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of October 31, 2013 No. 498

About approval of requirements of industrial safety in case of operation of gas-dust removal systems

According to subitem 17-1) of article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About industrial safety on hazardous production facilities", PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Requirements of industrial safety in case of operation of gas-dust removal systems.

2. To impose control of execution of this order on the chairman of Committee on the state control of emergency situations and industrial safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kunanbayev N. S.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of signing.


V. Bozhko

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 31, 2013 No. 498

Requirements of industrial safety in case of operation of gas-dust removal systems

1. General provisions

1. These Requirements of industrial safety in case of operation of gas-dust removal systems (further - Requirements) extend to the gas-dust removal systems constructed for the purpose of protection of atmospheric air from pollution by harmful industrial emissions on pylegazoochistny installations for the technology purposes having emissions in the atmosphere.

2. The gas-dust removal system - the single technical device or group of the technical devices serving for catching (neutralization) of harmful components from flue gases or ventilating emissions, with communications and devices, to them relating.

3. Gas-dust removal systems are divided on technology and sanitary:

1) installations of technology purification of gases - constructions and devices of gas purification and pyleulavlivaniye which are switched on in engineering procedure, not having gas emissions in the atmosphere;

2) installations of sanitary purification of gases - the constructions and devices built for the purpose of protection of atmospheric air from pollution by harmful technology and ventilating emissions and also raw materials return.

4. Treat gas-dust removal systems:

1) devices of electric purification of gases;

2) fabric, fibrous and porous filters (bag, frame, hose with the return, jet and pulse purge);

3) dry inertial dust arresters (cyclones single, group and battery, zhalyuziyny dust arresters, acoustic coagulators, rotoklona and others);

4) wet dust arresters (hollow and nozzle scrubbers, wet cyclones, rotoklona, foam devices, bubblers, high-speed turbulent devices and other devices);

5) installations of chemical purification of gases (ion-exchange, absorbing, the adsorptive and recuperation and conversions of the caught products);

6) furnaces and installations of deodorization of evil-smelling substances, catalytic and plazmokatalitichesky decomposition and reburning of flue gases.

5. These Requirements do not extend to the gas purification installations operating on cars, airplanes, diesel locomotives, ocean and river crafts in the industrial productions having emissions of radioactive materials.

6. Designing of gas-dust removal systems is made with carrying out calculations:

1) overall performance of installations;

2) dispersion of vrednost, taking into account background pollution.

7. The number of gas-purifying and dust removal systems for production equipment is determined taking into account ensuring uninterrupted purification of gases during the entire period of operation of the capital equipment.

8. The device and designing of bypass gas flues is not made for emission of flue gases in the atmosphere without cleaning.

2. Servicing of gas-dust removal systems and equipment by their automation equipment

9. In the organization operating the gas-dust removal system:

1) persons providing operation of gas-dust removal systems are designated;

2) the production schedules on operation of the gas-dust removal equipment based on management of the manufacturer taking into account specific conditions are developed and affirms.

Production schedules - the internal regulating document of the company establishing production methods, technology standard rates, technical means, conditions and the procedure for carrying out engineering procedure providing finished goods with the quality indicators meeting the requirements of standards, and also establishing safety of conducting works and achievement of optimum technical and economic indicators of production.

10. For gas-dust removal systems of all types emergency operation is considered:

operation of devices with variations of parameters of the purified gas on temperature, pressure, dust contents of gas and to the chemical composition;

if pylevygruzochny devices do not work or do not provide unloading of the caught product in case of normal operating mode of the device;

in case of air suctions in the device exceeding the size established in production schedules;

in case of violation of the mode of otryakhivaniye, washout or blowing of working elements of devices (electrodes, sleeves, nozzles and to that similar).

For installations of electric cleaning with the gazovavariyny mode it is considered:

during the operation of the electric precipitator without giving on it of tension, tension moves not on all fields or is supported below provided in production schedules;

in case of distortion of frames of koroniruyushchy electrodes owing to deformation the gap between axes of koroniruyushchy and osaditelny electrodes became less specified in production schedules.

For hose the filtrovavariyny mode is considered:

if fabric of sleeves lost the filtering properties;

if filters work at the increased temperature of the purified gas with sleeves from:

fiber glass fabrics with silikografitovy impregnation - more than 250 °;

fiber glass fabrics with silicone impregnation - more than 240 °;

lavsan - bolee140 °;

baizes - bolee100 °;

Nitron - more than 130 °;

other materials - no more allowed temperature for swore.

For installations of chemical and wet cleaning with the gazaavariyny mode it is considered:

if on installation water or solution is not pumped in enough or their uniform distribution on all amount of the device is not provided;

if content of firm suspension in water (solution) exceeds the established regulation;

if there is clogging (pollution) of filter-bed of the catalyst, absorbent or adsorbent;

if the mode of washing, regeneration of active layer, catalysts, absorbent or adsorbent is broken;

if concentration of solutions does not correspond to production schedules.

11. Processing equipment in case of non-operational condition of gas-dust removal devices is not subject to operation.


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