in labor activity;

12) position - the functional place in system organizationally - administrative hierarchy of the organization;

13) task - set of the actions connected with realization of labor function and achievement of result with use of specific objects and labor instruments;

14) industry - set of the companies and organizations of which the community of products, the production technology, fixed assets and professional skills working is characteristic;

15) industry frame of qualifications - the structured description of the qualification levels recognized in industry;

16) national frame of qualifications - the structured description of the qualification levels recognized in the labor market;

17) the functional card - the structured description of the labor functions and tasks which are carried out by the worker of certain type of activity within this or that area of professional activity.

5. In this professional standard the following reducings are used:

PD - professional activity;

VD - type of activity;

PS - the professional standard;

NRK - national frame of qualifications;

ORK - industry frame of qualifications;

ETKS - Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Maximum allowable concentration - threshold limit value;

MZhF - Mechanization of livestock farm.

2. Passport of the professional standard

6. Type of economic activity (area of professional activity): Agricultural industry.

7. Main objective of type economic (areas professional) activities: repair and preventive maintenance of different types of agricultural machinery, determination of means of mechanization and the organization of works on livestock complex, farms.

The professional standard is established in the field of professional activity by "Mechanization of agricultural industry" of the requirement to content, quality, working conditions, qualification and employee competences.

8. Types of activity, professions, qualification levels are determined in appendix 1 to this professional standard.

9. Requirements of the standard belong to types of activity and the following professions of this area:

service technician;

the operator of livestock complexes and the mechanized farms;

the technician - the mechanic of agro-industrial complex;

the technician on mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

3. Card of types of labor activity (professions)

Paragraph 1. Service technician

10. Qualification level on the ORK - 2-3.

11. Possible names of positions: service technician.

12. The profession "Service technician" obliges the subject to know and be able to carry out the tasks connected with realization of the main function: preparation, maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery.

Communication with the existing regulating documents is specified in table 1 of Appendix 2 to this professional standard.

13. Requirements to working conditions, education and work experience of the service technician are provided in table 2 of Appendix 2 to this professional standard.

14. The list of units of the professional standard is specified in table 3 of Appendix 2 to this professional standard.

15. The functional map describing units of the professional standard and the labor operations performed by the service technician is provided in table 4 of Appendix 2 to this professional standard.

16. Requirements to competences the service technician are specified in the table 5, 6 Appendices 2 to this professional standard.

Paragraph 2. The operator of livestock complexes and the mechanized farms

17. Qualification level on the ORK - 2-3.

18. Possible names of positions: the operator of livestock complexes and the mechanized farms.

19. The profession "The operator of livestock complexes and the mechanized farms" obliges the subject to know and be able to carry out the tasks connected with realization of the main function: determination of means of mechanization and organization of works on care of livestock of animals.

Communication with the existing regulating documents is specified in table 1 of Appendix 3 to this professional standard.

20. Requirements to working conditions, education and work experience of the operator of livestock complexes and the mechanized farms are provided in table 2 of Appendix 3 to this professional standard.

21. The list of units of the professional standard is specified in table 3 of Appendix 3 to this professional standard.

22. The functional map describing units of the professional standard and the labor operations performed by the operator of livestock complexes and the mechanized farms is provided in table 4 of Appendix 3 to this professional standard.

23. Requirements to competences of the operator of livestock complexes and the mechanized farms are specified in tables 5, 6 Appendices 3 to this professional standard.

Paragraph 3. The technician - the mechanic of agro-industrial complex

24. Qualification level on the ORK - 3-4.

25. Possible names of positions: the technician - the mechanic of agro-industrial complex.

26. The profession "The technician - the mechanic of agro-industrial complex" obliges the subject to know and be able to carry out the tasks connected with realization of the main function: preparation, management, maintenance, control of operation and repair of agricultural machinery, management of personnel.

Communication with the existing regulating documents is specified in table 1 of Appendix 4 to this professional standard.

