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The document ceased to be valid since January 21, 2022 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Acting Minister of Education and Science Resputbliki Kazakhstan of December 29, 2021 No. 614


of October 16, 2013 No. 420

About approval of Standard rules of organization activity of the higher and (or) postgraduate education

(as amended on 29-10-2018)

For the purpose of implementation of subitem 44-5) of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education" of July 27, 2007, I ORDER:

1. Approve the enclosed Standard rules of organization activity of the higher and (or) postgraduate education.

2. To department of the higher and postgraduate education (Zhakypova F. N.) provide:

1) in accordance with the established procedure state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) after passing of state registration to publish this order in mass media.

3. To department of the higher and postgraduate education (Zhakypova F. N.) bring this order to the attention of higher educational institutions.

4. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-minister Orunkhanov M. K.

5. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days from the date of its first official publication.


A. Sarinzhipov

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 16, 2013 No. 420

Standard rules of organization activity of the higher and (or) postgraduate education

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These Standard rules of organization activity of the higher and (or) postgraduate education (further - Rules) are developed according to subitem 44-5) of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 27, 2007 "About education" and determine procedure for organization activity of the higher and (or) postgraduate education (further - higher education institution), realizing educational programs of the higher and (or) postgraduate education irrespective of patterns of ownership and departmental subordination.

2. The higher and (or) postgraduate education are implemented in the following types of higher education institutions:

1) national research university;

2) national organization of the higher and (or) postgraduate education;

3) research university;

4) university;

5) academy;

6) institute;

7) conservatory.

3. In these rules the following determinations are used:

1) academy - the organization of the higher and (or) postgraduate education performing scientific and pedagogical activities in certain area and being the scientific and methodical center;

2) the organization of the higher and (or) postgraduate education - the higher educational institution realizing educational programs of the higher and (or) postgraduate education and performing research activities;

3) research university - the university realizing the development program approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for five years and using results of the activities for integration of science and education, generation and transfer of new knowledge and technologies;

4) institute - the organization of the higher and (or) postgraduate education performing scientific and pedagogical activities, and also training for professional activity;

5) university - the organization of the higher and (or) postgraduate education performing scientific and pedagogical activities, training, basic and (or) applied scientific research on different areas and being the leading scientific and methodical center;

6) the national organization of the higher and (or) postgraduate education - the organization of the higher and (or) postgraduate education having special status;

7) national research university - the research university having special status.

Chapter 2. Procedure for activities of organization types of the higher and (or) postgraduate education

4. Direct management of activities of higher education institution is performed by the rector of higher education institution.

5. Training with the higher and (or) postgraduate education in higher education institutions is performed according to educational programs, developed by higher education institutions independently.

6. Educational and methodical work of higher education institutions includes:

1) development of the academic calendar, working curricula and programs, development of catalogs of elective disciplines, syllabuses, educational and methodical complexes;

2) educational and methodical providing subject matters with textbooks, education guidances, collections of tasks, complex tasks, benefits according to laboratory, control, term papers, methodical recommendations about studying of disciplines, and also materials of the current, rubezhny and final control of knowledge, final assessment of students about all forms of education;

3) development of programs of all types professional the practician, training, and also guidelines manuals on writing of theses (projects), master and doctoral dissertations (projects);

4) development of the modern educational technologies and training methods increasing assimilation of training material by students;

5) educational and methodical ensuring the independent work of students aimed at the development of their capability to search, the analysis and the formulation of result of activities;

6) development of educational programs for advanced training and retraining of teachers and specialists.

7. The fullness of the academic flow and group is determined by the organization of the higher and (or) postgraduate education independently.

8. To functions of the organization of the higher and (or) postgraduate education, having special status belongs:

1) independent determination of content of the higher and (or) postgraduate education is not lower than requirements of the corresponding state obligatory standards of education;

2) award of degrees of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) and the doctor on profile according to Rules of award of the academic degrees approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 31, 2011 No. 127 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 6951).

9. Research activities are aimed at providing integration of science and education, development on this basis of scientific and educational process, competitive scientific research and innovative activities as the most important element of productive and effective national innovative system, realization of the right to intellectual property items.

10. The organization and carrying out fundamental, search, applied research, developmental works and innovative activities is performed in structural divisions of higher education institution.

11. The faculty performs research work as obligatory component of the activities in the main working hours according to the individual work plan.


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