of November 12, 2013 No. 244
About approval of the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of the prices and rates for consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population
Based on the Regulations on National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 445 "About some questions of bodies of the state statistics" the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of the prices and rates for consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population.
2. Recognize invalid:
the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2009 No. 301 "About approval of the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of the prices and rates for consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population";
the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of November 1, 2010 No. 231 "About modification of the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of the prices and rates for consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population";
the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of November 29, 2011 No. 321 "About entering of amendments and changes into the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of the prices and rates for consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2012, No. 12, 7/1655);
the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of December 3, 2012 No. 215 "About modification of the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of the prices and rates for consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 13.02. 2013, 7/2263).
3. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2014.
V. I. Zinovsky
Approved by the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of November 12, 2013 No. 244
1. The instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of the prices and rates for consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population (further - the Instruction), is developed for the purpose of establishment of procedure for the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of the prices and rates for consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population (further - the state statistical observation), and receipts of necessary information for calculation of the consolidated index of consumer prices.
2. For the purposes of this state statistical observation the following terms and their determinations are used:
the basic organization - representatively selected subject to the state statistical observation in which registration of the prices (rates) on the created consumer set of goods (services) - representatives is performed;
sample - set of limited number of observations which shall be representative (representative) it is full and adequately to reflect properties and proportions of population;
household - group of persons which jointly live in premises provide themselves to all necessary for life, conduct general economy, fully or partially uniting and spending the means, or one person living independently and providing themselves to all necessary for life;
consumer price index (further - IPTs) - one of inflation indicators characterizing changes in time of cost of the fixed consumer set of the goods and services acquired by the population for non-productive consumption;
inflation - the depreciation of money which is followed by increase in prices (rates) for goods and services;
classification of individual consumption by the purposes (further - KIPTs) - Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP) - one of four functional classifications described in the National account system of 1993, IPTs used in case of development as the international standard;
consumer price (rate) - the actual price (rate) for the goods (service) realized on free sale (rendered to the population) which is final price of consumption and includes the value added tax, excises, the sales tax and other taxes, and also costs and profit of the basic organizations;
consumer goods (services) - goods (services) used by the population, as a rule, for private and all-family consumption;
consumer spendings of the population - the part of money expenditure of the population directed to acquisition of consumer goods and services;
consumer set of goods (services) - representatives - representatively selected inventory (services) which are most often consumed by the population, single for areas and Minsk, remaining during the certain period invariable;
registration of the prices (rates) - collection of primary statistical data about the prices (rates) for goods (services) which entered the created consumer set of goods (services) - representatives, in the basic organizations;
seasonal goods (service) - goods (service) which or are absent in the market during the certain season (the period within year) or its quantity and the price are characterized by the periodic fluctuations connected with season (season);
goods (service) - the representative - set of certain type of goods (service) which in limits of set can differ in insignificant features (details) which are not influencing quality and the main consumer properties;
the price (rate) - money value of cost of goods (service) in Belarusian rubles for quantitative commodity unit (services);
the price quotation - the price of the goods having specific consumer properties (the name, producer, characteristics), registered in certain trade organization.
3. IPTs is calculated with the purpose of determination of change in value of the fixed consumer set of goods (services) - representatives in current period in comparison with the previous (basic) period under the influence of the change in price (rates) for these goods and services.
When calculating IPTs set of goods (services) joins consumer goods (services) acquired by the republic population for private consumption without exception as nonbasic or undesirable goods (services) to consumption (for example, drinks alcoholic, tobacco products and to that similar goods or services).
4. IPTs is intended for measurement of the change in price (rates) for consumer goods and services and does not include expenses:
on acquisition of securities (bonds, shares or other financial assets);
on payment of the income tax, fees on professional pension insurance in the budget of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus;
on purchase of goods, the investments (construction and capital repairs of residential or utility rooms and so forth) spent for the purposes, accumulating, and also goods for which there is no real market price (own consumption of the agricultural products made in personal subsidiary farms of citizens).
5. The state statistical observation will be organized on selective basis.
6. The organization and carrying out the state statistical observation includes the following stages:
selection of settlements;
selection of the basic organizations;
selection of goods (services) - representatives;
registration of the prices (rates).
7. The state statistical observation is made in the territory of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk, in all regional centers and selectively - in the district centers which are selected by National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (further - Belstat) taking into account their representativeness in reflection of social and economic and geographical location of the region.
8. For the state statistical observation 31 cities according to the list according to appendix 1 to this Instruction where more than 50% of the population of the republic and over 70% of urban population of the republic live are selected.
