of September 23, 2011 No. 797
About adoption of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of products intended for children and teenagers"
According to article 13 of the Agreement on the single principles and rules of technical regulation in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation of November 18, 2010 the Commission of the Customs union (further - the Commission) solved:
1. Accept the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of products intended for children and teenagers" (TR CU 007/2011) (is applied).
2. Ceased to be valid according to the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of 14.03.2023 No. 31
3. Establish:
3.1. The technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of products intended for children and teenagers" (further - the Technical regulation) becomes effective since July 1, 2012;
3.2. The documents on assessment (confirmation) of compliance to the mandatory requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Customs union or the legislation of state member of the Customs union, issued or accepted concerning products which are object of technical regulation of the Technical regulation (further - products), about day of entry into force of the Technical regulation, are valid before the termination of term of their action, but no later than February 15, 2014. The specified documents issued or accepted about day of official publication of this Decision are valid before the termination of term of their action.
From the date of entry into force of the Technical regulation issue or adoption of documents on assessment (confirmation) of compliance of products to the mandatory requirements which are earlier established by regulatory legal acts of the Customs union or the legislation of state member of the Customs union is not allowed;
3.3. Till February 15, 2014 production and release into the stream of commerce of products according to the mandatory requirements which are earlier established by regulatory legal acts of the Customs union or the legislation of state member of the Customs union in the presence of the documents on assessment (confirmation) of compliance of products specified to mandatory requirements, issued or accepted about day of entry into force of the Technical regulation is allowed.
The specified products are marked by national mark of conformity (market access mark) according to the legislation of state member of the Customs union or with the Decision of the Commission of September 20, 2010 No. 386.
Marking of such products single market circulation mark of state members of the Customs union is not allowed;
3.3-1. Till January 1, 2013 production and release into the stream of commerce on customs area of the Customs union of products which were not subject about day of entry into force of the Technical regulation to obligatory assessment (confirmation) of compliance according to regulatory legal acts of the Customs union or the legislation of state member of the Customs union without documents on obligatory assessment (confirmation) of compliance and not marked is allowed by national mark of conformity (market access mark);
3.4. The product circulation, released during action of the documents on assessment (confirmation) of compliance specified in subitem 3.2 of this Decision, and also products specified in subitem 3.3-1 of this Decision is allowed during expiration date (service life) of products established according to the legislation of state member of the Customs union.
4. To the secretariat of the Commission jointly with the Parties to prepare the draft of the Actions plan, necessary for implementation of the Technical regulation, and in three-months time from the date of entry into force of this Decision to provide representation it on approval of the Commission in accordance with the established procedure.
5. To provide to the Russian side with participation of the Parties based on monitoring of results of application of standards preparation of offers on updating of lists of the documents in the field of standardization specified in Item 2 of this Decision and representation at least once a year from the date of entry into force of the Technical regulation in the Secretariat of the Commission for approval by the Commission in accordance with the established procedure.
Members of the commission of the Customs union: From the Republic of Belarus |
S. Rumas |
From the Republic of Kazakhstan |
U. Shukeev |
From the Russian Federation |
I. Shuvalov |
Approved by the Decision of the Commission of the Customs union of September 23, 2011, No. 797
1. The technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of products intended for children and teenagers" is developed according to the Agreement on the single principles and rules of technical regulation in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation of November 18, 2010.
2. This technical regulation is developed for the purpose of establishment on single customs area of the Customs union single obligatory for application and execution of requirements to products intended for children and teenagers, ensuring free movement of the products intended for children and teenagers, released on single customs area of the Customs union.
3. If concerning products intended for children and teenagers other technical regulations of the Customs union and (or) technical regulations of Eurasian economic community (further - EurAsEC) establishing requirements to products intended for children and teenagers are accepted, then products intended for children and teenagers shall conform to requirements of these technical regulations of the Customs union and (or) technical regulations of EurAsEC which action extends to it.
1. This technical regulation extends to the products intended for children and teenagers, which were earlier not in operation (new), released in the territory of state members of the Customs union.
Treat products to which action of this technical regulation extends:
products for care of children (nipples milk, pacifiers, ware, tableware, sanitary and hygienic and haberdashery products, products sanitary and hygienic one-time use, toothbrushes and massagers for gums);
clothes, products from textile materials, skin and furs, products knitted and finished piece textile products;
footwear and leather haberdashery products;
baby carriages and bicycles;
publishing book and journal products, school writing-materials.
Requirements of this technical regulation are established concerning products according to the list according to appendix 1.
Action of this technical regulation does not extend on:
the products developed and made for application in the medical purposes;
products for baby food;
perfumery and cosmetic goods;
sports products and equipment;
education guidances, textbooks, electronic educational editions;
toys, printing board games;
products made by individual orders.
2. This technical regulation establishes mandatory requirements of safety to products intended for children and teenagers on indicators of chemical, biological, mechanical and thermal safety for the purpose of protection of life and health of children and teenagers, and also the prevention of the actions misleading users of products.
