of March 28, 2013 No. 89
About measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About fire safety"
In pursuance of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About fire safety", for the purpose of combination of efforts of citizens, broad involvement of engineering employees, workers and employees to participation in case of the prevention and suppression of the fires, further enhancement of training system of younger generation it is correct to application of measures of fire safety and ability to be effective in case of the fire, and also the Cabinet of Ministers decides ensuring proper accounting and systematization of data on divisions of departmental and voluntary fire protection:
1. Approve:
Regulations on procedure for creation and activities of the fire and technical commissions according to appendix No. 1;
Regulations on procedure for creation and activities of divisions of voluntary fire protection according to appendix No. 2;
Regulations on procedure for creation and activities of teams of young firefighters according to appendix No. 3;
Regulations on procedure of accounting registration of divisions of departmental and voluntary fire protection according to appendix No. 4.
2. To render Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent, bodies of the public and economic board, self-government institutions of citizens, other interested organizations every possible assistance in creation and the organization of activities of divisions of voluntary fire protection in settlements and objects, carrying out accounting registration of divisions of voluntary and departmental fire protection, and also in creation and the organization of activities of teams of young firefighters in organizations of general average, secondary vocational and professional education.
3. To bodies of the public and economic board, and also other organizations in three-months time to bring departmental regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution.
4. Declare invalid the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of June 29, 1995 No. 243 "About approval of regulations on voluntary fire teams, teams of young firefighters, the fire and technical commissions".
5. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan B. I. Zakirov.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Shavkat Mirziyoyev
Appendix № 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 28, 2013 No. 89
1. This Provision according to article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About fire safety" determines procedure for creation and implementation of activities of the fire and technical commissions.
2. The fire and technical commissions (further - PTK) are created and perform activities on the objects having especially important state value, large welfare objects and communications, and also the objects carried according to the legislation to hazardous production facilities on which are used, made, processed will be formed, stored, transported, the substances capable to form explosion the fire-dangerous circle (further - the organizations) are destroyed.
3. The purpose of creation of PTK is attraction of managerial personnel and engineering employees (further - ITR) the organizations to active participation in work on the prevention of the fires and fire protection.
4. PTK are included representatives of managerial personnel and ITR of the organization whose activities are connected with the organization and carrying out engineering procedures, operation and servicing of electroinstallations, water supply systems, bonds, production automatic equipment, automatic fire protection, etc., and also heads of departmental or voluntary fire protection and specialists in fire safety of security service of work, trade union representatives and other representative bodies of workers.
5. In the organizations which do not have own technical services, PTK can be included the specialists of third parties working in the organization for the agreement.
6. The chief engineer of the organization, and to position of the secretary - the specialist in fire safety of security service of work of the organization is, as a rule, appointed to position of the chairman of PTK.
7. PTK are created by the order of the head of the organization. Based on this provision the Regulations on PTK of the organization which affirm his head are developed.
8. PTK shall keep in continuous communication with labor unions and other representative bodies of workers, security service of work of the organization, and also bodies of the State fire supervision.
9. PTK in the activities is guided by regulatory legal acts and regulating documents on fire safety, instructions of the State fire supervision, this Provision, and also Regulations on PTK of the organization.
10. The main objectives of PTK are:
identification of violations in engineering procedures of production, operation of aggregates, installations, laboratories, workshops, in warehouses, bases, etc. which can lead to emergence of the fire, explosion or accident, and also development of the actions directed to elimination of these violations;
assistance to fire protection in the organization and carrying out fire scheduled maintenance, control of observance of requirements of standards, regulations, rules, instructions and other regulating documents on fire safety, and also in accomplishment of instructions and resolutions of the State fire supervision;
organization of rationalization and inventive work on questions of fire safety and improvement of fire protection of object;
carrying out mass and explanatory work among workers, employees and engineering employees concerning observance of requirements of fire safety and the set fire prevention regime.
11. The PTK main functions are:
carrying out, together with representatives of the relevant divisions of the organization, fire and technical inspections of production, storage, administration and other service premises, buildings, constructions, the equipment, machines and mechanisms of the organization regarding compliance to their requirements of fire safety (at least 2-4 times a year depending on category vzryvo-, fire danger of the organization);
development together with management of the organization, division managers and other services of actions for prevention of the fires in the organizations, and also rendering the organizational help with accomplishment of the planned actions;
informing workers on behalf of the employer about vzryvo-, fire danger of engineering procedures of production, about the possible reasons of the fires and explosions, and also about methods of their prevention;
approval of drafts of instructions about measures of fire safety (all-object, for divisions of the organization, engineering procedures and separate work types), programs of primary instructing on workplace, training programs in system of fire and technical minimum;
organization of providing divisions of the organization with rules, regulations, posters and other visual aids for fire safety, and also rendering to them methodical help in the equipment of the corresponding information stands;
holding of conferences, seminars and meetings on ensuring fire safety in the organization, its certain workshops and other sites;
the organization of fire-proof promotion and propaganda in the organizations, holding public reviews of fire-proof condition of workshops, warehouses of the organization, readiness of departmental and voluntary fire protection for suppression of the fires, and also check of accomplishment of the fire-proof actions offered by instructions of the State fire supervision;
identification vzryvo-, fire-dangerous production factors on workplaces, evaluating and the analysis vzryvo-, fire danger of engineering procedures of production;
participation in check of the facts of the fires in the organization. Identification of the reasons and preparation of the reasonable conclusions on prevention of similar cases, with creation of the act in form according to appendix No. 1 to this Provision;
bringing to data of employees of the organizations of the enacted new legal and other regulatory legal acts for fire safety;
documentation stores organization (acts on check of fire-proof condition of objects of the organization, acts on check of the facts of the fires, work plans and protocols of the commission, materials of certification of workplaces for fire safety, etc.).
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