9. In each city join in sample of the basic organizations:
legal entities (separate divisions of legal entities) performing sales of goods (services) on regular basis, including trade organizations, the organizations of public catering, the city markets (food, ware, mixed), the organizations rendering paid services to the population and also the individual entrepreneurs performing activities in retail trade and service industry on regular basis;
the physical persons performing trade in the markets.
The basic organizations shall represent actually those objects where the population most often acquires goods (services). In case of selection of the basic organizations especially it is necessary to pay attention to regularity of realization of goods (services) in them selected for the state statistical observation as important condition of registration of the prices (rates) is observance of continuity of data collection at the prices (rates) for goods (services) - representatives.
The agricultural fairs operating limited period of time, as a rule, one month in year where legal entities and individual entrepreneurs enable the realization of fruit and vegetable products do not join in the state statistical observation.
10. The sample of the basic organizations in each city shall include the large, average and small objects with various forms of servicing located both in the central part of the city and on its suburbs. For selection of the basic organizations official statistical information on sales amounts of goods (services) to the population is used.
11. Selection of the basic organizations is made by specialists of territorial authorities of the state statistics. For selection official statistical information of selective inspection of households on level of living on ratio of places of purchase separate food and nonfoods according to appendices 2 and 3 to this Instruction is used.
In case of selection of the basic organizations enabling the realization of fruit and vegetable products it is necessary to study saturation of the consumer market specific goods, price level in shops and in the markets, goods quality, offered to realization, and proceeding from the current situation in the city to make selection of the basic organizations which during various seasons can be miscellaneous.
Recommended ratios of number of the registered prices in shops and in the markets on separate food and nonfoods for registration of the prices are determined according to appendices 4 and 5 to this Instruction. If the goods are not given in the specified appendices, registration of the prices of it should be performed in shops.
12. Annually (in December) based on the selected basic organizations their list with indication of the name and the location of the basic organization, description of goods (service) is constituted, the prices (rates) of which are registered in the basic organization. Lists of the basic organizations are represented to departments of statistics of the prices of the head statistical offices of areas and the city of Minsk on approval. After check of the basic organizations on compliance of their selection to the requirements stated in Items 9-11 of this Instruction, lists of the basic organizations affirm chiefs of departments of statistics of the prices of the head statistical offices of areas and the city of Minsk. The approved list of the basic organizations can change in case:
replacements of the basic organization by other organization;
inclusions in the state statistical observation of in addition selected organization.
13. Replacement of the basic organization by other organization is performed if at the time of registration of the price (rate) in the basic organization it is impossible to register the price (rate) for the same goods (service) - the representative, as during the previous registration (for example, the goods are absent on sale, the basic organization temporarily does not work also other).
Replacement of the basic organization by other organization is made for short period of time (2-3 months) when preserving in the list of the basic organizations of originally selected basic organization. In case of more long absence of goods (service) in the basic organization the exception of this organization of the list of the basic organizations is made and permanent state statistical observation in in addition selected basic organization will be organized. The compulsory provision for the organization of the state statistical observation in in addition selected basic organization is its uniformity with the basic organization, and also comparability of the level of prices (rates) in them for goods (service) which shall be analogous or the closest on consumer properties to the selected goods (service).
Replacement of the basic organization is made also in case of non-realization of activities by it during the long period of time (6 months) or liquidations (the activities termination).
Modification of the approved list of the basic organizations is made according to the procedure, stated in Item 12 of this Instruction.
14. Information on the basic organizations is confidential and is not subject to distribution.
15. For the state statistical observation by Belstat names of the goods and services characterizing the actual structure of consumer spendings of the population of the republic according to the list of goods and services for the state statistical observation according to appendix 6 to this Instruction are selected (further - the list). Belstat determines the general inventory (services) and commodity groups, and territorial authorities of the state statistics disaggregate it specific names of goods (services) - representatives.
16. The list consists of three groups: food products, nonfoods, paid services. Each group is provided by specific goods (services) or small commodity subgroups.
The structure of the list is given with use of KIPTs. All consumer set of goods (services) - representatives is subdivided into Sections (for example, "Food and soft drinks").
The Section is subdivided into groups (for example, "Food").
The group is subdivided into classes (for example, "Bakery products and grain").
The class is divided into uniform subclasses (for example, "Flour and other grain") which are subdivided into types (for example, "Flour") and into goods (services) representatives (for example, "Wheat flour").
17. For maintenance of relevance of sample of goods (services) of representatives its gradual rotation (updating) by exception of some goods (services) - representatives and inclusion new for the following reasons is performed:
the goods (service) are not any more representative as its share in consumer spendings of the population is gradually reduced;
sales of goods (services) in the consumer market is not enabled (for example, as a result of change of technology or for other reasons).
New goods (services) join in consumer set of goods (services) of representatives when the share of expenses on their acquisition constitutes at least 0,01 of % of the total amount of consumer spendings of the population of the republic.
