of November 25, 2013 No. 950
About approval of the Regulations on requirements to collection, cleaning and dumping of sewage into sewer system and/or into the receiver for city and rural settlements
This resolution shifts the Directive of Council 91/271/EEC of May 21, 1991 about purification of city sewage, published in the Official magazine of the European Community L 135 of May 30, 1991, with the last changes made by the Directive of Council 2013/64/EC of December 17, 2013 about modification of Directives of Council 91/271/EEC and 1999/74/EU and Directives 2000/60/EC, 2006/7/EC, 2006/25/EC and 2011/24/EC of the European Parliament and Council as a result of change of the status of Mayotte in relation to the European Union.
Based on articles 39 and 40 of the Law on water No. 272 of December 23, 2011. (2012, No. 81, the Art. 264), with subsequent changes, and article 22 of the Law No. 303/2013 on public service of water supply and the sewerage (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2014, Art. No. 60-65, 123,), with subsequent changes, the Government DECIDES: the official monitor of the Republic of Moldova
1. Approve Regulations on requirements to collection, cleaning and dumping of sewage into sewer system and/or in the receiver for city and rural settlements it (is applied).
2. Declare invalid the Order of the Government No. 1141 of October 10, 2008. "About approval of the Regulations on conditions of dumping of city sewage into natural reservoirs" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2008, No. 189, the Art. 1163).
3. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of the environment.
Prime Minister |
Iurie Leanca |
Countersign: minister of the environment |
George Shalaru |
Minister of Health |
Andrey Usaty |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 25, 2013 No. 950
1. Regulations on requirements to collection, cleaning and dumping of sewage into sewer system and/or the receiver for city and rural settlements (further - the Provision) partially shift provisions of the Directive of Council No. 91/271/SEE of May 21, 1991 about purification of city sewage.
2. The purpose of this provision is:
1) determination of requirements to operation of systems on sewage disposal and to operation of treatment facilities which shall contain the provisions concerning:
a) method and extent of required cleaning, depending on the number of the population/size of the settlement serviced or which is subject to servicing by system of collection and clearing construction and/or from quality of the receiver in which the purified sewage is dumped;
b) identifications and classifications of the receivers determined as vulnerable zones or less sensitive;
c) obligation of dumping of all industrial sewage into system of the sewage disposal of city settlements performed on the basis of the agreement, the agreement and/or the approval issued by the operator;
d) conditions of utilization of the slimes received in the course of cleaning;
e) ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 06.09.2023 No. 656
f) ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 06.09.2023 No. 656
2) determination of requirements to sewage treatment in the city settlements concerning collection, storage, cleaning and dumping of household sewage in the rural zone including requirements to operation of local systems of collection, alternative stations and treatment facilities, adequate technologies and processes;
3) protection of quality of water resources;
4) establishment of methodology of calculation of additional payments for dumping of industrial sewage into public sewer system with exceeding of the established threshold limit values (TLV) of pollutants.
3. For realization of the purposes stated in this Provision, each body responsible for collection and sewage treatment shall allocate financial resources.
4. No. 90 is excluded according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 19.02.2020
5. In case of treatment facilities loading of pollutants in sewage is expressed in the population equivalent (PE) and is calculated based on the maximum average load in week in BPK5, which arrived on clearing construction within one year except unusual, extreme cases of the hydrometeorological phenomena, for example, of plentiful rainfall.
6. In this Provision concepts of the following content are used:
point of quality control of sewage - the last well of internal sewer network - for consumers who dump sewage in sewer network and dumping point (control well, the drain channel") - for consumers who dump sewage in the receiver;
system of collection - sewer system of collection and transportation of sewage;
standard rates of dumping of sewage - the indicators of amount and composition of sewage determined by operators of public services which then shall be approved with divisions on environmental protection of local authorities of management in the area and are approved by the central governing bodies in the field of water objects and environmental protection;
agglomeration - the area, the population and/or economic activity in which are rather concentrated to provide possibility of collection of city sewage and their direction to clearing construction or to final point of dumping;
The Equivalent Inhabitant (EI) - the unit of measure for biodegradable pollution determining the amount of pollution from agglomeration of people. EZh procedure of payments for agglomeration of people is determined by ratio between general loading in BPK5 of sewage and the BPK5/put value 60g corresponding to the equivalent inhabitant;
primary cleaning - sewage treatment by means of physical and/or chemical process which provides sedimentation of the weighed solid particles or other processes in case of which BPK5 indicator for the crude drains in the course of cleaning decreases at least by 20%, and general content of the weighed solid particles in the crude drains - for 50%;
secondary cleaning - sewage treatment by means of the biological process accompanied with secondary sedimentation or other process in case of which the requirements provided in appendix No. 2 to this Provision are observed;
the corresponding cleaning - sewage treatment by means of any process and/or system as a result of which the waterways accepting dumpings meet the relevant requirements of quality provided in technical regulations, and also the existing conclusions and water management permissions;
euthrophication - process of accumulating in reservoir of nutrients, in particular nitrates and/or phosphates that leads to rapid growth of seaweed and water plants and to undesirable violations of balance of water organisms, and also to changes of quality of water;
the receiver – artificial, superficial and underground water object which accepts sewage from direct releases or from treatment facilities;
Maximum allowable concentration - threshold limit value of pollutants in industrial sewage in case of their dumping into public sewer network, clearing construction;
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