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of November 9, 2013 No. 444-IV

About the scientific organizations

(as amended on 13-07-2024)

This Law determines legal status, the purposes, tasks and powers of the scientific organizations, their types and types, state regulation of activities of the scientific organizations.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Concept of the scientific organization

The scientific organization is legal entity irrespective of pattern of ownership and legal form who performs as the main research and (or) scientific and technical activities, and (or) experimental developments (further - scientific activities), preparation and advanced training of scientific personnel and is effective according to the legislation of Turkmenistan and constituent documents.

Article 2. Legislation of Turkmenistan on the scientific organizations

The legislation of Turkmenistan on the scientific organizations is based on the Constitution of Turkmenistan, consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan regulating activities of the scientific organizations. If the international treaty of Turkyomenistan establishes other rules than provided by this Law, then rules of the international treaty are applied.

Article 3. Legal status of the scientific organizations

1. Activities of the scientific organizations are performed according to the state scientific and technical policy and the legislation of Turkmenistan and determined by their charters.

2. The relations between the scientific organizations and consumers of results of scientific activities are regulated by the legislation of Turkmenistan.

3. The scientific organization owns, uses and disposes of the property given it by the founder (founders) for implementation of scientific activities.

The procedure for ownership, use and order of property of the scientific organization is determined by the legislation of Turkmenistan.

4. The scientific organizations support and develop the research and experienced and experimental base, update business assets.

5. Creation, registration, reorganization and liquidation of the scientific organizations are made according to the procedure, established by the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Article 4. Purposes and tasks of the scientific organization

1. The purposes of the scientific organization are:

1) carrying out basic and applied scientific research, napyoravlenny on receipt of new knowledge of the laws of development of the nature, society, the person and the state promoting technology, economic and social development of Turkmenistan;

2) expert scientific ensuring activities of public authorities;

3) every possible assistance to development of science and technology in Turkmenistan;

4) distribution and increase in the authority of scientific knowledge;

5) strengthening of ties between science and education;

6) strengthening of ties between science and production;

7) forming and development of personnel potential in the sphere of science;

8) assistance to increase in the status and social security of scientists.

2. The main objectives of the scientific organization are:

1) development of offers on forming and realization of the state scientific and technical policy;

2) examination of scientific and technical programs and projects;

3) development of programs of scientific research according to programs of social and economic development of Turkmenistan;

4) provision of scientific and advisory and expert services to public authorities of Turkmenistan, local government bodies, and also legal entities and physical persons;

5) studying and the analysis of achievements of world and domestic science, development of recommendations about their use for the benefit of Turkmenistan;

6) determination of ways of increase in extent of integration of science and education, science and production;

7) preparation of the offers aimed at the development of material and social base of the scientific organizations, strengthening of social security of scientists;

8) enhancement of system of preparation of scientific personnel, increase in their qualification;

9) promoting and promotion of science, scientific knowledge and scientific and technical achievements.

Article 5. Powers of the scientific organization

Treat powers of the scientific organization:

1) independent forming of the main directions of scientific activities;

2) accomplishment of scientific research;

3) participation in tenders on financing of scientific research at the expense of sources, stipulated by the legislation Turkmenistan;

4) development of offers on the priority directions of development of basic and applied scientific research in Turkmenistan;

5) participation in the commissions of experts issuing recommendations about the directions and to amounts of public financing of the basic and applied scientific research conducted by the scientific organizations of Turkmenistan;

6) conducting examinations of scientific and technical programs and projects, their monitoring and assessment, and also conducting examinations of results of the scientific activities performed at the expense of means of the Government budget of Turkmenistan at the request of public authorities of Turkmenistan;

7) participation in development and examination of regulatory legal acts in the sphere of scientific activities, protection of scientific intellectual property;

8) implementation of publishing activities, including edition of scientific collections, monographs and other types of scientific works, periodic and serial editions, forming of the database of scientific and technical information;

9) holding scientific conferences and other scientific actions;

10) carrying out approbation of results of scientific research and their implementation in production;

11) creation of scientific, advisory and coordination councils, commissions on the most important directions of scientific activities;

12) the conclusion with legal entities and physical persons of contracts for work of research nature on paid basis;

13) creation of experienced and production laboratories, research and production centers and other structures for the purpose of realization of the rights to products created as a result of scientific activities;


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