18. Selection of specific type of goods (service) - the representative is performed by the specialists of territorial authorities of statistics performing registration of the prices (rates) together with employees of the basic organizations (the merchandiser or the seller of shop, the acceptor of orders). The goods (service) which are selected for the state statistical observation - the representative shall be in stable demand for the population.
In case of selection of certain type of goods (service) - the representative shall be preferred as goods (service) - the representative who will be constantly present at realization within the next months of the current year. If the goods (service) are provided by wide assortment, then selection is made according to share of sales amount of this type of goods (service) which is determined based on data of accounting of the basic organization, holding poll of the seller (merchandiser) or expert way.
For carrying out the state statistical observation goods of national and import production are selected.
19. Registration of the prices (rates) is carried out to the period with 10th on the 30th monthly. Registration of the prices (rates) in the specific basic organization for month under report shall be performed in one of two calendar days prior or the prices (rates), following behind day of registration, last month. It is necessary to observe fixed terms of registration of the prices (rates) to maintain interval in one month between two registration of the prices (rates).
Data on the prices (rates) for service representative can be obtained in the basic organization by phone if the cost of service is invariable for certain period of time (for example, the identical amount of payment for separate services for all months of quarter). In case of registration of the prices (rates) by phone it is necessary to send after quarter inquiry to the basic organization and to receive the written confirmation of data on the prices (rates).
Registration of the prices (rates) in the basic organization includes:
search of goods (service) - the representative according to the specification determined for registration of the prices (rates);
check of invariance (comparison and determination of variations) of the specification of the goods (service) which are in realization with the parameters determined by registration for goods (service) - the representative in previous period;
data recording (complete description of characteristics of goods (service) - the representative) registration in case of their identity or in case of the insignificant variation in specifications which is not influencing goods quality (services) - the representative;
registration of the price (rate) for goods (service) - the representative, determination of its variation (surplus or decrease) from the level fixed in case of the previous registration, refining at the seller (merchandiser) of the reasons of the change in price (rate) with their obligatory record;
matching of other goods (service) from uniform assortment group in case of absence in sales of goods (services) - the representative or availability of essential differences in specifications for implementation of replacement of goods (service) - the representative;
consultation with the seller (merchandiser) regarding representativeness of the goods (service) and demand of consumers for it which are selected for replacement (data of accounting of the basic organization for amounts of its realization for previous period);
record of new goods (service) - the representative and his specifications, refining of the price (rate) for it in previous period (according to accounting of the basic organization) and registration of the price (rate) for the accounting period.
For assessment of IPTs registration of the prices (rates) on consumer set of goods (services) - representatives according to appendix 7 to this Instruction is performed weekly (on Tuesdays).
Weekly registration of the prices (rates) for goods (services) - representatives is performed in the basic organizations which are selected for monthly registration for the purpose of receipt of possibility of inclusion of weekly information in cases of clash of dates of registration in structure of the database for calculation of IPTs in month. Decrease (discount, the share) in the price (rate) of goods (service) - the representative in the basic organization for one day (on Tuesdays) in case of registration of the prices (rates) is not considered.
20. The actual consumer price (rate) of goods (service) of the representative (including the value added tax, excises, the sales tax and other taxes) who is available in realization and paid with money is subject to registration.
Also the prices (rates) for goods (services) - the representatives implemented at the prices (rates) with discounts during the certain period (upon termination of season), or for the period of carrying out shares are subject to registration. Decrease (short-term discounts) in the price (rate) of goods (service) - the representative, acting less than one week, is not subject to registration.
The goods prices which lost trade dress (damaged), sold owing to the expiration of expiration dates or from remaining balance, and also the price (rates) for goods (services) realized on preferential prices (rates) for separate categories of citizens or with discounts in connection with the forthcoming termination of activities (liquidation) of shop are not subject to registration.
21. About the prices (rates) it is necessary for respect for the principle of continuity of data collection that the price (rate) of the same goods (service) - the representative was registered every month.
22. In case of temporary lack of the goods representatives which are not relating to seasonal goods application of one of the following methods for calculation of average price is possible:
calculation of average price for the last month does not join the price of the goods representative which are absent in current month. The goods representative price non-inclusion in calculation is equivalent to the assumption that the price of the absent goods representative would change in the same way, as average price value of the goods representatives included in calculation of price index;
extend the final registered price to later periods. It is necessary to use as seldom as possible this method, especially in the period of high inflation rates or during fast changings in the markets as a result of considerable rates of innovations and high removability of goods as application of this method is admissible only for limited number of cases. This method brings systematic mistake in the received consolidated index of the prices towards reduction. There is probability of the compensating spasmodic change of price index at the moment when the price of the absent goods representative is registered again;
it is conditional to estimate the price of temporarily absent goods representative, using average change of the available prices of goods representatives according to example 1 according to appendix 8 to this Instruction. This method is equivalent to goods representative price non-inclusion in calculation of current period, but conditional calculation of the price should be made that the sample size in current period was not reduced;
it is conditional to estimate the price of the absent goods, using the change in price of comparable goods from other similar trade organization.
