of November 22, 2013 No. 55
About approval of Rules on ensuring industrial safety in case of oil and gas extraction
Based on subitem 7.4 of Item 7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 29, 2006 No. 756 "About some questions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations" the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules on ensuring industrial safety in case of oil and gas extraction.
2. This resolution becomes effective since December 10, 2013.
Minister |
V. A. Vashchenko |
It is approved Chairman of Belneftekhim concern October 23, 2013 |
I.F.Zhilin |
It is approved Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus October 28, 2013 |
M. A. Shchetkina |
It is approved Minister of Health of the Republic of Belarus October 24, 2013 |
V.I.Zharko |
It is approved Minister of Architecture of the Republic of Belarus October 28, 2013 |
A.B.Cherny |
It is approved Minister of natural resources and environmental protections of the Republic of Belarus October 23, 2013 |
V. G. Tsalko |
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of November 22, 2013 No. 55
1. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
2. Rules on ensuring industrial safety in case of oil and gas extraction (further - Rules) establish requirements for ensuring industrial safety during the designing, construction, operation and servicing of exploratory and operational oil, gas, gas-condensate wells, wells of underground gas storages in the porous circle and deposits of rock salt, wells of rassolopromysl, production, collection, preparation and oil transportation, gas and oil and gas condensate, production of geophysical works in oil and gas wells, performance of works on the prevention of oil and gas water manifestations and open spouting of wells.
3. Rules do not extend to conducting works in case of liquidation of open oil and gas fountains.
4. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
5. In these rules terms and their determinations in the values established by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 5, 2016 "About industrial safety" are used (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 14.01. 2016, 2/2352), and also other regulatory legal acts in the field of industrial safety, and also the following terms and their determinations:
emergency readiness - the complex of organizational and technical actions providing localization and liquidation of accident with minimum risk, costs of time and means;
safety of production - optimum balance of condition of production process, the equipment, workplaces and behavior of the person limiting impact on working harmful and (or) dangerous production factors;
explosion-fire-hazardous objects (systems) - production facilities (systems) connected with use or receipt (production) of the flammable liquids and gases capable in case of them (or their vapors) interaction with air to form explosive mixes;
emission - the critical condition of well which is characterized by heavy traffic of flushing liquid from well as a result of replacement of the last by the fluid which arrived from layer in well trunk;
load-carrying capacity of tower (mast) - the size of the "Allowed Loading on Hook" parameter in combination with loadings on the tradable and motionless ends of talevy rope;
the allowed loading on hook - the amount of static and dynamic loads on hook which can be attached to hook of the drilling rig in the course of well construction;
reservoir - vessel, including the mobile vessel intended for conducting engineering procedures, and also for storage of gaseous, liquid and other substances, including fuels and lubricants;
oil and gas water manifestation (flyuidoproyavleniye) - the well condition which is characterized by intake of formation fluid in trunk of well and followed by modulation of flushing liquid through the mouth, increase in level of liquid in reception reservoirs, and in case of the sealed mouth increase in pressure in annular, pipe or both spaces;
gas and oil producing object (object) - the territory designated (fenced) within the taken-away parcel of land with the industrial buildings located in it, constructions, platforms, auxiliary and household rooms;
normal reservoir pressure - reservoir pressure equal to the hydrostatic pressure of water with a density of 1000 kg/m3 from layer roof to surface down. Abnormal reservoir pressures are characterized by any variation from normal;
the open fountain - the critical condition of well which is characterized by the uncontrollable expiration of formation fluid through pipe annular or both spaces, through leaks in upsetting column or the protivovybrosovy equipment, and also as a result of grifonoobrazovaniye in the absence of opportunity the protivovybrosovy equipment installed on well to pressurize the mouth;
complication in well - the violation of continuity of engineering procedure of drilling, testing, capital or running repair of well caused by the phenomena of mining-and-geological and technology nature in case of observance of rules of conducting works, the project on drilling of well, the plan for carrying out technology transaction and requiring for its liquidation of carrying out extra works;
the increased production danger - working conditions in which in addition to mechanical impact on the worker danger of fire, defeats by electric current, poisonings can arise technical means;
antigushing service - specialized service according to the prevention and liquidation of open gas and oil fountains, localizations of emergency oil spills and oil products;
requirements of antigushing safety - condition, the restrictions, prohibitions and other mandatory requirements containing in these rules, regulatory legal acts which observance provides non-admission of emergence of unauthorized oil and gas water manifestations, emissions and open spouting of wells.
