Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  April 15, 2020 according to Appendix 2 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 14, 2020 No. 217


of September 25, 1998 No. 410

About measures for enhancement of activities of investment and privatization investment funds

(as amended on 09-10-2017)

For the purpose of expansion of participation of the population in processes of privatization, protection of investments in the share of the privatized companies, enhancement of activities of investment and privatization investment funds, the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Determine that:

after registration of actually paid authorized capital of privatization investment fund following the results of placement of its share to the population, share of participation of each shareholder, including founders, cannot exceed 5 percent of the authorized capital of privatization investment fund;

the special public credit in the form of payment deferral for the acquired shares of the privatized companies is granted by the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan to again formed privatization investment funds (PIF) for up to five years. The specified credit is issued to privatization investment fund but its request only in case of payment term by own money of mutual fund of 30 percent of cost of the block of shares of the privatized company provided to mutual fund.

2. Approve:

the list of 200 open joint stock companies with the number of the shares offered for sale to mutual funds through auctions according to appendix No. 1;

Regulations on investment funds according to appendix No. 2;

Regulations on privatization investment funds according to appendix No. 3.

3. Permit the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan to offer in addition to the list approved earlier for sale for mutual funds:

the stocks of the privatized companies owned by the state, in the amount of excess over share in 25 percent from authorized fund on the companies which did not enter the list of the strategic companies approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of June 30, 1998 No. 272 "About the state share in authorized capital of the joint-stock companies created in the course of privatization and privatization";

shares of the privatized companies from the share intended for free sale, including foreign investors, in the sizes recovering the share of mutual funds in authorized capital of these companies (in limits to 30 percent of authorized fund) which was available for them before carrying out Restructuring in compliance with the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 31, 1997 No. UP-1740 "About Additional Measures for Market Development of Securities and Expansion of Participation of Foreign Investors in the Stock Market of the Republic".

4. Determine that the trustee investment assets of investment and privatization investment fund shall have available own tangible assets in the amount of, at least 5 percent from annual average net assets value of the investment and privatization investment funds managed by it.

To Goskomkonkurention of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to the Center for coordination and market development of securities to provide control of reduction by trustees with investment assets of cost of own tangible assets in compliance with the specified requirements.

5. Ceased to be valid

6. Determine that the Center for coordination and market development of securities in case of Goskomkonkurention of the Republic of Uzbekistan as the chief coordinator of the program of mutual funds, can attract other commercial banks, and also other financial institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan meeting the established requirements as institutional distributors of shares of mutual funds.

7. Make change to the Regulations on procedure for making and registration of security transactions in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 8, 1994 No. 285, having stated Item 27 in the following edition:

"The income of Republican stock exchange "Toshkent" is created at the expense of the membership fees, receipts for the rendered services and sales charges of the Exchange on transactions with securities which size is established by members of the Exchange, but no more than 1 percent from the cost of the transaction levied from each party of the transaction (the buyer and the seller)".

8. Goskomkonkurention of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to the Center for coordination and market development of securities to organize holding information and educational campaign for the purpose of explanation to the population of the rights and procedure for their participation in activities of privatization investment funds.

Uzteleradio, to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent to render assistance in realization of this information and educational campaign, with provision of free broadcasting time.

9. Recognize invalid appendices No. 1 and 2 to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 18, 1996 M 220 "About measures for the organization of activities of investment funds".

Cancel the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 27, 1996 "405-f regarding unrealized to mutual funds of shares of the privatized companies.

10. To the State Property Committee, the Center for coordination and control of functioning of the security market, the Ministry of Finance, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide the regulating documents regulating activities of investment and privatization investment funds, managing companies according to this resolution.

11. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Deputy prime minister Zheng V. A.

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers

I. Karimov

Appendix No. 1

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 25, 1998 No. 410

The additional list of the privatized companies which shares are intended for realization to mutual funds