The period during which conditional calculations of the prices are applied shall not be long (2-3 months).
23. If the goods (service) are absent in the consumer market long time (more than 6 months), then the goods (service) are considered constantly absent. The goods (service) can be absent in the consumer market in connection with realization of new goods (services), or the organizations can stop its realization. In case of absence on sale of goods (service) - the representative it is necessary to make its replacement. The replacing goods (service) shall have considerable share of realization and to be representative concerning the changes in price (rates) included in sample of goods (services) of representatives.
24. The following methods can be applied to determination of the goods replacing goods which release is stopped:
direct comparison - if the replacing goods is directly comparable on quality with the goods which are absent on sale. At the same time it is supposed that the difference in price level between replacing and absent goods is caused by the changes in price, but not distinctions in quality. Replacement of the absent goods representative without combination is given in example 2 according to appendix 8 to this Instruction;
combination - is applied when there is no information allowing to execute reasonable impact assessments of change of quality on the price, however the replacing goods exist during the same period, as the absent goods. Replacement of goods can be considered incomparable to the absent goods, but at the same time data acquisition about the prices both on absent, and on the replacing goods during combination is possible. The difference in the price between absent and replacing with goods during combination is used then as distinction indicator in quality. Replacement of the absent goods representative with combination is given in example 3 according to appendix 8 to this Instruction.
Each case of forced replacement of goods requires the individual analysis. The choice of method of replacement of goods depends on specifics of sales terms of goods, their availability in the consumer market and other factors.
25. Registration of the prices (rates) for specific goods (service) is performed by filling of form of the state statistical observation 12-consumer prices (rates) "Data on consumer prices (rates) for goods and the services rendered to the population" (further - the form of form).
The form of form is expected registration of the prices (rates) and any instruction of notes for various basic organizations. On each goods (service) the representative needs to register from three to ten prices (rates) suitable for monthly settlement of IPTs on the territory of each city. The number of the prices (rates) for registration in the cities is determined according to appendix 1 to this Instruction.
The prices (rates) for the same goods (service) - the representative or his equivalent need to be registered in the same basic organization for two periods (the last and reporting months). For ensuring necessary quantity suitable for calculation of the change in price (rate) in some cases (for example, for goods which are provided by wide assortment: pelmeni, milk, cheeses, mayonnaise and other for which there are difficulties in respect for comparability of goods in reporting and last month) it is necessary to register the bigger number of the prices (rates), than it is determined in appendix 1 to this Instruction, for each separate period. The exception is constituted by separate types of paid services to the population, the prices (rates) for which are established on a centralized basis and are single for all population of the city (for example, fares in urban transportation, communication services, separate types of utilities).
26. In the column A of the form of form the sequence number of the basic organization, in the column B of the form of form – its name and the address of the location is specified. Data on the city markets include their name, the address or the location, and also whenever possible surnames, numbers of trade places and other data on certain sellers.
In column 1 of the form of form registration date of the price (rate) last month, and in column 6 of the form of form – in month under report is specified.
The data collected for month under report are entered in columns with 6 on 10 forms of form, and then transferred to columns with 1 on 5 forms of form of the next month.
The detailed description of the change in price (rate) of goods (service) chosen for assessment is provided in column 7 of the form of form. As a rule, the description of goods includes its brand, model, the article, the country of goods' origin, the manufacturing company, type of packaging, the size, color of product, grade, weight, composition of raw materials and so on (the purpose of the description of goods (service) – to provide enough information for stay it in case of registration of the prices (rates) in the next month).
In column 8 of the form of form the unit of measure of goods (service) – the representative is reflected (the quantity of the goods (service) which are selected for registration of the price, but not standard unit of measure is specified).
In column 9 of the form of form the price (rate) of goods (service) registered in month under report is specified. In column 10 of the form of form the price calculated for the standard commodity unit (services) specified in brackets in the list is reflected. If the registered and counted prices (rates) match, their value is entered in column 10 of the form of form.
If in any period it is impossible to register the price (rate) or these prices (rates) it is impossible to compare, then the mark in the form of form becomes and the price (rate) for goods (service) does not join in calculation of relative indicator of the change in price (rates).