6. All works on designing, construction and operation of facilities for production of oil and gas shall be performed according to requirements of the NPA and these rules.
7. Import technical devices, persons under surveillance to the Gospromnadzor, can be used for oil and gas extraction if there is permission of Department on supervision of safe operation in the industry of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus (further – the Gospromnadzor) on their application in the Republic of Belarus, except for the technical devices used on potentially dangerous objects concerning which technical regulations of the Customs union and (or) Eurasian Economic Union which action extends to them became effective and to confirmation of conformity to requirements of which they are subject.
8. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
9. The accidents and incidents which took place on hazardous production facilities in case of oil and gas extraction shall be investigated according to the Instruction about procedure for technical investigation of the reasons of accidents and incidents, and also their accounting approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of July 12, 2016 No. 36 (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 31.08.2016, 8/31230).
10. For the purpose of non-admission of the accidents, incidents and technogenic emergency situations connected with oil and gas water manifestations and successful work on their liquidation in the organizations which activities are connected with investigation and development of oil, gas and gas-condensate fields by underground gas storage in the porous circle scheduled maintenance on the prevention of such accidents and emergency operation on their liquidation by specialized services on the prevention and liquidation of open gas and oil fountains according to local regulatory legal acts of the organization shall be carried out (further - LNPA).
11. On degree of danger of emergence of oil and gas water manifestations of well are subdivided into categories.
First category:
- well with reservoir pressure there is more than pressure of static column of borehole fluid or equal to it;
- gas wells, irrespective of the size of reservoir pressure;
- oil wells in which intake of gas in well through violations of column or as a result of behind-the-casing overflows is revealed;
- wells with lack of circulation;
- exploratory and search wells.
The second category - wells with reservoir pressure is less than pressure of static column of borehole fluid.
12. The personnel of crews of drilling, development and repair of wells shall be instructed and almost trained in the measures necessary for the prevention of oil and gas water manifestations, emissions and open fountains, according to local regulations.
13. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
14. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
15. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
16. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
17. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
18. On objects and productions on which potentially dangerous objects with chemical, physical and chemical, physical processes where formation of explosive environments is possible (mix of gases, vapors with air and other oxidizers) are operated and turn out, used, processed, the dangerous substances specified in Item 1 of appendix 1 and in Item 1 of appendix 2 to the Law "About Industrial Safety" in case of risk of fire are stored, transported or explosion the plan of localization and liquidation of incidents and accidents in which, taking into account specific conditions, prompt actions of personnel on accident prevention and incidents, and also liquidation of emergencies shall be provided shall be developed.
19. On the basis of these rules and others the NPA, in the organization taking into account local conditions, instructions for labor protection by professions and (or) separate work types (services) shall be developed. Instructions shall be approved by the order of the head of the organization or signature stamp of approval according to the Instruction about procedure for acceptance of local regulatory legal acts on the labor protection for professions and separate work types (services) approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of November 28, 2008 No. 176 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2009, No. 29, 8/20258).
20. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
21. Finding of strangers on workplaces without the permission of the works manager on object or administration of the organization is not allowed.
22. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
Chapter 2 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017 No. 55
32. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
33. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
34. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
35. To under construction, repaired and to the operating wells, pumping and compressor stations and other stationary objects of oil production ways which shall have information indexes shall be paved, and also platforms for unloading, placement of the equipment and materials on the allocated land areas are prepared.