¦N  ¦Счет     ¦Наименование АО                            ¦Регион    ¦
¦п/п¦депо в   ¦                                           ¦          ¦
¦   ¦НД "ВАКТ"¦                                           ¦          ¦
¦                                                                    ¦
¦                                                                    ¦
¦    1. Приватизированные предприятия, акции которых предназначены   ¦
¦   для реализации ПИФам по номинальной стоимости с предоставлением  ¦
¦                специального государственного кредита               ¦
¦                                                                    ¦
¦1  ¦0495134  ¦АООТ "Бухоро" Бух.обл.                     ¦Бух.обл.  ¦
¦2  ¦0424276  ¦РУТБ "Янгиабад Таш.обл. г.Янгиабад.        ¦Таш.обл.  ¦
¦3  ¦0260524  ¦АО "Учкуприк дехкон бозори" Фер.обл.       ¦Фер.обл.  ¦
¦4  ¦0260536  ¦АО "Яйпан ш. Дехкон бозори" Фер.обл.       ¦Фер.обл.  ¦
¦5  ¦0495052  ¦АООТ "Коммунальник" Сам.обл.               ¦Сам.обл   ¦
¦6  ¦0147129  ¦АО "Ферганский ЗГА" г                      ¦Фер.обл.  ¦
¦7  ¦0070886  ¦АООТ "Ахунбабаевское ватно-производств.    ¦Анд.обл.  ¦
¦8  ¦0071041  ¦АО "Зардуз" Бух.обл.                       ¦Бух.обл.  ¦
¦9  ¦0060807  ¦"Камаши" саноат-савдо ОХЖ                  ¦Каш. обл. ¦
¦10 ¦0078862  ¦АО "Синтепон" Нав.обл.                     ¦Нав.обл.  ¦
¦11 ¦0040008  ¦ОТ Уйчи "Ипакчи" ХЖ Нам.вил.               ¦Нам.обл   ¦
¦12 ¦0186002  ¦"Чуст пимоги" ХЖ Нам.вил.                  ¦Нам.обл   ¦
¦13 ¦0046548  ¦Наманган "Шарк гузали" АЖ                  ¦Нам.обл   ¦
¦14 ¦0071894  ¦"Ургут тукимачилик фабрикаси" ХЖ           ¦Сам. обл. ¦
¦15 ¦0491579  ¦АООТ "Ширин-1" Сам.обл.                    ¦Сам.обл.  ¦
¦16 ¦0352953  ¦"Хужаикон туз" ХЖ Сур.вил                  ¦Сур.обл   ¦
¦17 ¦0107508  ¦"Момик" ОТХЖ Сыр.вил.                      ¦Сыр.обл.  ¦
¦18 ¦0070392  ¦"Гулистон" ХЖ Сыо.обл.                     ¦Сыр.обл.  ¦
¦19 ¦0060848  ¦"Шурсув"                                   ¦Фер.обл.  ¦
¦20 ¦0134376  ¦АО "Чевар" Фео.обл.                        ¦Фер.обл.  ¦
¦21 ¦0071957  ¦АО "Хивинская ковроткацкая фабрика"        ¦Хор.обл.  ¦
¦22 ¦0086319  ¦АОЗТ "Хива сополи" Хор.обл.                ¦Хор.обл   ¦
¦23 ¦0269454  ¦АНПО "Тарх" г.Ташкект                      ¦г.Ташкент ¦
¦24 ¦0471718  ¦"Шарк Гули" савдо фирмаси                  ¦г.Ташкент ¦
¦25 ¦0491367  ¦АООТ "QADOQLOVCYI" г.Ташкект               ¦г.Ташкент ¦
¦26 ¦0491585  ¦АООТ ФИК "Махаллийсаноати                  ¦г.Ташкент ¦
¦27 ¦0424147  ¦АО "Андижон вилоят наслчилик" Анд.обл.     ¦Анд.обл.  ¦
¦28 ¦0279769  ¦АООТ "ЕККИ ва ТК" г.Ташкент                ¦г.Ташкент ¦
¦29 ¦0495664  ¦ОАО "Андижан гушт СУТ савдо                ¦Анд.обл.  ¦
¦30 ¦0495488  ¦АО "Наманган гушт сут савдо                ¦Нам.обл.  ¦
¦31 ¦0026670  ¦"Наманган-Бакхоллик" ХЖ                    ¦Нам.обл.  ¦


¦Отрасль                 ¦Уставный ¦Номи¦Общее ¦Пакет     ¦Категория ¦
¦                        ¦фонд     ¦нал ¦кол-во¦акций,    ¦доли      ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦акций ¦предназна-¦акций     ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦ченный    ¦          ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦для реа-  ¦          ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦лизации   ¦          ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦ПИФам     ¦          ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      +----------¦          ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦шт.  ¦%   ¦          ¦
¦                                                                    ¦
¦                                                                    ¦
¦                                                                    ¦
¦                                                                    ¦
¦Давлат спорт кумитаси   ¦42006000 ¦1000¦42006 ¦10921¦26.0¦гос.доля. ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦превыша-ая¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦25%       ¦
¦Давлат спорт кумитаси   ¦1400000  ¦1000¦1400  ¦364  ¦26.0¦гос.доля. ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦превыш-ая ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦25%       ¦
¦Дехкон бозори           ¦1365000  ¦1000¦1365  ¦289  ¦21.2¦доля сво- ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦бодной    ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦продажи   ¦
¦Дехкон бозори           ¦8033000  ¦1000¦8033  ¦1128 ¦12.0¦доля сво- ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦бодной    ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦продажи   ¦
¦Коммунал хизмат курсатиш¦12028000 ¦1000¦12028 ¦3127 ¦26.0¦гос.доля. ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦превыш-щая¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦25%       ¦
¦Коммунал хизмат курсатиш¦18673170 ¦1685¦11082 ¦2881 ¦26.0¦гос.доля. ¦
¦                        ¦         ¦    ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦превыш-щая¦


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