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of November 25, 2013 No. 949

About approval of the Regulations on zones of sanitary protection of water intakes

(as amended on 21-08-2024)

Based on Item (3) article 34 of the Law on water No. 272 of December 23, 2011 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, No. 81, the Art. 264) DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve Regulations on zones of sanitary protection of water intakes it (is applied).

2. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of the environment and the Ministry of Health.

Prime Minister

Iurie Leanca


minister of the environment


George Shalaru

Minister of Health

Andrey Usaty


to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 25, 2013 No. 949

Regulations on zones of sanitary protection of water intakes

Chapter I. General provisions

1. The regulations on zones of sanitary protection of water intakes (further - the Provision) establish rules of differentiation, creation and functioning of zones of sanitary protection of water intakes of surface and underground water.

2. For the purposes of this provision the following determinations are used:

a) water sources - the natural resources of underground and surface water used (or which can be used) for providing the population with drinking water;

b) water intake - the place for production and intake of water from underground or superficial sources and set of constructions and installations. The water intake may contain one or several water intaking constructions (artesian wells, springs);

c) the zone of sanitary protection of high security - the territories, adjacent to water intake, where any placement for use or activities which has no functional communication with servicing of installations of water supply is forbidden or could lead to pollution of water sources;

d) zone of sanitary protection of the limited mode - the territory around zone of sanitary protection of high security that as a result of application of protective measures danger of quality degradation of water was eliminated;

e) the zone of sanitary protection with the observation mode - area between the superficial and/or underground fields of water supply and water unloading of underground ground waters through natural exits (sources), systems of drainage and well is also intended for ensuring protection against the dolgorazlagayemy or not decomposed pollutants and recovery of the output lowered because of water intake.

Chapter II. Scopes

3. Regulations concerning nature and the size of zones of sanitary protection are established for:

a) underground or superficial sources of water intake for water supply of the population, economic agents of food and pharmaceutical industry, medical and welfare institutions and installations for systems of drinking water supply,

b) fields of mineral waters and their fence for pouring, installations on pouring of water, fence of the underground or surface water used for pouring of drinking water, other than natural mineral water.

4. Zones of sanitary protection are created within three perimeters:

a) perimeter of I - the zone of sanitary protection of high security includes the water intake territory;

b) perimeter of II - zone of sanitary protection of the limited mode;

c) perimeter of III - the zone of sanitary protection with the observation mode includes the adjacent territories in which carrying out protective measures from water pollution is provided.

5. Zones of sanitary protection are differentiated by regional authorities based on town-planning documentation and the conclusions of industry bodies of the central and local public authority. For receipt of the conclusions of industry bodies of the central and local public authority the minimum requirements to contents of the engineering design on differentiation of zones of sanitary protection of water intakes, according to appendix to this Provision will be considered.

6. Arrangement and content of zone of sanitary protection of the I perimeter is assigned to the user of water intake.

7. Arrangement and content of zones of sanitary protection II and III perimeters are assigned to bodies of local public authority.

8. The established perimeters of zones of sanitary protection can be reviewed in case of changes of service conditions of water intakes.

Chapter III. The factors determining contamination hazards of water intakes

9. Process of pollution of water intakes can happen because of human activities, economic and social, and can be the main contamination hazards:

1) pollution by activators: bacteria, viruses or other live organisms;

2) chemical pollution:

a) the phytotherapeutic substances used for pest control in rural and forestry and also compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as a result of use of fertilizers in agricultural industry;

b) chemicals from industrial activity or use of such chemical goods as phenol, tar, detergents, oil and oil products, oils, liquid fuel, dyes, cyanides, heavy metals, etc.;

c) radioactive materials;

3) thermal pollution by water of the high temperature issued from the cooling devices of industrial enterprises.

10. Reduce or completely it is possible to exclude influence of pollutants by self-cleaning and dilution of pollutants, and also acceptance of special prohibitive measures on certain activities, limited land use in zones of sanitary protection and use of all means and technologies preventing pollution of the soil and ground waters in case of performance of works and actions in perimeter of III.

Chapter IV. Differentiation of perimeters of zones of sanitary protection of water intakes

11. For differentiation of perimeters of zones of sanitary protection will be taken into account:

a) physiographic, geological and hydrological parameters;

b) the existing / potential sources of pollution and the range of negative impact (pollution) on water sources;

c) class and gradation of pollutants (chemical, biological and especially microbiological);

d) level of natural protection and potential of self-cleaning of water resources (according to researches).


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