Roads shall be kept in working order.
36. In the organizations which have underground communications (cable lines, oil and gas pipelines, etc.) executive schemes of the actual arrangement of these communications shall be developed and approved by management of the organization.
Underground communications on the area are designated by the indexes located on the route in places of turns, transitions through roads and water barriers.
37. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
38. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
39. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
40. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
41. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
42. In explosive rooms the telephone set and the signaling device to it shall be executed in explosion-proof execution, corresponding to category of the building or the room on potential of explosion according to Regulations for electrical installation approved by the order of the Belarusian state energy concern "Belenergo" of December 28, 2005 No. 380 (further - PUE).
43. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
44. Each production facility where the service personnel resides, shall be provided with telephone or radiotelephone communication with control office or management of the site, workshop, the organization.
45. Production facilities shall be ensured by signs safety, warning and information labels.
46. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
47. It is forbidden to encumber with materials and other objects production rooms (workplaces, passes, drives, etc.).
The production territory and workplaces shall be kept clean.
48. It is allowed to smoke in the territory of production facilities only in the specially allotted and equipped for these purposes places.
49. In places of permanent transition of people over the pipelines laid on the Earth's surface, and also over ditches and trenches transitional bridges width of at least 0,6 of m with handrail height of at least 1,0 of m, onboard barrier height - m 0,15 shall be arranged.
50. For pozharovzryvoopasny productions (oil preparation installation, reservoir parks, etc.) application of wooden floorings for covering of working platforms is forbidden.
51. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
52. Pipelines in places of crossing of highways and transitions shall be suspended on support at the height at least 5 m (m 4,5 in case of the corresponding reasons) over roads and moving of at least 2,2 of m over transitions or are laid to the earth according to Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of technology pipelines approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of March 21, 2007 No. 20 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007, No. 107, 8/16225).
53. It is forbidden to establish aggregates, machines, the equipment and to perform any works within the conservation zone of the operating electricity transmission air-lines, and also production of earthwork in the conservation zone of the operating underground cable power lines.
54. The distance from the basis of tower, mast of any installation to the conservation zone of air-line of electricity transmission shall be at least height of tower, mast plus 10 m. This requirement does not belong to the site of air-line of electricity transmission on which electric utility service of this installation is directly performed.
55. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
56. In rooms, on objects and workplaces where allocation in air of harmful vapors is possible, gases and dust, and also in cases of change of engineering procedures periodic control of the air circle according to the legislation shall be exercised.
57. For each engineering procedure shall be provided:
measures for the maximum decrease in level of its potential of explosion;
prevention of explosions in the equipment;
exception of explosions and fires in rooms and on the open areas;
decrease in emissions of combustible substances in the atmosphere in case of depressurization of the equipment, etc.
58. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
59. Artificial lighting shall be executed according to requirements of technical regulatory legal acts for electrical safety.
60. The territory of the organization, the place of movement of people and transport, workplaces, objects with nightfall or in case of poor visibility (fog, rain) shall be provided with artificial lighting.
61. In production rooms and zones of work on the open areas, emergency lighting shall be provided in necessary cases (for continuation of works or for safe exit of people from rooms in case of sudden shutdown of working light).
62. Lamps of working and emergency light shall be powered from different sources of electric utility service.
63. In case of the choice of type of lighting of production and auxiliary rooms natural lighting shall be used as much as possible.
64. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
65. The machines and the equipment operated on hazardous production facilities and (or) potentially dangerous objects shall conform to requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union of TR CU 010/2011 "About safety of machines and the equipment", the Customs union accepted by the Decision of the Commission of October 18, 2011 No. 823.
66. Operation of the operative equipment, tool, gages is performed according to requirements of these rules, the operational and technical documentation of the organization manufacturer submitted in the Russian or Belarusian languages.
67. Before commissioning of the new equipment (upgraded) or moved from one object of works on another check of its compliance to requirements of these rules by the commission of the organization appointed by the order of the head of the organization is made. By results of check the statement of input of the equipment in operation is drawn up.
