It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
August 28, 2013
No. 1475/24007
of July 30, 2013 No. 1338
About approval of the Regulations on procedure for placement, the address and the redemption of securities of institute of joint investment
According to Item 3 parts one of Article 7 and Item 13 of article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "About state regulation of the capital markets and the organized goods markets", the Laws of Ukraine "About securities and the stock market" and "About institutes of joint investment" the National commission on the capital market and the organized goods markets of RESHILA:
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for placement, the address and redemption of securities of institute of joint investment which is applied.
2. Declare invalid the decision of State commission on securities and the stock market of January 9, 2003 No. 3 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for placement, the address and the redemption of securities of institute of joint investment", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 5, 2003 for No. 92/7413 (with changes).
3. To provide to department of joint investment and regulation of activities of institution investors (O. Simonenko) provision of this decision on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
4. To provide to management of information technologies, external and internal communications (A.Zaik):
publication of this decision in the official printing publication of the National commission on securities and the stock market;
promulgation of this decision on the official site of the National commission on securities and the stock market.
5. This decision becomes effective since January 1, 2014.
6. Control over the implementation of this decision to assign to the member of the National commission on securities and the stock market A. Amelin.
Commission chairman
D. Tevelev
The minutes of the Commission of July 30, 2013 No. 37
It is approved: The chairman of Public service of Ukraine concerning regulatory policy and development of entrepreneurship |
M. Yu. Brodsky |
Approved by the Decision of the National commission on securities and the stock market of July 30, 2013 No. 1338
1. This Provision establishes requirements concerning procedure for placement, the address and the redemption of securities of institute of joint investment.
2. In this Provision the terms below are used in such values:
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