27. Requirements to working conditions, education and work experience of the technician - the mechanic of agro-industrial complex are provided in table 2 of Appendix 4 to this professional standard.

28. The list of units of the professional standard is specified in table 3 of Appendix 4 to this professional standard.

29. The functional map describing units of the professional standard and the labor operations performed by the technician - the mechanic of agro-industrial complex, is provided in table 4 of Appendix 4 to this professional standard.

30. Requirements to competences of the technician - the mechanic of agro-industrial complex are specified in tables 5, 6 Appendices 4 to this professional standard.

Paragraph 4. The technician on mechanization of labor-intensive processes

31. Qualification level on the ORK - 3 - 4.

32. Possible names of positions: the technician on mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

33. The profession "The technician on mechanization of labor-intensive processes" obliges the subject to know and be able to carry out the tasks connected with realization of the main function: preparation, repair, preventive and technical servicing of machines and mechanisms in livestock production and forage production.

Communication with the existing regulating documents is specified in table 1 of Appendix 5 to this professional standard.

34. Requirements to working conditions, education and work experience of the technician on mechanization of labor-intensive processes are provided in table 2 of Appendix 5 to this professional standard.

35. The list of units of the professional standard is specified in table 3 of Appendix 5 to this professional standard.

36. The functional map describing units of the professional standard and the labor operations performed by the technician on mechanization of labor-intensive processes is provided in table 4 of Appendix 5 to this professional standard.

37. Requirements to competences of the technician on mechanization of labor-intensive processes are specified in tables 5, 6 Appendices 5 to this professional standard.

Appendix 1

to the Professional standard "Mechanization of Agricultural Industry"

Types of activity, professions, qualification levels

№ of payment order

Name of type of activity

The name of profession taking into account labor market tendencies

The name of profession according to the state qualifier of occupations of RK Group 01-2005

ORK qualification level


Preparation, maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery

Service technician

The technician on mechanization of labor-intensive processes, the service technician



Performance of works on cultivation of the cattle by means of machines and mechanisms

The operator of livestock complexes and the mechanized farms

The operator of livestock complexes and the mechanized farms, the master, the serviceman



Preparation, management, maintenance, control of operation and repair of agricultural machinery, management of personnel

Technician-mechanic of agro-industrial complex

Technician-mechanic of agro-industrial complex



Preparation, repair and preventive, technical servicing of machines and mechanisms in livestock production and forage production, and also management of personnel

The technician on mechanization of labor-intensive processes

The technician-mechanic of agro-industrial complex, operator of livestock complexes and the mechanized farms, the master, the serviceman


Appendix 2

to the Professional standard "Mechanization of Agricultural Industry"

Table 1. Communication with the existing regulating documents

State qualifier of occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of RK Group 01-2005

Basic group


Single wage rate book of works and professions of working (ETKS)

Release, Section ETKS

Release 2 "Metalwork and metalwork and assembly works"

of March 1, 2012 No. 66-? - m

(No. 7478 MU of 19.03.2012)

Profession on ETKS

Service technician

ORK qualification level

Categories on ETKS


2 - 4


5 - 8

Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees


ORK level





Standard qualification characteristics of positions of heads,

specialists and other employees of the organizations


ORK level


Table 2. Requirements to working conditions, education and work experience

Possible places of employment in (the companies, the organizations)

The stations of agricultural machinery, the companies providing maintenance of agricultural machinery, machine and tractor parks and workshops for repair and maintenance.