Commisioning of the equipment after capital repairs (without upgrade and change of placement) is performed according to requirements of LNPA operating in the organization.
68. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
69. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
70. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
71. The equipment shall be installed on the strong bases (bases) executed according to the project or requirements of the instructions for installation (operation) of the organization manufacturer ensuring its normal functioning is carefully verified and reliably fixed.
72. The distance between separate mechanisms and between mechanisms and walls of the building shall be at least 1 m, and width of working passes - m 0,75. For portable block and modular installations and aggregates width of working passes is allowed by at least 0,5 of m.
73. For explosion-fire-hazardous technology systems which equipment and pipelines in use are exposed to vibration measures for its decrease and exception of possibility of emergency movement, shift, destruction of the equipment and depressurization of systems shall be provided.
74. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
75. Changes can be made to design of the equipment only in coordination with the organization developer of this equipment.
76. Nodes, details, devices and elements of the equipment which can be source to danger for working and also the surfaces of protective and protection devices shall be painted in alarm colors and are designated by safety sign.
77. In case of start-up in work or equipment stop (devices, sites of pipelines, etc.) measures for prevention of education shall be provided in technology system of explosive mixes (purge inert gas, vapor, control of efficiency of purge, etc.), and also traffic jams as a result of hydrate formation or freezing of liquids.
78. On the body of electric equipment and electrical machines which can appear energized visible elements for connection of protective grounding shall be provided. Near this element the Grounding symbol is represented.
79. The open moving and rotating parts of the equipment, devices, mechanisms shall be, etc. protected or put into casings.
The barrier shall be quick-detachable and convenient for installation.
The design and fixture of barrier shall exclude possibility of inadvertent contact with the protected element.
80. Temperature of outside surfaces of the equipment and casings of heat-insulating coverings shall not exceed temperatures of self-ignition of the most explosion-fire-hazardous product, and in the places available to service personnel, shall exclude possibility of burns and to be no more than 45 °C indoors and 60 °C on outside installations.
81. The hot surfaces of devices, pipelines and exhaust pipes of internal combustion engines in places of possible contact with them in order to avoid burns of people shall be protected or isolated by heat-insulating materials.
82. The shutoff valves established on the delivery and soaking-up pipelines of the pump or the compressor shall be as close as possible to the pump (compressor) and be in zone, convenient and safe for servicing.
83. On the shutoff valves (latches, cranes) established on pipelines indexes of provisions shall be "open" and "closed".
84. Stationary technology pipelines shall be operated according to requirements of Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of the technology pipelines approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of March 21, 2007 No. 20.
85. The procedure for pressure testing temporary (till 1 year) delivery pipelines in case of construction, development, repair of wells is established in appropriate sections of these rules. Pressure testing of technology pipelines on drilling rigs of import production to be made according to the instruction of the organization manufacturer of installation.
86. Pipelines of explosion-fire-hazardous technology systems shall not have flange or other demountable connections, except installation sites of armature or connection of devices.
87. Exhaust pipes from internal combustion engines shall be removed with observance of requirements of fire safety and be equipped with spark arresters.
88. Exhaust gases of internal combustion engines of drilling rigs shall be removed on distance at least 15 m from the mouth of well (for mobile installations of 10 m) and at least 5 m from side covering of blocks of the drilling rig (in case of horizontal laying of the exhaust pipeline) and are at least 1,5 m higher than roof ridge (in case of vertical laying of exhaust pipes). If the covering of the drilling rig is made of metal, it is allowed to carry out conclusion of exhaust gases to distance of at least 1,5 of m from covering.
89. Reservoirs for storage of fuel and oil shall be located at distance at least 40 m from the mouth of well in case of its drilling and 25 m from the mouth of well in case of repair of wells. Fuel-supply lines shall be equipped with locking devices.