27. On the line "Average Price (Rate)" in columns 5 and 10 of the form of form the compound price (rate) calculated from indicators on the basic organizations included in the form of form for calculation of average price (rate) (except for noted) in reporting and last months is reflected. Without fail in case of determination of the average price (rate) participating in measure calculation "price relative" for goods (service), the number of the prices (rates) for goods (service) - the representative shall be identical in both compared periods. In case of absence in reporting (last) month of data on the price (rate) for goods (service) - the representative in the basic organization it is necessary to calculate conditional value of the missing price (rate) according to example 4 according to appendix 8 to this Instruction.
For the accounting period in the absence of data on the price (rate) for goods (service) the representative in the basic organization conditional value of the missing price (rate) is determined by formula
where Pjn - the price (rate) of goods (service) - the representative of j in the accounting period of n;
Ij - relative indicator of the change in price (rate) of goods (service) of j in the accounting period in comparison with basic, calculated by comparable types of goods (services) of representatives;
Pj0 - the price (rate) of goods (service) - the representative of j in the basic period 0.
If in the accounting period replacement of the basic organization (goods (service) of the representative) is made and (or) the number of the prices (rates) increased in comparison with previous period, then value of the missing price (rate) for goods (service) - the representative on the basic organization in the basic period is determined by formula
where Pj0 - the price (rate) of goods (service) - the representative of j in the basic period 0;
Pjn - the price (rate) of goods (service) - the representative of j in the accounting period of n;
Ij - relative indicator of the change in price (rate) of goods (service) of j in the accounting period in comparison with basic, calculated by comparable types of goods (services) of representatives.
The conditional calculated value of the missing price (rate) for goods (service) the representative in the basic organization for the accounting (basic) period is noted by sign "*" and is used in calculations of average price according to example 4 according to appendix 8 to this Instruction.
Data on the line "Average Price (Rate)" in column 10 of the form of form are divided into data on the line "Average Price (Rate)" in column 5 of the form of form, the calculated indicator is reflected on the line "Price Relative". The result is rounded to four signs after comma.
28. Conditional examples of filling of the form of form for goods "pork stewed preserved" (code 01 1 27 035) and "women's tights" (code 03 1 22 145) are brought according to appendix 7 to this Instruction.
If the description of the goods which are selected for the state statistical observation last month completely corresponds to the characteristic of goods in month under report, then in column 9 of the form of form it is enough to make the mark "Same". If the goods which are selected earlier for registration of the price did not go on sale in month under report, the price of similar goods is registered. In this case the goods, the most corresponding to goods sample are selected. If there is no opportunity to register the price of the goods which are selected last month in the basic organization or to pick up its equivalent, then registration of the prices is performed in other trade organization.
29. The specialists performing registration of the prices (rates) of the 1st following reporting transfer filled forms of form on electronic communication channels to departments of statistics of the prices of the head statistical offices of areas and the city of Minsk where the obtained primary statistical data are verified.
30. In case of registration of the prices (rates) the specialists performing registration of the prices (rates) determine whether we will compare goods (service) - the representative to that which is chosen for its replacement and the subsequent registration of the price (rate).
The following main conditions are for this purpose used:
it is not necessary to compare the same type of goods (service) or various goods (services) from the different basic organizations;
it is not recommended to compare the goods made in the different countries;
the goods made in one country are compared if their quality is approximately identical (in particular, as for clothes, possibly comparison of the goods made by different producers however it becomes only when it is impossible to pick up the goods made by one producer);
it is recommended to compare the counted prices of kinds of one goods which have differences on amount and weight (for example, canned food in bank weighing 550 and 350 grams);
the prices of the identical models of clothes differing only by the size are admissible to be compared, except cases if there is essential price difference of one model of the different sizes.
31. The general principle of comparability of goods (services) - to determine whether their distinctions influence the price (rate). Goods (services) are considered comparable if there are no significant differences in their consumer qualities which determine the price (rate).
32. Seasonal goods (services) are some food (vegetables, fruit, potatoes, live fish and so forth), separate types of clothes and footwear, heating service, tourist and excursion services and other.
During the nonseasonal periods of year on such goods (services) - representatives the method of estimated prices according to which the price level (rates) for the absent goods (services) - representatives is determined taking into account the change in price (rates) for similar goods (services) - the representatives of the corresponding commodity group who are available in realization during the whole year is applied.
33. For seasonal goods (services) - the representatives who are absent on sale during from one to several months in year in the form of form need to be made mark that the goods (service) - the representative in sale are absent. The final registered price (rate) in the form of form for month under report as the price (rate) of the last month is not reflected.