Agricultural forming on cultivation of the earth public and agricultural constructions, arrangement of rural roads

Harmful and dangerous working conditions

Temperature condition. The rotating elements of heavy machinery. Work at height, raising of weights. Electricity, noise, dust, acids, alkalis, allergens, fuels and lubricants, pesticides and dangerous chemicals in different forms. Possibility of increase in maximum allowable concentration of hazardous substances or gases. Stress factors, in particular during season of landing and harvesting

Special conditions of the admission to work

The car driver license, the certificate of the tractor operator, driver, according to relevant provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


ORK level

Level of professional education and training

Required work experience


Short-term rates or training at the company in the presence of general secondary education

During training


Technical and professional education, practical experience of work

2 years at the 2nd ORK level





Table 3. List of units of the professional standard
(labor functions of profession)

labor function

Name of labor function

(units of the professional standard)


The choice, acceptance, start to operation of working machines and mechanisms


Repair and preventive maintenance of different types of agricultural machinery


Elimination, analysis of quality of repair work

Table 4. Description of units of the professional standard
(functional card)

labor function

Objects of the labor

Labor instruments


(labor actions)


Means of agricultural purpose the mechanized aggregates, hinged, trailing the equipment, cars, tractors, combines

Liquids gases for chilling, fuels and lubricants, computers and computer diagnostic aids and control, mechanical control and measuring tools and devices

1-1) Visual survey and choice of the tractor, combine, hinged and trailing aggregates

1-2) Installation and installation of hinged, trailing aggregates and optimum power setting and equipment


Means of agricultural purpose the mechanized aggregates, hinged, trailing the equipment, cars, tractors, combines

Liquids, gases for chilling, fuels and lubricants, computers and computer diagnostic aids and control, mechanical control and measuring tools and devices

2-1) Repair of different types of agricultural machinery

2-2) Preventive and maintenance of different types of agricultural machinery


Means of agricultural purpose, the mechanized aggregates, hinged, trailing the equipment, cars, tractors, combines

Liquids, gases for chilling, it is combustible - lubricants, computers and computer diagnostic aids and control, mechanical control and measuring tools and devices

3-1) Check of operation of machines and mechanisms, diagnostics, control of working parameters of machines, mechanisms and their elimination

3-2) Analysis of results of installation and repair of aggregates and mechanisms, quality checks of repair work

3-3) Debugging and start to work

Table 5. Requirements to competences of the service technician of the 2nd ORK level

Code of task

Personal and professional competences




The performing sales activity of regulation under the direction of assuming the limited liability and certain degree of independence in realization of survey of the tractor, combine, hinged and trailing aggregates

The choice and the organization of machine combinations to destination taking into account technical and agroclimatic requirements

Classification of tractors, combines and machines with the mechanical drive on their design, appointment, function, scope and operational characteristics


The performing sales activity of regulation under the direction of assuming the limited liability and certain degree of independence during repair of different types of agricultural machinery

Assembly and dismantling of engines and systems of agricultural machinery. Ability to determine defects in use of machines and their documentation

Description of systems, operational parameters, principles of operating mode of mechanisms and characteristics wheel, catarpillars, combines and motor vehicles

Table 6. Requirements to competences of the service technician of the 3rd ORK level

Code of task

Personal and professional competences




The performing sales activity of regulation under the direction of providing independent planning, responsibility for accomplishment of objectives in realization of installation, installation of operating modes

Ability to perform preparation, installation, adjustment, dismantle and storage of agricultural machinery

Description of the working procedure of stages of work on safe installation, installation, dismantle, processing, loading, stacking, unloading and storage of the hinged equipment, tools


The performing sales activity of regulation under the direction of providing independent planning, responsibility for accomplishment of objectives in the period of preventive and maintenance of different types of agricultural machinery

Assembly and dismantling of engines and systems of agricultural machinery. Ability to determine defects in use of machines both their documentation, and ability to draw up defective statements

Description of systems, operational parameters, principles of operating mode of mechanisms and characteristics wheel, catarpillars, combines and motor vehicles


The performing sales activity of regulation under the direction of providing independent planning, responsibility for accomplishment of objectives when checking operation of machines and mechanisms, and also diagnostics, control of working parameters of machines, mechanisms and their elimination

Ability to determine shortcomings and defects in use of machines. Adjust dashboards of instrumentations

