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of September 23, 2013 No. 519

About approval of Rules of the organization of passenger traffic by road transport in the Kyrgyz Republic

(as amended on 12-04-2024)

For the purpose of improvement of service quality and the organization of passenger traffic on regular bus routes, and also on road transport, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of the organization of passenger traffic by road transport in the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of 07.07.2014 No. 374

3. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of 07.07.2014 No. 374

4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of official publication.

5. To impose control of execution of this resolution on department of regional development, transport, construction and communications of Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Prime Minister

Zh. Satybaldiyev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 23, 2013 No. 519

Rules of the organization of passenger traffic by road transport in the Kyrgyz Republic

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of the organization of passenger traffic by road transport in the Kyrgyz Republic (further - Rules) establish the basic principles of the organization of passenger traffic, procedure for relations of all subjects of road transport, irrespective of pattern of ownership and departmental accessory, authorized state bodies in the field of transport, safety control of traffic and local government bodies.

2. Rules are obligatory for execution by all subjects of road transport performing business activity in the field of passenger traffic in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic including for the carriers performing the international passenger traffic which routes lie through the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also for authorized state bodies in the field of transport, safety control of traffic and local government bodies.

3. These rules determine:

- questions of the organization of bus (trolleybus) routes;

- questions of rendering services by station constructions to passengers, carriers and interactions with the relevant authorized state bodies when implementing passenger traffic;

- questions of the organization and carrying out tenders (tenders) for servicing of regular bus routes;

- procedure for the organization of public conveyances and baggage by motor transport;

- questions of the organization of public conveyances and baggage in case of the international message;

- the concepts, the main normative and qualitative indexes used and shown to work of passenger motor transport.

4. In these rules the following terms are used:

the bus - the vehicle intended for public conveyance and baggage, having more than eight places for sitting, not including driver's seats;

bus route - the established bus travel line from initial and to final Items;

bus station - the station construction which is providing servicing of passengers in settlements and including the building with the waiting room with a capacity over 75 people where there are ticket offices, platforms for landing and disembarkation of passengers, site for the parking of buses, baggage storages, rooms of mother and the child, recreation room of drivers, bathrooms and directory system;

The automated information system "Electronic Tender on Servicing of Routes" (AIS "EKM") - the information system including service for electronic submission of requests, the automated processing of requests, assessment and determination of the winner with storage of information on the electronic database;

the autopavilion - the linear construction located along the highway for servicing of passengers in settlements;

bus station - the station construction which is providing servicing of passengers in settlements and including the building with the waiting room with a capacity over 75 people where there are ticket offices, platforms for landing and disembarkation of passengers, site for the parking of buses, bathrooms and directory system;

the motor transportation company - the legal entity having in property or on other legal causes technological base with complex of production equipment and motor transport, the state administrative and managerial and engineering personnel for accomplishment of transportation process according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;

baggage - the property or material values of the passenger packed for departure by the automotive vehicle, transported separately from the passenger in the same direction, as the passenger, based on the supplementary agreement with carrier;

the luggage ticket - the document confirming payment and acceptance of baggage for transportation;

the ticket - the document certifying right to use by the passenger services in transportation by the passenger vehicle and confirming the conclusion of the public transportation agreement between carrier and the passenger;

armoring - booking in advance of the place in the bus, including by means of the automated electronic systems, for trip;

the sheet of ticket sales - the financial record reflecting quantity the transported passengers and cost of each ticket, and also the amount of the realized tickets;

the driver - the physical person managing the vehicle;

temporary bus routes (seasonal) - the bus (trolleybus) routes functioning only in certain period;

city routes - the bus routes passing within the city;

the working schedule of the driver - the schedule table, regulating the number of workers and the days off of the driver of bus route for a certain time;

the transportation agreement - the agreement between subjects of passenger traffic when rendering services by road transport signed according to the civil legislation including by means of the automated electronic systems;

documentation of drivers - includes the car driver license, registration documents of the vehicle, the license, permission, the route sheet, leaf of regularity, the schedule of work-rest schedule, the schedule of movement, the route pattern, the contract with carrier;

directory system - the service of bus stations and bus stations providing the information for passengers on the schedule of movement of buses, about the cost of fare, indexes and the extent of routes, the statement from these Provisional rules, etc., and also information on other services of bus station;

passenger taxi - the vehicle intended for motor transportation of passengers and baggage, having no more than eight places, not including driver's seats;

leaf of regularity - the document of the driver on accounting of actually performed flights (mark in the starting, intermediate and terminal points) provided by the schedule of movement of the bus on route;

