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of November 25, 2013 No. 951

About approval of the Regulations on national system of epidemiological surveillance and control of inoculable diseases and events in public health

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 18.12.2017 No. 1090)

For the purpose of accomplishment of provisions of Items 1 and 14 of part (2) Articles 5, Articles 9, 51 and 53 Laws No. 10-XVI of February 3, 2009 on the state supervision of public health (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2009, No. 67, of the Art. 183), the Government DECIDES: regulations of national system of epidemiological surveillance and control of inoculable diseases and events in public health which guarantees providing public health

1. Approve Regulations on national system of epidemiological surveillance and control of inoculable diseases and events in public health it (is applied).

2. To the Ministry of Health, work and social protection through the National agency of public health to provide management and enhancement of national system of epidemiological surveillance and control of inoculable diseases and events in public health.

Prime Minister

Iurie Leanca


Minister of Health


Andrey Usaty

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 25, 2013 No. 951

Regulations on national system of epidemiological surveillance and control of inoculable diseases and events in public health

This Provision partially shifts Decision provisions 2119/98/SE European parliament and Council of September 24, 1998 about creation of single network of epidemiological surveillance and control of inoculable diseases in Community (it is published: The official magazine of the European Union L 268 of October 3, 1998, p. 1), the International medical and sanitary rules MMSP (2005) approved on May 23, 2005 on the 58th Assembly of the World Health Organization (the Resolution of WHA 58.3 Revision of the International Health Regulations) also establishes procedure for functioning of national system of epidemiological surveillance and control of inoculable diseases and events in public health.

I. General provisions

1. The national system of epidemiological surveillance and control of inoculable diseases and events (further - system of epidemiological surveillance) provides the integrated actions on cooperation and coordination directed to improvement of the prevention and control of the inoculable diseases provided in appendix to this Provision in public health.

2. In this Provision concepts of the following value are used:

event in public health - display of disease or situation which creates the potential for display of disease;

epidemiological surveillance - systematic and continuous process of collection, the analysis, assessment and dissemination of data on inoculable diseases and events in public health in the context of their distribution in time, space, among national groups and the analysis of risk factors there are infections with these diseases, including in case of epidemiological researches for the purpose of implementation of measures of public health;

the prevention and control of inoculable diseases - set of measures, including the epidemiological researches directed to the prevention or decrease in risk of origin and hindrance to spread of inoculable diseases and/or their removal in the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

3. The system of epidemiological surveillance is intended for:

1) the control of inoculable diseases based on indicators;

2) accounting, the analysis and response measures in case of identification of events with negative impact on public health, supervision of events in public health, including by means of implementation of system of the early notification and quick response.

4. As responsible organization for coordination of functioning of national system of epidemiological surveillance and control of inoculable diseases and events in public health it is appointed the National agency of public health.

5. The national agency of public health is the competent authority responsible for supervision, the organization and coordination of actions for the prevention and control of inoculable diseases.

6. Medical and sanitary organizations, medical laboratories, irrespective of pattern of ownership and the legal organization, provide identification of cases of inoculable diseases and events in public health, identification of certain biological agents and the notification in system of epidemiological surveillance, according to the procedures approved by the Ministry of Health, work and social protection.

7. Competent authorities of supervision of public health use the appropriate technical means, including the automated information systems for the standardized data collection about the registered cases of inoculable diseases and events in public health and provide distribution of analytical information on local, intermediate (area / municipium), national levels on the basis of standard procedures.

8. Developed information in system of epidemiological surveillance, as necessary, are considered for reasons for response measures at meetings of the National extraordinary commission on public health and the territorial extraordinary commissions on public health.

II. Basic rules of functioning of system of epidemiological surveillance

9. The list of the inoculable diseases which are subject to registration and the notification affirms and updated by the Ministry of Health, work and social protection, proceeding from epidemiological country situation, the region and in the world.

10. For updating and approval of the list of the inoculable diseases which are subject to registration and the notification requirements of regional and global networks of epidemiological surveillance which part the Republic of Moldova is will be taken into consideration of category of diseases, listed in appendix to this Provision, and also.

11. In system of epidemiological surveillance data on cases of inoculable diseases and events in public health based on determinations of case which include clinical, microbiological and epidemiological characteristics are collected.

12. The amount and contents of collected data and procedure for their transfer to system of epidemiological surveillance, and also means for transformation of data to the compared and comparable information affirm the Ministry of Health, work and social protection.

13. Epidemiological surveillance includes various methods and forms: passive, active, sindromalny, microbiological, serological, etc.


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