Application as fuel-supply lines and the transitions of the rubber hoses having the quality certificate and which are included in the package of delivery of the organization manufacturer of drilling equipment is allowed.
90. The devices (lock-nuts, forelocks, wedges, etc.) preventing spontaneous breaking-out and rassoyedineniye in operating time shall be provided in fixing nodes and details of machines and the equipment. Need of application and type of devices is determined by design documentation.
91. Operation of the equipment, mechanisms, the tool in non-operational condition or in case of defective safety controls (the blocking, fixing, alarm devices and devices), and also with exceeding of working parameters above passport is forbidden.
92. For the capital equipment used in engineering procedure admissible service life (resource) shall be installed by the organization manufacturer. Operation of the equipment which fulfilled admissible resource is allowed with the permission of the head of the operating organization after carrying out engineering certification, the corresponding testing and creation of the act confirming suitability of the equipment to further operation.
93. When carrying out repair of the equipment removal of casings and barriers shall be carried out only after its shutdown, dumping of pressure, stop of moving parts and turning on of the blocking devices which are not allowing to set accidentally them in motion by gravity or other factors both from the drive, and from the working mechanism with obligatory posting on starting arrangements of the poster "Not include! People work".
94. Special devices or devices for replacement of the fast-wearing-out and replaceable details and nodes ensuring convenience and safety of work shall be provided in set of the equipment of mechanisms.
95. The compressed and liquefied gases shall be spent from cylinders only through special reducers with manometers.
96. During transportation and transferring of the tool having sharp edges or edges it is necessary to take the measures excluding possibility of injuring of people (to apply covers, bags, boxes, etc.).
97. During the work at height tools should be transferred in the special bags or cartridge pouches fixed on safety belt.
98. In explosive rooms, on outside installations with possible release of explosion-fire-hazardous gases, and also in case of accomplishment of gas dangerous works the tool which is not giving sparks in case of blow shall be used.
99. It is forbidden to dump any objects from height.
100. The design of governing bodies of installations for drilling, development, capital and running repair of wells shall exclude spontaneous inclusion of nodes under vibration or concussions.
101. The gages established on the equipment, estuarial fittings of wells, pipelines shall be confided, calibrated by bodies of the Public metrological service or accredited laboratories, or are subjected to the different ways of metrological control determined by the operating organization (for the gages which are not falling within the scope of legislative metrology).
102. Operability of gages needs to be checked in the terms provided by the operating TNPA (maintenance instructions for these means, regulations, plans, schedules, etc.), and also every time in case of doubt in correctness of their indications.
103. No. 55 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 29.12.2017
104. Manometers, indicators of weight and other gages shall be established so that indications them clearly were visible to service personnel. The manometer shall be chosen with such scale that the upper limit of measurement of working pressure was in the second third of scale.
105. On manometer scale the red line specifying the maximum working pressure shall be caused with the owner. Instead of red line it is allowed to attach the metal plate painted in red color and skintight to manometer glass to the manometer body. On the manometers transferred to the category of indicators it is necessary to put the index in the form of letter "I".
106. Control systems of engineering procedures, the automatic, automated and remote control (management system), antiemergency protection, and also communications and the notifications about non-staff situations including delivered completely with the equipment shall meet the requirements of TNPA, regulations and to provide the set accuracy of maintenance of technology parameters, reliability and safety of carrying out engineering procedures.
107. In operating time of mechanisms it is forbidden:
make their repair or fixture of any parts;
clean and grease moving parts manually or by means of the devices which are not intended for this purpose;
remove barrier or their separate parts and get for barriers;
stop moving parts of mechanisms podkladyvaniye of pipes, levers and other objects, and also directly hands or legs;
pass through drive belts and chains or under them;
direct, put on, dump, pull or weaken belt and chain drives.
108. Mechanisms shall be used on signal and only after removal of people from moving parts and installation of barriers.
109. Cranes and other heavy lift gears shall have limiters of the allowed load-carrying capacity, except for cranes and the crane beams on which their installation is not provided by the organization manufacturer, and also the reliable brake mechanisms and fixers which are not allowing spontaneous movement of load and the mechanism. This requirement does not extend to manual waists and winches.