the license - the permission issued to physical person or legal entity to implementation of activities for transportation or servicing of passengers;

route network - set of lines and density of passing of bus routes in the city, the area, the area and the republic;

long-distance routes - the bus routes passing between the points of departure and assignments located at distance more than 60 km;

international routes - the bus routes passing out of limits of borders of two and more states;

medical examination of the driver - check by the health worker of the state of health of the driver before departure to the line or in run, including on the residual phenomenon of alcohol;

turnover run - bus trip in the direct and return directions along the established route;

stopping point - the specially allotted place for short-term stop of buses and trolleybuses for disembarkation and embarking;

the passenger - the physical person using services of carrier and station constructions based on the signed transportation agreement or on other legal cause;

transportations irregular - the transportations which are carried out on the basis of the one-time agreement of transportation between carrier and physical persons or legal entities without landing and disembarkation of passengers on starting, intermediate, terminal points and on station constructions;

transportations regular - the transportations which are carried out on in advance approved routs to follow with indication of initial and final Items of transportation, stopping points of movement of buses and share taxis and the schedule of their movement;

carrier - the legal entity owning the passenger vehicle and the territory, technological complex for storage, repair of vehicles on the property right or other legal causes, representing services in public conveyance and baggage, registered as the subject of business activity and having on this corresponding permission (license) issued in accordance with the established procedure or the physical person owning the passenger vehicle, representing services in public conveyance and baggage, registered as the subject of business activity and having on this corresponding permission (license) issued in accordance with the established procedure and which received services at legal entities of technological nature, and also repair of vehicles;

semi-express (high-speed) route - traffic route of buses from initial to terminal point, with stop for landing and disembarkation of passengers, on the separate, provided by the schedule stopping points;

permanent bus routes - the bus routes functioning all the year round;

pretrip technical inspection - check of technical condition of the car before departure to the line regarding operability: rudder control, brake system, lighting, electric devices, autotires, undercarriage, and also condition of exterior and salon, availability of the medical first-aid kit and fire extinguisher;

suburban routes - the bus routes passing between the points of departure and assignments located at distance to 60 km inclusive;

the schedule of movement - the schedule table containing data on time, the place and the sequence of accomplishment of runs;

the movement regularity - quality of service indicator of passengers, is determined by the attitude of number of actually performed flights towards quantity provided by the schedule for a certain period of time along routes;

regularity of runs - accurate accomplishment of scheduled flights, without violations and variations from the established regulations;

run - way of the bus from initial and to terminal point of route on departure time;

reservation of buses - content of additional number of buses by carrier for replacement of the bus which is in run in case of its descent from the line for the breakdown reasons on travel line, the road accident (further - road accident), impossibility of driving of the driver for health reasons and to other reasons, for providing regularity and delivery of passengers to destination along route;

cabin baggage - the things or other property of the passenger which is not prohibited on the properties, outline dimensions and weight to transportation in inside of the bus, taxi and transported under the personal liability of the passenger;

authorization system - set of regulating, fabrication documents according to agreements on the international automobile communications for accomplishment of interstate bus transportations;

special bus routes - the bus routes intended for transportation of school students and children of preschool age and also workers and employees of the organizations connected with specific mode of work;

station constructions - the bus stations, bus stations and autocash desks intended for servicing of passengers and carriers and having on this corresponding permission;

authorized state body in the field of transport - the state body performing regulation of activities of subjects on road transport;

authorized state body in the field of traffic safety control - the state body exercising the state control and licensing of activities for public conveyance by road transport;

equipment - registration and the equipment of the car, including: destination sign, numbering of places, covers for seats, curtains, head cushions, the medical first-aid kit, fire extinguishers, information on the cost of fare, the route pattern, the name of carrier and First name, middle initial, last name drivers;

express route - bus traffic route from starting point to final without intermediate stops;

the electronic ticket - the electronic document acquired by means of the automated electronic systems, certifying right to use by the passenger services in transportation by the passenger vehicle, confirming the conclusion of the public transportation agreement between carrier and the passenger;

the electronic luggage ticket - the electronic document acquired by means of the automated electronic systems, confirming payment for acceptance of baggage and transportation.

5. Authorized state body in the field of transport, relevant organs and carriers during the implementing of calculations, creation of statistical data, provision of reports apply the main normative and qualitative indexes, according to appendix 1 to these rules.