34. Also potatoes of harvest of previous year are recommended to carry out registration of potato prices separately on potatoes early. Data on potato prices early should be included in calculation of IPTs from the moment of mass realization of these goods. Month of inclusion in calculations of early potatoes is July (in some cases - the second half of June). It is necessary to consider gradually the increasing specific weight of early potatoes in total amount of realization of these goods. For this purpose potato prices early and potatoes of harvest of previous year during the summer period (considering considerable difference in the prices) need to be weighed on their sales amounts for receipt of weighted average price that allows to make coordination of potato prices of harvest of the current and previous year. The method of seasonal smoothing of the prices based on calculation of weighted average price of potatoes allows to consider gradually the increasing specific weight of early potatoes in total amount of its realization and, respectively, the decreasing specific weight of potatoes of harvest of previous year.
Also it is necessary register the prices of early carrots, beet, cabbage from the moment of mass realization of these goods, considering the growing weight of products of harvest of the current year, gradually increasing the number of the price quotations corresponding to it.
35. For calculation of payment for maintenance of premises representative selection of premises on which the employment contract is drawn up is created. Characteristics of the chosen rooms (type, the area) shall remain invariable. Registration of rates is performed in housing and operational services, housing cooperatives. In the form of form the payment for maintenance of premises (at the time of service payment by the population) estimated for square meter separately on the state housing stock and on private housing stock (the house of housing cooperatives) is specified. If there is no opportunity directly to obtain data for one square meter, then the general payment for maintenance of premises is reflected in columns 4 and 9 of the form of form, and estimated for square meter - in columns 5 and 10.
The payment for premises on which the employment contract is drawn up (the payment for maintenance of premises is regulated by the state), is considered also payment which is paid also by owners of the premises which are in private property.
Consumers of housing services make payment for maintenance of premises according to the rates (for the total living space occupied within the established regulations) and (or) on normative cost of content of one square meter of total area of premises (for the above-standard area and the area of the second housing). The payment for maintenance of premises at the established rate is subject to registration.
For registration of cost of hiring (lease) of premises the one-room apartments in the standard houses located in the central part of the city and on its suburbs which are rented (lease) for a period of three months are taken away from physical persons.
The employer's payment for one-room apartment (room) in month without the cost of the services paid separately is registered (utilities, communication services and other). Data are registered in housing and operational services based on employment contracts of premises of private housing stock of citizens, in the organizations performing real estate transactions based on contracts for rendering realtor services in objects of housing stock (apartments) or on the basis of oral consultation of the realtor.
The amount of payment established in foreign currency shall be converted into national currency at the currency rate accepted by the organization for payment recalculation.
For registration of cost of hiring (lease) of premises of commercial use of the state housing stock the apartments in the standard houses located in the central part of the city and on its suburbs which are let (lease) to the citizens staying on the registry of the housing conditions needing improvement or which are not staying on such registry are selected.
The cost of hiring (lease) of premises is determined based on terms of the contract of hiring of premises of commercial use of the state housing stock and depends on the location, the level of improvement and the area of premises.
In housing and operational services the employer's payment for use of premises in month without the cost of the services paid separately (utilities, communication services and other) and without the privileges established for separate categories of citizens is registered. The payment for use of premises in month is reflected in columns 4 and 9 of the form of form, and estimated for square meter of total area of premises - in columns 5 and 10.
36. The utilities included in calculation of IPTs are picked up proceeding from structure and nature of their consumption in the republic.
The discounts provided to separate categories of citizens on payment of utilities on favorable terms in calculations of IPTs are not considered.
The monthly payment (at the time of fee by the population) for hot, cold water supply and water disposal (sewerage) expected one person is registered.
Because the population pays all complex of the provided services in hot water service where leave of water and its heating enters, the payment on one person a month for use of hot water is determined in the settlement way proceeding from:
the average (normative) size of expense of heat energy on heating of 1 m3 of water which in the cities of the republic can be various;
costs of unit of the heat energy operating in month under report;
consumption rates of hot water which in the cities of the republic can be various;
the average monthly number of days in year (30,42).
Example of calculation:
0,12 x 30,42 = 3, m3 (where m3 0,12 = 120 l - consumption rate of hot water);
3,650 x 0,0637 = 0, Gcal (where 0,0637 - average expense of heat energy);
0, 2325 x 70 898,5 = 16 484 rubles (where the 70th 898, the 5th ruble - the cost of unit of heat energy).
The payment for use of plumbing and sanitary on one person a month is calculated proceeding from:
the actual average monthly consumption of cold water in year (counting on one person) which in the cities of the republic can be various;
the average monthly number of days in year (30,42);
rate for 1 m3 of cold water established for water consumption within certain amount of water consumption (for example, m3 0,14 in days on one person), and the rate established for water consumption over the certain amount providing full recovery of economically reasonable costs for rendering service.
Example of calculation of payment for cold water supply in case of water consumption of 6 m3 in month:
0,14 x 30,42 = 4, m3 (where m3 0,14 = 140 l - consumption rate of cold water in days on one person);
4, 259 x 900 = 3833 rubles;
6 - 4,259 = m3 1,741;
1, x 4550 = 7922 rubles;
3833 + 7922 = 11 755 rubles.