Description of mechanisms and characteristics of systems of automatic control and alarm system, touch technologies of motor vehicles, and other self-propelled agricultural equipment


The performing sales activity of regulation under the direction of providing independent planning, responsibility for accomplishment of objectives in implementation of the analysis of results of installation and repair of aggregates and mechanisms, quality check of repair work

Monitoring, control of operational parameters of the equipment and their adjustment

The description of systems, the principles and operating mode of functional mechanisms and operational parameters, vehicles with the mechanical drive, farm vehicles, trail cars, the hinged equipment, aggregates


The performing sales activity of regulation under the direction of providing independent planning, responsibility for accomplishment of objectives when debugging and start to work

Ability to determine technical violations, the reasons of accidents and incidents in case of operation of agricultural machinery. Ability to provide offers to heads on improvement of standard procedures according to quality assurance measures

Description of control methods of safe, effective work of agricultural machinery, monitoring and control of mechanisms and devices

Appendix 3

to the Professional standard "Mechanization of Agricultural Industry"

Table 1. Communication with the existing regulating documents

State qualifier of occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of RK Group 01-2005

Basic group


Single wage rate book of works and professions of working (ETKS)

Release, Section ETKS

Release 64 "Works and professions of workers in livestock production"

of 1.11.2012 No. 422-? - m (No. 8089 MU of 23.11.2013)

Profession on ETKS

The operator of livestock complexes and the mechanized farms


ORK level

Categories on ETKS


2 - 4


5 - 6

Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees

ORK qualification level





Standard qualification characteristics of positions of heads, specialists and other employees of the organizations


ORK level


Table 2. Requirements to working conditions, education and work experience

Possible places of employment in (the companies, the organizations)

Agricultural forming, subsidiary farms engaged in introduction of meat, milk, commodity livestock production (the livestock farms and the mechanized complexes opened and the closed feedlots)

Harmful and dangerous working conditions

Temperature condition. The rotating elements of heavy machinery. Work at height, raising of weights. Electricity, noise, dust, acids, alkalis, allergens, it is combustible - lubricants, dangerous chemicals in different forms. Possibility of increase in maximum allowable concentration of hazardous substances or gases. Stress - factors, in particular during season of landing and harvesting.

Special conditions of the admission to work

According to the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan


ORK level

Level of professional education and training

Required work experience


Short-term rates or training at the company in the presence of general secondary education

During training


Technical and professional education

1 year at the 3rd ORK level

Table 3. List of units of the professional standard
(labor functions of profession)

No. of labor function

Name of labor function

(units of the professional standard)


Matching, acceptance, distribution of livestock of animals and conditioning agents, installation, adjustment and use of mechanisms, MZhF equipment, debugging in mechanisms


Determination of livestock of animals, means of mechanization and the organization of works on livestock complex, farms


Visual check of operation of machines and mechanisms, diagnostics of working parameters, qualities, aggregates, repair work and their elimination. Condition of feeding of content of animals, the analysis of breeding accounting, the received products and methods of increase in productivity of animals

Table 4. Description of units of the professional standard
(functional card)

labor function

Objects of the labor

Labor instruments

Tasks (labor actions)


Livestock of farm animals, large cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs and their young growth

Means of mechanization, the equipment of livestock complexes, autodrinking bowls, milking machines, cattlefeeders, transporters for navozoudaleniye, electric lighting and supply

1-1) Matching, acceptance, distribution of livestock of animals and conditioning agents, installation, adjustment and use of mechanisms, MZhF equipment, debugging in mechanisms


Livestock of farm animals, largely cattle, horses, sheep, goats, horses, pigs and their young growth

Means of mechanization, the equipment of livestock complexes, autodrinking bowls, milking machines, cattlefeeders, transporters for navozoudaleniye, electric lighting and supply

2-1) Matching, acceptance, distribution of livestock of animals and conditioning agents, installation, adjustment and use of mechanisms, MZhF equipment, debugging in mechanisms


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