Chapter 2. Organization of bus routes

§ 1. Procedure for opening of routes

6. Opening of bus routes is performed:

- city routes of the cities of republican value (Bishkek and Osh) - the city halls of the cities, in coordination with authorized state body in the field of traffic safety control, and city routes of other cities - the city halls of the cities, in coordination with authorized state body in the field of safety control of traffic and authorized body in the field of transport;

- suburban and long-distance routes of intraregional and interregional messages - authorized state body in the field of transport, in coordination with local government bodies and authorized state body in the field of traffic safety control;

- routes of the international message - authorized state bodies in the field of transport of the states of contracting parties on which territory there pass bus routes.

7. Opening of bus route is preceded by the preparatory work including:

- identification of possible passenger traffic and reasons for feasibility of opening of route;

- creation of the commission;

- inspection of road conditions, choice of the route of route and creation of the act of measurement of extent of route;

- determination of the locations of stopping points;

- creation of the route pattern of movement;

- the choice of rational type and brand of railway vehicles, and also determination of necessary quantity according to appendix 18 to these rules;

- regulation of motion speeds;

- creation of the schedule of movement and cost determination of journey;

- carrying out tender on determination of carrier on servicing of route and fixing of route to the winner of tender;

- ensuring coordinate movement of buses on the existing routes, taking into account work of other types of passenger transport;

- the advance notification of the population about opening of route through mass media.

8. Depending on demand of the population, the authorized state body in the field of transport makes reasons for feasibility and need of opening of new bus routes.

Bus routes open by the principle:

- the village (settlement) - the district center - the regional center;

- the village (settlement) - the regional center;

- the district center - the regional center;

- the regional center - the capital;

- the district center (city) - the capital;

- the suburb of the city of Bishkek - the capital.

9. Routes of the international message open according to international treaties and agreements which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.

For opening of intra republican routes, the authorized state body in the field of transport (along suburban and long-distance routes of the intraregional and interregional message), the actuator of local self-government (along city routes of the cities of Bishkek and Osh) creates the commission on inspection of road conditions and measurement of extent of route (further - the commission) in structure:

- representatives of authorized state body in the field of transport, local government body, authorized state body in the field of safety control of traffic, the road organization and other interested persons; on city routes of the cities - based on the decision of local government body;

- representatives of authorized state body in the field of transport, the office of the plenipotentiary of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in area, authorized state body in the field of traffic safety, the road organization - on suburban and long-distance routes of intraregional and interregional messages based on the decision of authorized state body in the field of providing transport;

10. The commission performs control driving through route, carries out measurement of its extent and inspection of road conditions based on which it at the same time draws up statements in form according to appendices 2 and 3 to these rules.

In case of establishment of shortcomings on the road site by the commission acts go to the relevant state bodies on which balance there is highway, for their elimination in a month.

Movement of buses along route can be open only after accomplishment of the actions plan on elimination of the shortcomings specified in the act in full.

11. Depending on the size of passenger traffic, road conditions when opening bus route availability shall be provided:

- turnaround areas and the parking of buses in starting and terminal points of route;

- landing sites on intermediate stopping points of route;

- special platforms for arrival - "pockets";

- bus stations and bus stations on terminal stopping points of suburban and long-distance routes, autopavilions and autocash desks on terminal stopping points of suburban routes;

- control control offices on starting and terminal stopping points of city route.

12. Before departure on inspection of road conditions and measurement of extent of route the commission makes calibration of indications of speedometer of the car.

Calibration is made on direct and equal road stretch with hard surface, at least 10 km long, having kilometer columns. In case of journey the car of 10 km, on kilometer columns takes readings on speedometer and the coefficient of calibration of speedometer is determined (for example, when driving 10 km through speedometer of the indication constituted 10,68 of km or 9,2 of km, the coefficient of calibration will make 10,68/10 = 1,07 or 9,2/10 = 0,920). And further in case of all measurements the amendment at this size is made (the distance on speedometer is divided into coefficient of 1,07 or 0,92).

On calibration of speedometer the statement of the established form signed by all members of the commission according to appendix 4 is without fail drawn up.

13. Stopping points of bus routes shall be placed near passazhiroobrazuyushchy Items: residential arrays, companies, cultural and community organizations, shopping centers, places of mass rest, railway stations, airports, etc.

14. The route pattern of movement of the bus is constituted, affirms and issued:

- on city routes of the cities of republican value (Bishkek and Osh) - the city halls of the cities, in coordination with authorized state body in the field of traffic safety control, and on city routes of other cities - the city halls of the cities, in coordination with authorized state body in the field of safety control of traffic and authorized body in the field of transport;

- on suburban and long-distance routes of the intraregional and interregional message - authorized state body in the field of transport, in coordination with authorized state body in the field of movement safety control.

Traffic patterns of buses on suburban and long-distance routes of the international message are constituted by carriers and approved with authorized state bodies in the field of transport of two contracting parties on which territory there pass bus routes.