110. The last 100 m of rope or cable with the tool, the device or the device shall rise from well at the lowered speed.
111. Lifting mechanisms (winches, talevy blocks, kronblok, jacks, cranes, etc.), load-lifting devices and devices (rollers, shtropa, elevators, hooks, etc.), and also ropes cargo (talevy, tartalny, towing and auxiliary), intended for capture or deduction of loads, shall conform to requirements of TNPA in the field of technical regulation and standardization, industrial safety.
112. The heavy lift gears having management from cabins shall be equipped with the sound alarm system.
113. The design of talevy blocks, kronblok, hooks and rollers shall exclude possibility of spontaneous unscrewing of their details in use.
114. Talevy blocks and kronblok shall have casings to pulleys or the special devices provided by the organization manufacturer of the drilling rig, preventing rope soskakivaniye.
115. Motionless blocks for rise and descent of weights shall fasten strictly collars or other special devices and have the devices preventing rope soskakivaniye.
The suspension bracket of blocks on rope loops is forbidden.
116. On lifting hooks there shall be safety latch or other device which is reliably locking hook pharynx.
117. Maintenance and repair of the equipment are carried out according to the system of scheduled preventive maintenance provided in the organizations.
118. Machines and mechanisms shall have the strong metal barriers which are reliably closing access from all directions to moving parts and the rotating equipment elements according to requirements of TNPA.
Open doors of barriers or remove barriers follows after complete stop of the equipment or the mechanism. Launch of the equipment or mechanism is allowed only after installation into place and reliable fixing of all removable parts of barrier.
Removable barriers shall be convenient for their assembly and dismantling.
119. The barriers established at distance of more 0,35 of m from moving parts of mechanisms can be carried out in the form of handrail. If the barrier is established at distance of less 0,35 of m from moving parts of mechanisms, then it shall be continuous or mesh in metal frame (framework).
120. Height of perilny barrier is determined by the sizes of moving parts of mechanisms, but there shall be at least 1,25 of m.
121. Height of onboard barrier shall be m 0,15, between horizontal elements m, and distance between axes of adjacent racks - no more 2,5 of m shall make distance no more 0,. Height of mesh barrier shall be at least 1,8 of m. The mechanisms having height of less 1,8 of m shall be protected completely. The size of cells of grids shall be no more than 30 x 30 mm. The mesh barrier shall have metal frame (framework).
122. Perilny barriers for drive belts shall be height of at least 1,5 of m. From outer side of both pulleys on case of gap of belt metal front boards shall be established.
123. Tooth and chain gearings shall be protected with continuous metal boards (casings) having removable parts and devices for convenient assembly and dismantling.
124. The acting details of moving parts of the equipment (including splines of shaft) and the rotating connections shall be closed by casings on all circle of rotation.
Application of the casings opened in the lower part is allowed if the edge of casing is located below the moving or rotating detail on 100 mm at least and not above m 0,5 from floor level.
125. Stationary objects which servicing requires raising of the worker on height to m 0,75 shall be equipped with steps, and 0,75 ladders and handrail is one height higher.
126. Mid-flight ladders shall have bias no more than 60 ° (at reservoirs - no more than 50 °), width of ladders (distance between bowstrings in purity) shall be at least 0,65 of m, at ladder for transfer of weights - at least 1 m. The distance between steps on height shall be no more 0,25 of m. Steps shall have bias inside 2-5 °.
On both sides of step shall have the side levels or onboard barrier height of at least 0,15 of m excluding possibility of slipping of legs of the person. Ladders shall be equipped from two parties with handrail 1 m high.
The stationary ladders more than 5 m high established at an angle more than 60 ° to the horizon shall have, since height of 2 m from its lower end, arc barriers or to be equipped with the device for fixing of carbine of safety belt.
