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The document ceased to be valid according to Item 3 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of March 31, 2020 No. 213

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan

 On January 9, 2014 No. 103


of January 3, 2014 No. 33

About rates of the land tax and the single tax for producers of agricultural products

According to articles 273 and 302 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Tajikistan and article 51 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About regulatory legal acts" the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:

1. Approve rates of the land tax and the single tax for producers of agricultural products within cadastral zones on the cities, settlements and areas of the republic, including mountain zones for 2013 according to appendices 1, 2 and 3.

2. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of April 30, 2012 No. 206 "About approval of average rates of the land tax and single tax for producers of agricultural products".

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan

Emomalii Rahmon


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of January 3, 2014 No. 33

Appendix 1

Rates of the land tax within cadastral zones, the cities and areas of the republic, including in mountain zones (in somoni from one hectare)

|№п/п|Наименование   |Пахотные земли|Паст-|Сено-|Дороги,     |Другие |
|    |кадастровых зон| и многолетние|бища |косы |улицы       |земли  |
|    |городов и      | насаждения   |     |     |постройки,  |не ис- |
|    |районов        +------+-------+     |     |площади,    |пользу-|
|    |               |ороша-|богар- |     |     |площади,    |емые в |
|    |               |емые  |ные    |     |     |кустарники  |сель-  |
|    |               |      |       |     |     |и коллекторы|хозпро-|
|    |               |      |       |     |     |            |извод- |
|    |               |      |       |     |     |            |стве   |
| 1  |      2        |  3   |   4   |  5  |  6  |     7      |   8   |
|    |  1.Сугд       |86,65 |15,89  |2,88 |5,77 |   10,10    | 1,45  |
| 1  |  Ашт          |87,28 |15,89  |2,76 |5,35 |   10,10    | 1,45  |
| 2  |  Бободжон     |      |       |     |     |            |       |
|    |  Гафуров      |87,40 |16,19  |2,88 | 5,77|   10,10    | 1,45  |
| 3  |  Ганчи        |65,80 |16,59  |4,19 | 8,24|   10,10    | 1,45  |
| 4  |  Зафарабад    |102,40|15,89  |2,76 | 5,35|   10,10    | 1,45  |
| 5  |  Исфара       |96,63 |15,89  |3,47 | 6,78|   10,10    | 1,45  |
| 6  |  Истаравшан   |68,37 |17,45  |3,47 | 6,78|   10,10    | 1,45  |
| 7  |  Канибадам    |96,45 |15,89  |2,76 | 3,89|   10,10    | 1,45  |
| 8  |  Мастчох      |101,61|18,61  |2,76 | 5,35|   10,10    | 1,45  |
| 9  |  Ститамен     |105,43|18,61  |2,76 | 5,35|   10,10    | 1,45  |
|10  |Джабор Расулов |103,63|17,45  |3,17 | 6,49|   10,10    | 1,45  |
|  Горная зона       |      |       |5,77 | 8,67|   8,67     | 1,16  |
|11  |Айни           |49,80 | 8,72  |5,20 | 7,80|   8,67     | 1,16  |
|12  |Кухистоми      |      |       |     |     |            |       |
|    |Мастчох        |51,36 | 9,17  |5,20 | 7,80|   8,67     | 1,16  |
|13  |Пенджикент     |79,83 | 7,01  |6,20 | 9,37|   8,67     | 1,16  |
|14  |Шахристан      |42,97 | 15,16 |6,20 | 9,37|   8,67     | 1,16  |
|II. |Гиссар         |92,41 | 37,56 |5,77 | 7,21|   8,67     | 1,45  |
| 1  |Вахдат         |79,31 | 40,95 |6,36 | 6,93|   8,67     | 1,45  |
| 2  |Рудаки         |84,50 | 37,40 |6,49 | 8,09|   8,67     | 1,45  |
| 3  |Турсунзаде     |103,90| 26,58 |5,06 | 6,36|   8,67     | 1,45  |
| 4  |Шахринав       |120,69| 30,08 |6,49 | 8,09|   8,67     | 1,45  |
| 5  |Гиссар         |107,63| 28,60 |5,77 | 7,21|   8,67     | 1,45  |
| 5  |Горная зона    |      |       |5,77 | 7,21|   7,21     | 1,16  |
| 6  |Варзоб         |67,80 | 38,51 |5,47 | 7,08|   7,21     | 1,16  |
| 7  |Файзабад       |71,18 | 66,85 |6,36 | 7,95|   7,21     | 1,16  |
|III.  Рашт          |75,09 | 54,87 |5,77 | 8,67|   8,67     | 1,16  |
| 1  | Нуробод       |64,33 | 55,04 |6,49 | 9,68|   8,67     | 1,16  |
| 2  | Paшт          |73,53 | 62,52 |6,49 | 9,68|   8,67     | 1,16  |
| 3  | Рогун         |64,33 | 53,60 |6,49 | 9,68|   8,67     | 1,16  |


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