of June 26, 2013 No. 590
About approval of the Concept of new budget policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 18, 2012 No. 449 "About measures for implementation of the Message of the Head of state to the people of Kazakhstan of December 14, 2012 "Strategy Kazakhstan-2050: new political policy of the taken place state" POSTANOVLYAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed Concept of new budget policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. To impose control of execution of this Decree on Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. This Decree becomes effective from the date of signing.
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
N. Nazarbayev
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 26, 2013 No. 590
The new economic course, threats and challenges to stable development of the country require change of approaches to forming and realization of the budget policy which is the most important component of the state economic policy and the instrument of implementation of the tasks of social and economic development.
The concept of new budget policy is developed according to the President's letter of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan of December 14, 2012 "Strategy Kazakhstan-2050: new political policy of the taken place state" it is also directed to use of the budget resources within opportunities and reducing deficit, ensuring the careful and thought-over budget and financial process, investment of budgetary funds and means of National fund into productive strategic national projects from the point of view of long-term outlook using tough system of selection.
This Concept determines vision, the main approaches of forming and the direction of the budget policy till 2020 and is aimed at providing complexity of carrying out reforms in the field of public finances.
Analysis of the current situation
From the moment of finding of independence in Kazakhstan bases of modern management system are created by public finances.
Are created the system of public finances meeting conditions and the requirements of market economy, the legal framework of financial provision of activities of public authorities at the central and local levels.
Program budgeting and program classification of expenses is implemented.
Sources of the income with their distribution between republican and local budgets are fixed on permanent basis.
For the purpose of macroeconomic stabilization financing of central government budget deficit since 1998 passed to noninflationary sources.
Creation in 2000 of National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - National fund) for the purpose of accumulating of financial resources for future generations by means of saving of oil revenues, and also decrease in dependence of the republican budget on situation in the world raw markets became important reform in the budget system of Kazakhstan. The national fund became the important instrument of maintenance of macroeconomic stability in the country.
In 2004 the first Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in which existing rules of the legislation in the budget system were ordered and systematized was accepted.
For the purpose of ensuring interrelation of economic, strategic and budgetary planning differentiation of powers between the central state bodies and levels of public administration, including in the budget system was carried out.
Stability of the interbudget relations between republican and local budgets by legislative determination of amounts of transfers of general nature for the three-year period is provided.
In 2007 work on forming of qualitatively new model of public administration on the principles of corporate management, effectiveness, transparency and accountability to society is begun. For the purpose of forming of complete and effective system of the state planning oriented to achievement of strategic objectives and realization of priority tasks of social and economic development of the country in December, 2007 the Concept on implementation of system of the state planning oriented to results was approved.
On the basis of the Concept in 2008 the new Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan which laid the legal framework of transition to the budgeting oriented to result was accepted.
Transition from budgetary planning for one year on the three-year budget which became basis of new model of state planning is performed.
Thus, from the moment of finding of independence in Kazakhstan bases of modern management system are created by budgetary funds. The complete system of regulation of the budget legal relationship is created, the single principles of the budget system are established, the mechanism of saving of oil revenues is implemented, the system of the interbudget relations is built.
At the same time, in forming of the budget policy there are problems and negative tendencies which in so-so and long-term period can negatively affect its efficiency.
Within several years the tendency of increase in obligations of the state is observed, "the budget dependency" amplifies. Current expenses in total amount of expenses of the government budget grew with % 59,6 in 2005 to % 81,1 in 2013.
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The document ceased to be valid since September 10, 2022 according to Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 10, 2022 No. 1005