127. Ladders of tunnel type shall be metal, width 0,60 of m suffices and to have, since height no more than 3 m, the safety arches the radius of 0,350,40 of m fastened among themselves with strips. Arches are located at distance of no more 0,80 of m one from another or from the transitional platform. The distance from the most remote point of arch to steps shall be in m 0,70-0,80 limits. Safety arches shall be located at distance of 2 m from the basis (earth).
Ladders need to be equipped with the intermediate platforms located at distance no more than 6 m down one from another (except mobile drilling rigs).
The distance between steps of ladders of tunnel type and step-ladders shall be no more 0,35 of m.
Accomplishment of steps of ladders from prutkovy steel is not allowed.
128. Mid-flight ladders shall have bilateral handrail 1 m high, measured down from front side of step, and with average level. The distance between racks shall be no more than 2 m. Handrail since both ends shall unite from the resistant transitional platform.
129. Between marches of ladders transitional platforms shall be arranged. Width of platforms shall be at least width of ladders.
The flooring of transitional platforms shall be metal, excluding possibility of sliding, or from boards at least 40 mm thick. In case of application of floorings with openings - one of the sizes of opening shall not exceed 20 mm.
The platform shall have handrail 1 m high and board height of at least 0,15 of m.
130. Working platforms at height shall have the flooring executed from metal sheets with the surface excluding possibility of sliding of legs (steel expanded, corrugated sheets) or boards 40 mm thick handrail m 1,25 height with the longitudinal levels located at distance of no more 0,40 of m from each other and the onboard barrier height is at least m 0,15, skintight to flooring.
131. Platforms and ladders need to be cleared of snow, ice and dirt regularly.
132. The steel ropes (further - ropes) applied as cargo, bearing, traction and hoisting slings, for the equipment of heavy lift gears, talevy system of drilling rigs, aggregates on repair of wells, shall meet the state and interstate standards, have the quality certificate or the copy of the certificate of the organization manufacturer of ropes according to the state and interstate standards and TNPA. The ropes which are not supplied with the quality certificate about their testing are not allowed to use.
133. The coefficient of margin of safety of talevy rope (the attitude of explosive effort of rope towards nominal traction force) shall be at least three. As the exception during descent of heavy upsetting columns and production of emergency works is allowed decrease in this coefficient to two.
134. Connection of steel ropes with mechanisms and devices shall be carried out by means of the loop executed on the end of rope. The loop shall be carried out using koush by zapletka (snap) of the free end of rope or installation of clips.
Step of arrangement of clips and length of the free end of rope behind the last clip shall be at least six diameters of rope.
The quantity of clips depending on diameter of steel rope should be accepted according to table 1 of these rules.
Table 1
135. Behind condition of rope control shall be established. Frequency of surveys of rope is established depending on nature and working conditions. Rejection and replacement of ropes is made according to the criteria established by the instruction of the organization manufacturer, and in the absence of this instruction - the criteria given in appendix 1 to these rules.
136. Apply the spliced ropes to the equipment of talevy system of the drilling rig, aggregates for development and repair of wells, and also for raising of towers and masts, production of load-lifting hoisting slings, the extensions holding workers, and insurance ropes are not allowed.
137. Cutting of talevy ropes, and also ropes for raising of towers and masts, extensions, safety ropes with use of electric welding is forbidden. Cutting of ropes should be made with use of special devices for cutting (kanatorez) and using individual protection equipment of organs of vision.
138. For direct accomplishment of functions on the organization of operation of electroinstallations the head of the operating organization shall designate the order (order) person responsible for electrical facilities of the organization and structural divisions, and also persons them replacement. Borders of servicing of electrical facilities of the organization by electrotechnical personnel are determined by acts of differentiation of operational responsibility.
139. Laying of control, lighting and power cables tension to 1, of kV with the section of veins to 70 mm2 inclusive on drilling rigs (in rooms and outside) shall be executed according to requirements of Chapter 2.1 of PUE.
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