of August 27, 2013 No. 258-O
About approval of Rules of identification, creation and operation of subjects to selection and seed-growing appointment
According to Item 2-1 of Article 77 of the Forest code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 8, 2003, I ORDER:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of identification, creation and operation of subjects to selection and seed-growing appointment.
2. To committee of forest and hunting economy of the Ministry of environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ustemirov K. Zh.) provide in the procedure established by the legislation state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its official publication in mass media.
3. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
N. Kapparov
Approved by the Order of the Minister of environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 27, 2013 No. 258-O
1. Rules of identification, creation and operation of subjects to selection and seed-growing appointment (further – Rules) are developed according to Item 2-1 of Article 77 of the Forest code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 8, 2003 and determine procedure for identification, creation and operation of subjects to selection and seed-growing appointment on sites of the state forest fund.
2. The basic concepts used in these rules:
1) plus plantings - highly productive and steady plantings for certain forest vegetation conditions;
2) forest seed plantations of the first procedure (generation) - forest seed plantations in case of which laying as initial material matochnik (plus trees) which are selected on phenotypical signs are used;
3) forest seed plantations of vegetative origin - the forest seed plantations pledged with use of material of vegetative origin;
4) forest seed plantations of the second procedure (generation) - the forest seed plantations created on the basis of use of the initial material checked for combinational capability;
5) introduced species - the plants entered into the forest vegetation area where they did not grow earlier;
6) clone - set of all descendants (ramt) received from one initial individual by vegetative reproduction or apomiktichesky formation of seeds and having identical genotype;
7) forest seed plantations clonal - the forest seed plantations created with use of vegetative posterity (clones) of plus or elite trees;
8) site class of the wood - indicator of productivity of the wood. Depends on conditions of growth and it is determined by the average height and average age of trees of the main breed;
9) forest seed plantation (further - LSP) - artificially created planting from the plants planted according to the special genetic scheme which are seed or vegetative posterity of plus trees intended for regular receipt (for a long time) of high-quality, elite or hybrid seeds with the set heritable properties and high sowing qualities;
10) isolation of plantations - the conditions preventing process of pollination of LSP undesirable pollen, mainly from natural plantings;
11) LSP of seed origin - plantations in case of which laying the seeds received from controlled pollination of matochnik (sibsa) or free pollination (half-sibs) are used;
12) the permanent forest seed site (further - PLSU) - the created sites of plantings of natural origin or the forest cultures created from the seedlings or saplings which are grown up from the seeds prepared from plus trees in plus plantings on the forest seed plantations intended for receipt of seeds for a long time, highly productive for these forest vegetation conditions.
3. Creation of subjects to selection and seed-growing appointment is performed according to the need for seeds and landing material for reproduction of the woods and afforestation, the specialized organizations in the field of forest selection and seed farming (further - the specialized organization).
4. The permanent forest seed base on sites of the state forest fund includes the following subjects to selection and seed-growing appointment:
1) forest seed plantations;
2) permanent forest seed sites;
3) plus plantings.
5. Criteria for identification and creation of subjects to selection and seed-growing appointment depend on forest vegetation zone, type of forest vegetation conditions, biological features of separate types of forest plants, their age and condition, and also their identifications and creations are more whole.
6. Forming of subjects to selection and seed-growing appointment, establishment of the mode of their operation on sites of the state forest fund is determined by the projects which passed the state environmental assessment, the developed forest management, design and survey and scientific organizations specializing in this area. The realization of project data is enabled by the state forest owners.
7. LSP are subdivided into three categories: the first procedure, the increased genetic value and the second procedure.
8. On method of reproduction of initial material LSP are subdivided into LSP of vegetative origin (clonal), including inoculative, created by inoculation of shanks of plus trees on the young stocks and scion-rooted created by landing of the implanted parts of uterine trees and LSP of seed origin (semeystvenny), created by landing of seedlings (saplings) which are grown up from seeds of plus trees or created by crops of seeds of these trees.
9. The choice of method of bookmark LSP is determined in projects according to biological features of wood breed, forest vegetation conditions and intensity of forest management in the region.
10. Proceeding from the selection purposes, on LSP of the first procedure posterities of the plus trees which are selected on one or several selektiruyemy signs are grouped.
11. Posterities of plus trees of one or several populations of this forest seed area concentrate on LSP. For the purpose of expansion of the region of use of seeds LSP by posterities of plus trees of the neighboring forest seed areas, and for introduced species - the neighboring forest vegetation areas are created.
12. For creation of LSP outside natural area for the purpose of expansion of forest seed division into districts movement of clones (families) out of limits of their natural area is performed, in that case when if it promotes strengthening of fructification and improvement of ripening of seeds. Seeds from such LSP are used according to forest seed division into districts for the region of origin of initial plus trees.
13. In mountain conditions of LSP habitats of plus trees or at smaller heights, than habitat of plus trees are pledged on high-rise belts or populations.
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