Example of calculation of payment for water disposal (sewerage) in case of water consumption of 6 m3 in month:
0,14 x 30,42 = m3 4,259;
4, 259 x 550 = 2342 rubles;
6 - 4,259 = m3 1,741;
1, x 3350 = 5832 rubles;
2342 + 5832 = 8174 rubles.
For determination of the general pay level for water supply and water disposal (sewerage) the size of cost of these types of service should be summed up (11 755 + 8174 = 19 929 rubles).
The approved normative indicators are used in calculations of payment for hot, cold water supply and water disposal (sewerage) for each city before review of any of them.
Services of gas supply include use network and liquefied natural gas.
The payment (at the time of service payment by the population) counting on one person a month for the natural gas used in apartment houses and apartments in the presence of the gas stove and centralized hot water supply or individual water heater (except for gas) without devices of individual accounting of consumption of gas is subject to registration.
In the separate district centers where apartment houses in which there is no centralized hot water supply prevail, the payment counting on one person a month established for consumption of natural gas in apartment houses and apartments in the presence of the gas stove (without devices of individual accounting of consumption of gas), but in the absence of centralized hot water supply and gas water heater is subject to registration.
On the liquefied gas the payment for the liquefied gas used in apartment houses and apartments, in cylinders weighing 21 kilogram is registered.
On heating services the monthly payment (at the time of service payment by the population) for heating of one square meter of total area of the apartment is subject to registration. In case of determination of payment for heating it is necessary to consider also certain amount of the heat energy consumed for needs of heating (as in IPTs change of payment of final cost of the provided service is reflected).
The actual consumption of heat energy for needs of heating depends on technical characteristics of the apartment house (total area of the house, material of walls, number of storeys, design features of water supply systems and heating, condition of winterization of the house, the location of the house and other) therefore in calculations the average (normative) value of expense of heat energy is used.
The payment for heating per one square meter of total area of the apartment is calculated proceeding from:
average (normative) expense of heat energy on heating of one square meter of total area which affirms regional (city) executive committees and in the cities of the republic can be various;
costs of unit of the heat energy operating in month under report.
Example of calculation: 70 898,5 x 0,0192 = 1361 rubles.
The payment for heating is levied only during the heating period (as a rule, October-April) therefore during shutdown of heating in apartment houses and apartments the following options of reflection of cost of services of heating in the form of form are recommended:
repeat the amount of the last payment for the rendered service during the entire period of lack of heating;
reflect the amount of the last payment corrected on indexation coefficient if the similar coefficient is established in relation to the cost of unit of the heat energy operating in month under report.
On the service "use of the elevator" the monthly payment (at the time of service payment by the population) expected one person is registered.
In case of determination of payment for use of the elevator are subject to registration:
rate for maintenance of the elevator;
the maximum permissible amount of expense recovery of the electric power for work of the installations providing movement of the elevator calculated on one apartment apartment house living in premises.
For determination of the general pay level for use of the elevator the size of cost of these types of service should be summed up.
On the service "the address with solid municipal waste" the monthly payment (at the time of service payment by the population) expected one person is registered.
In case of determination of payment for the address with solid municipal waste are subject to registration:
rates for the services rendered to the population in the address with solid municipal waste in the apartment houses equipped with the functioning refuse chute and the apartment houses which are not equipped with refuse chute or equipped with nonfunctioning refuse chute;
the standard rate of formation of solid municipal waste established by local executive and administrative organs counting on one person;
the number of household subscribers (apartments) performing payment of service in the address with solid municipal waste in the apartment houses equipped with the functioning refuse chute and the apartment houses which are not equipped with refuse chute or equipped with nonfunctioning refuse chute on the established rates.
In case of establishment by local executive and administrative organs of the differentiated payment (depending on availability (absence) of refuse chute), the payment for the address is calculated with solid municipal waste as weighted average. As scales (constant for year) the structure of household subscribers (apartments) is used. Information, necessary for calculation, for the number of household subscribers (apartments) is requested annually (in January of the current year) in the organizations of city housing.
37. On cars the prices as on new cars of specific brand in shops, and market prices are subject to registration. If contract price, in the form of form is reflected average contract price.
38. On services of urban transportation fares in separate types of urban transportation are subject to registration (journey to the subway, the bus, the tram and the trolleybus). If fare on all types of land urban transportation is identical, then it is enough to register the cost of the combined ticket allowing to perform one-time trip in one of types of the urban land transport (the bus, the tram, the trolleybus).
The cost of the one-time ticket for preferential category of citizens for the drive in urban transportation is not registered.