In this technical regulation the following terms and their determinations are applied:
"biological safety" - condition of product in case of which there is no unacceptable risk connected with damnification to health or threat of life of the user because of discrepancy of microbiological, toxicological, physical and physical and chemical properties to the established requirements;
"biologically safe edition" - the edition in the course of which reading optimal conditions for visual work are provided does not develop the visual exhaustion connected with visual perception of the text, visual acuity tension, accommodation and movement of eyes;
"hazardous substances" - chemicals which in usage time of product can cause negative variations in the state of health of the user in case of content them in the product material exceeding admissible concentration of such substances;
"production in the address" - placement in the market of state members of the Customs union of the products sent from warehouse of the manufacturer, the seller or person performing functions of the foreign manufacturer, or shipped without warehousing, or exported for realization in the territory of state members of the Customs union;
"children" are users of products aged up to 14 years;
the paragraph of the seventh is excluded;
"identification of products" - the procedure of reference of products for children and teenagers to scope of this technical regulation of the Customs union and establishment of compliance of products of technical documentation to it;
"manufacturer" - the legal entity or physical person as the individual entrepreneur performing on its own behalf production for children and teenagers for the subsequent realization and responsible for its compliance to safety requirements of this technical regulation;
products of incidental use - the products intended for continuous socks within no more than 4 hours no more than 2 weekly with indication of the relevant information on marking of product;
"importer" - the resident of state member of the Customs union who concluded with the nonresident of state member of the Customs union the agreement in foreign trade on transfer of products for children and teenagers enables the realization of these products and bears responsibility for its compliance to safety requirements of this technical regulation;
"toxicity index" - the integral indicator of impact of hazardous substances determined on culture of cages;
"mechanical safety" - complex of quantitative indices of mechanical properties and constructive product characteristics which provides decrease in risk of damnification to health or threats of life of the user;
"newborns" are children aged up to 28 days inclusive;
"the product circulation for children and teenagers in the market" - the movement of these products from the manufacturer to the user covering all processes which there undergo the specified products after completion of its production;
"teenagers" are users of products aged from 14 up to 18 years;
"users of products" - the children, teenagers who are personally using products which are subject of this technical regulation;
"application to destination" - use of products for children and teenagers according to the name and (or) purpose specified by the manufacturer on marking of these products and (or) in operational documents;
"risk" - combination of probability of damnification and effects of this harm for life or health of the person, property, the environment, life or health of animals and plants;
"sports products" - the products providing necessary conditions for the organization and competitions and trainings on different types of sport;
standard sample" – the sample representing the products relating to one type on purpose, intended for one or several age groupes and made by one manufacturer from the same materials.
If the sizes of standard sample and (or) technological transactions executed in case of its production do not allow to carry out testing in full, for carrying out testing as standard sample the sample (samples) of material (materials) of which this sample is made is used.
When carrying out testing of fur product as standard sample use of the fur skin (fur skins) identical on specific accessory and method of manufacture to skins of which this fur product is made is allowed;
"person authorized by the manufacturer" - the legal entity or physical person registered in accordance with the established procedure by the state of the Party which is determined by the manufacturer based on the contract with it for implementation of actions from his name in case of confirmation of conformity and placement of products on customs areas of the states of the Parties, and also for assignment of responsibility for discrepancy of products to requirements of technical regulations of the Customs union;
"chemical safety" - condition of product in case of which there is no unacceptable risk connected with damnification to health or threat of life of the user because of exceeding of level of concentration of unhealthy chemicals of the user.
If the indicator of chemical safety is established it "is not allowed", instruction of limit of detection of hazardous substances for the techniques of accomplishment of measurements allowed to application for control of sanitary and chemical indicators is obligatory.
1. Products for children and teenagers are issued in market circulation of state members of the Customs union in case of its compliance to this technical regulation, and also other technical regulations of the Customs union which action extends to it, at the same time it shall undergo the procedure of obligatory confirmation of conformity and shall be marked by single market circulation mark of state members of the Customs union.
2. Products for children and teenagers which compliance is not confirmed to requirements of this technical regulation shall not be marked by single market circulation mark of state members of the Customs union and are not allowed to release into the stream of commerce in the market.
1. Products for care of children shall conform to the following general requirements of safety:
the toxicity index determined in the water circle (the distilled water) shall be ranging from 70 to 120 percent inclusive, or there shall be no local irritant action on integuments and mucous;
change of pH of water extract shall be no more +/-1,0.
2. Nipples are milk, pacifiers and products sanitary and hygienic of latex, rubber and silicone elastomers shall conform to requirements of chemical and mechanical safety. Availability of smack of water extract is not allowed.
Release of noxious to health chemicals shall not exceed the following regulations:
when testing pacifiers milk and pacifiers from silicone polymers:
lead - is not allowed;
arsenic - is not allowed;
formaldehyde - is not allowed;
methyl alcohol - is not allowed;
butyl alcohol - is not allowed;
phenol - is not allowed;
zinc - no more 1,0 of mg/dm3;
antioxidant (agidol-2) - no more 2,0 of mg/dm3;
when testing latex, rubber pacifiers milk and pacifiers:
lead - is not allowed;
arsenic - is not allowed;
antioxidant (agidol-2) - no more 2,0 of mg/dm3;
N-nitrozoamin (extraction by chloride methylene) - no more 10,0 of mkg/kg;
N-nitrozoobrazuyushchiye (extraction by artificial saliva) - no more 200,0 of mkg/kg;
цимат (zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate) - it is not allowed;
phthalic anhydride - no more 0,2 of mg/dm3;
phenol - is not allowed.
