of September 23, 2013 No. 101
About approval of the List of the personal data necessary and the sufficient for accomplishment performed tasks bodies of prosecutor's office
For the purpose of implementation of the subitem 1) of Item 2 of article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About personal data and their protection", being guided by the subitem 37) of Item 19 of the Regulations on the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 13, 2017 No. 563 "About some questions of bodies of prosecutor's office of the Republic of Kazakhstan", PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the List of the personal data necessary and the sufficient for accomplishment performed tasks by bodies of prosecutor's office according to appendix to this order.
2. To send this order to committee on legal statistics and special accounting of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - Committee):
1) on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) in structural divisions of the Prosecutor General's Office, Academy of law enforcement agencies under the Prosecutor General's Office, the Main military and transport prosecutor's offices, prosecutor's offices of areas, cities of republican value and the capital, territorial authorities of Committee for data.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the First Deputy Attorney-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order is subject to official publication and becomes effective since November 25, 2013.
Attorney-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Daulbayev
to the Order of the Attorney-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 23, 2013 No. 101
1) surname, name, middle name (in case of its availability);
2) data on change of surname, name, middle name (in case of its availability), the change bases;
3) the signature (including electronic and digital in case of its availability);
4) number, month, year of birth;
5) the birthplace (certificate number about the birth, date of issue by whom it is issued);
6) data of the identity document: the name, number, date of issue and effective period of the document, the body which issued the document in the presence of the foreign passport, passport details (number, date of issue, effective period, the body which issued the document with appendix of the photo);
7) data on issue of the previous identity documents (the body which issued the document, the bases of issue, the replacement reason);
8) nationality (former nationality), date of acquisition of nationality of the Republic of Kazakhstan, date of loss of nationality of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
9) the residential address and places of registration of the citizen (the former address of the place of registration and the residence), registration date at the place of residence (still to the residence) or in the place of stay;
10) e-mail address(es) (including data on registration on social networks);
11) numbers of contact telephone numbers of family members (house, working, mobile);
12) individual identification number (further - IIN);
13) business and identification number of the organization - place of employment (further - BIN);
14) data on activities of the individual entrepreneur (legal address, registration date (basis of removal from registration accounting), type of activity;
15) data on creation and participation in activities of legal entities (share in the authorized capital of economic partnerships, the share), including relatives and cousins-in-laws in other legal entities, including in the past, data on activities of the legal entity (legal address, date of state registration), type of activity, the bases of liquidation of earlier created subjects of private entrepreneurship, data on availability of claims from law enforcement and fiscal agencies;
16) data on number, series and date of issue of the service record and records in it;
17) data on property (property status), both on the property right, and on the right of trust management (motor transport, real estate objects (the apartment, the house, garage, land, country sections, copyright objects, etc.) with indication of individual identification signs (the basis of the property right or ownership, brand, place of registration, the state registration registration plate, cadastral number, the location, etc.);
18) the data specified in originals and copies of acts on staff and materials to them;
19) data on the state awards and departmental distinctions, honorary, special and military titles, class ranks, encouragement, penalties (name, type, date);
20) data on results of certification, information on results of psychological inspection and testing for knowledge of the legislation;
21) data on results of internal office investigations;
22) data on results of medical certificates;
23) data on results of polygraphological research;
24) data on the periods of temporary disability; labor leaves, maternity leaves, business trips;
25) data on social privileges and the social status (series, number, date of issue, the name of the body which issued the document which is the basis for provision of privileges and the status);
26) data on labor activity (data on labor activity for the current time with complete specifying of position, structural division, organization, its name, general and uninterrupted length of service of work, the address and phones, and also details of other organizations with full name of the positions held earlier in them and operating time in these organizations);
27) data on education, qualification and availability of special knowledge or special preparation (series, number, date of issue of the diploma, certificate, certificate or other document on termination);
28) data on educational institution, including its name and legal address, faculty or department, qualification and specialty received after its termination;
29) data on academic (academic) degree, academic status (number and date of the act of assignment);
30) data on advanced training and retraining (series, number, date of issue of the document on advanced training or about retraining, the name and legal address of educational institution, qualification and specialty received after its termination);
31) data on the salary (including data on official pay rate, allowances, awards, tax and pension assignments);
32) data on availability of executive documents concerning person;
33) data on military accounting of the persons liable for call-up and persons who are subject to conscription (series, number, date of issue, the name of the body which granted the military ID or the assigned certificate, military specialty, military rank, data on acceptance/removal from accounting);
34) name of military unit, period of passing of conscription service;
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