39. On transportations of passengers by cars taxi representative selection of three (five) trips in the cars taxi belonging to the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs transporting passengers cars taxi is made. The ratio of number of registration of the prices between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is determined for the specific city based on official statistical information on amounts of the rendered services to the population.
In the form of form the following information on each of routes is reflected: the place of departure, time of day and the cost of 1 km of following along route, number of taxi pool, surname of the driver necessary for registration of the comparable prices (the same route, taxi pool and the driver) next month.
40. On transportations of passengers by buses in the regular express message the most loaded routes in 3-5 directions are selected. The ticket price on one trip of the passenger in the city in the bus which maximum mass does not exceed 5000 kg is subject to registration.
41. On services of road transport of the suburban and long-distance message the representative selection of services representatives consisting of three (five) trips is made. Routes shall be picked up proceeding from the separate directions this about load. The cost of 1 km of travel of the passenger by buses along the chosen regular routes is registered. Preference should be given to transportations of passengers on regular regular routes in buses of general type (or with soft folding seats on condition of prevalence of such buses on regular routes).
If the ticket price on one trip along the selected route in week and the days off differs, then weighted average price by the average monthly number of workers and the days off in year is calculated (constant for all months of year).
42. On services of rail transport of the regional message two routes of the train of economy class are selected: to the last station (stopping point) of the fifth zone and the first station of the sixth zone. It is necessary to specify distance to the selected station (stopping point) of following of the train along route.
It is necessary to reflect average cost of the ticket per one kilometer of transit of the train of economy class of the regional message in the form of form (with two signs after comma).
43. On services of rail transport of the interregional and international message the selection of services representatives consisting of three (five) routes of trains of the interregional message based on the separate directions this about load which are available in the territorial organizations of national association "Belarusian railroad" is made. Registration of the prices is performed directly in the railway cash desks enabling the realization of travel documents on rail haulings of passengers.
In case of registration of cost of the travel document for the passenger's trip in trains of the international message the number of registration can be less than five. In the separate district centers where trains of the international message do not stop, the form of form is not filled in.
Not only the cost of the travel document on the passenger's trip in corporate and not corporate trains of forming of national association "Belarusian railroad", but also in the passing trains of forming of Russian Railroad open joint stock company, the Dnieper railroad, other states is registered. The cost of the travel document on the passenger's trip in cars of the increased comfort is not registered.
In the form of form for each travel document it is necessary to specify detailed quality characteristics trip of the passenger (for example, couchette car, the fast train No. 2 Minsk-Moscow). In trains of the international message the cost of the travel document on the passenger's trip in reserved seat and (or) compartment cars one way of following of the train taking into account insurance and commission charges is registered.
If the price of the travel document of one trip of the passenger along the selected route in month under report differs in essential fluctuations (increases and decreases several times in month (for example, on the eve of festive and (or) the days off)), then weighted cost of the travel document which is determined by division of the amount of fare for each day of month under report on the number of days of month under report is calculated.
44. On services of air transport representative selection along three (five) routes of the international message is made. In case of the choice of the direction of route of transportation of the passenger by air transport it is necessary to select the most loaded routes occupying the greatest specific weight in total amount of transportations of air transport.
On transportations of passengers by air transport in the international message the ticket price taking into account insurance fee on one trip of the passenger to the states which are not part of the CIS (for residents of the Republic of Belarus), and to the states of the CIS is subject to registration.
In the district, regional centers where passengers by air transport are not transported, the form of form is not filled in.
45. On services of mail service the cost of transfer of the non-registered letter weighing up to 20 grams within the Republic of Belarus and the international (low-priority) departures is registered.
46. On data transmission services the payment for continuous access in the Internet (for 1 Mbps) on ADSL (GPON) technology for tariff plans of the round-the-clock access (which are in the greatest demand for the population) without traffic is subject to registration. The cost of 1 Mbps (without traffic) continuous access is determined at the Internet as the relation of cost of tariff plan of the round-the-clock access to the Internet (without traffic) in month in rubles to the total speed of acceptance and transfer to Mbps.
47. On services of local telephone communication the monthly subscription payment for main, included in separate line, phone of individual use for subscribers of the telephone networks of stationary telecommunication transferred to time payment system of talk and time payment in each complete or incomplete minute of local telephone connection is registered.
48. On services of long distance and international telephone communication representative selection shall include rates for the long-distance (international) telephone connections provided to subscribers of network of stationary telecommunication in each complete or incomplete minute of connection within the republic, eight geographical zones (the CIS I, the CIS II, the CIS III, Europe I, Europe II, Europe III, the World of I, the World of II) and with subscribers of networks of cellular mobile telecommunication of joint limited liability company "Mobile TeleSystems" and unitary enterprise for rendering the services "Welkom".
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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2020 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of November 15, 2019 No. 114