Nipples milk and pacifiers shall have smooth without seams outside and internal surfaces which shall not stick together after 5-fold boiling in the distilled water.
The pacifier shall be with washer (guard). Durability of connection of ring with barrel in pacifier shall be at least 40 N.
Products sanitary and hygienic of rubber, intended for care of children, shall be steady against 5-fold disinfection, keep appearance and shall not stick together. The products filled by liquid (hot-water bottles and other similar products) shall be hermetic and shall not pass water. Products sanitary and hygienic of rubber shall conform to requirements of chemical safety according to appendix No. 2.
3. Ware and tableware from plastic shall not have sharp (cutting, pricking) edges and edges if it is not determined by functional purpose of product. The ingate vystupaniye over the bearing area is not allowed. The protective and decorative covering of product shall be steady against action of wet processing. The products intended for contact with foodstuff shall be resistant to 1 percent solution of acetic acid and soap and alkaline solutions heated to temperature of 60 +/-5 °C, to keep appearance and coloring, not to be deformed and not to decrepitate in case of impact of water at temperature from 65 to 75 °C.
The cover of small bottle and other similar products shall provide their hermeticity and not pass water. Durability of product shall be that that after 5-fold fall of the product filled with water from height of 120 cm residual deformation, cracks, chips and destructions was not observed.
Smack and change of color of water extract of the products intended for contact with foodstuff are not allowed.
Ware and tableware from plastic shall conform to requirements of chemical safety according to appendix No. 3.
Production of the children's ware having contact with foodstuff using polycarbonate, polyvinylchloride, melamine is not allowed.
4. In the goods of children's assortment intended for contact with foodstuff, migration of chemicals of the 1st and 2nd class of danger (including aluminum, barium, boron, cadmium, cobalt, arsenic and lead) it is not allowed.
Allocation of the hazardous substances containing in ware from glass, glass ceramics and ceramics on indicators of chemical safety shall not exceed the following sizes:
chrome - mg/dm3 0,1;
manganese - mg/dm3 0,1;
copper - mg/dm3 1,0;
titanium - mg/dm3 0,1;
zinc - mg/dm3 1,0.
The ware and tableware intended for hot food shall be thermally steady and shall not collapse in case of differences of temperatures 95 - 70 - 20 °C, small bottles and banks for baby food - in case of differences of temperatures from 95 to 45 °C, small bottles under dairy products - in case of differences of temperatures from 65 to 25 °C. The thermal stability of faience ware with color glaze shall be at least 115 °C, with colourless glaze - at least 125 °C.
The covering applied on internal surface of the products contacting to foodstuff shall be acid-resistant. Drawing decorative coverings on internal surface of ware from glass is not allowed.
On products chips, pro-carved sides, the stuck glass pieces cutting or the showered particles, end-to-end prosechka and foreign particulates having around themselves cracks are not allowed.
Fixture of handles of products and elements of decorative registration shall be strong. The product handle from glass shall maintain the loading equal to product capacity in case of lifting for the handle within 1 minute. The product handle from ceramics shall maintain one-time loading the weight twice exceeding the mass of the water filling product in case of application of method of lifting for the handle.
Allocation of hazardous substances from the ware and tableware from metal intended for contact with foodstuff shall not exceed the following regulations:
ware and tableware from stainless steel - iron - mg/dm 0,3 3, nickel - mg/dm 0,1 3, chrome - 0,1 of mg/dm3 and manganese - mg/dm3 0,1;
ware from aluminum with etched, quartz and polished internal surface, including with protivoprigarny covering, - titanium - mg/dm 0,1 3, iron - 0,3 of mg/dm3 and chrome - mg/dm 0,1 3, aluminum is not allowed, fluorine ion (totally) is not allowed for products with protivoprigarny covering;
ware and tableware from aluminum with the surface plated by stainless steel - aluminum and lead - are not allowed, copper - mg/dm 1,0 3, zinc - mg/dm 1,0 3, iron - mg/dm 0,3 3, nickel - 0,1 of mg/dm3 and chrome - mg/dm3 0,1;
ware and tableware from cupronickel, German silver with silver or gold backing - lead - is not allowed, copper - mg/dm 1,0 3, zinc - mg/dm 1,0 3, nickel - mg/dm 0,1 3, chrome - mg/dm 0,1 3, manganese - 0,1 of mg/dm3 and iron - mg/dm3 0,3;
the ware steel enameled including with protivoprigarny covering, - boron, aluminum, cobalt, lead and arsenic - are not allowed, nickel - 0, 3, chrome - mg/dm 0,1 3, manganese - mg/dm 0,1 3, zinc - 0,1 of mg/dm3 and titanium - mg/dm 0,1 3, fluorine ion (totally) is not allowed by mg/dm for products with protivoprigarny covering;
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