The route pattern is issued according to these rules. In cases of change of the traffic route of buses connected with road conditions, the route pattern of movement is reviewed and issued in accordance with general practice.

15. Buses are classified to destination and capacity:

To destination buses are subdivided on city, suburban and long-distance.

City buses are intended for public conveyances and shall provide possibility of journey of passengers sitting and standing.

Suburban buses are intended for public conveyance and baggage in settlements. Buses with the layout of salon providing four-row or three-row seating arrangement are used.

Intercity buses are intended for public conveyance on considerable distances. Sitting have high backs with head cushions. To all passengers places for sitting and possibility of placement in salon of cabin baggage are determined. These buses have luggage sections.

Tourist buses on the equipment and assignment are identical to intercity buses.

On capacity buses are subdivided:

- buses of especially small class (to m 6,9) - from 9 to 16 places for sitting, excepting driver's seat;

- buses of small class (7,0 - m 7,9) - from 17 to 25 places for sitting, excepting driver's seat;

- buses of middle class (8,0 - m 10,4) - from 26 to 35 places for sitting, excepting driver's seat;

- buses of big class (10,5 - m 12,0) - from 36 to 45 places for sitting, excepting driver's seat;

- buses of especially big class (16,5 of m and more) - more than 46 places for sitting, excepting driver's seat.

In case of the choice of rational type of the bus for public conveyance also other design features of the bus taking into account the mountain and hardly accessible area are considered.

16. The necessary number of buses is determined proceeding from the number of the performed flights, taking into account the average time of finding of the bus in run, the reached regularity of movement and availability of passenger traffic.

17. In the course of opening of bus route regulation of speeds on the basis of inspection and measurement of extent of route is made that allows to determine the necessary time in run changing depending on traffic conditions, the period of days, days of the week and season.

Regulation of motion speeds on bus routes shall provide establishment of optimum regulation of time in run and run between checkpoints, taking into account respect for traffic safety.

Regulation of speeds is made in summer conditions, and for the autumn and winter period adjustment according to the act of measurement of distances, according to appendix 4 is made:

- on the operating routes - carrier;

- on again opened suburban, long-distance routes of intraregional, interregional and international messages - authorized state body in the field of transport together with authorized state body in the field of traffic safety control.

18. Regulation of motion speeds by the technique has some difference on types of transport (city, suburban, long-distance), but at the same time shall be the main normalized indicators:

- distance (site, stage, route);

- time of movement and idle time (stop) of the bus;

- the permanent factors limiting movement (road technical characteristics, route signs, weather conditions, time of day, etc.).

19. In case of measurement of distances of route and regulation of motion speeds at the cars allocated for these purposes are checked:

- commonality and condition of tread pattern of autotires;

- speedometer reading accuracy.

All these regulations of motion speeds are subject to processing, for their further use.

20. The schedule of movement of buses is basis of the organization of work of passenger transport and it is obligatory for execution by all participants of transportation process. The schedule of movement of buses is constituted and affirms:

- for city routes of the cities of republican value (Bishkek and Osh) - the city halls of the cities, and city routes of other cities - the city halls of the cities, in coordination with authorized state body in the field of transport;

- for suburban, long-distance routes of the intraregional and interregional message - authorized state body in the field of transport in coordination with local government bodies;

- for routes of the international message - authorized state bodies in the field of transport of contracting parties of the states.

21. The schedule of movement of bus routes is constituted is depersonalized also for the long period. Reapproval of the existing schedule of movement can be made in the following cases:

- in case of change of passenger traffic;

- in case of change of road conditions of route;

- in case of change of extent of route.

22. The schedule of movement of buses is constituted according to appendices 5 and 6 to these Provisional rules and applied in tabular form.

Carriers and station constructions place the schedule of movement of buses for information of citizens according to appendices 7 and 8 to these rules.

23. For creation of the schedule of movement of bus routes, enhancement and coordination of work with other modes of transport, increases in culture of servicing of passengers, perspective development of route network studying of passenger traffics is made.

The following survey methods are applied to studying of passenger traffics:

- reporting and statistical (booking);

- estimated by eye;

- biographical;

- coupon;

- tabular.

24. After creation and approval of documentation on again opened route by relevant organs, constitute the passport of bus route by authorized state body in the field of transport (along suburban and long-distance routes of the intraregional and interregional message), actuators of local self-government (along city routes of the cities of Bishkek and Osh), the route on servicing temporarily is assigned to carrier before carrying out tender.

25. Relevant organs jointly with station constructions notify the population through mass media in 5 days prior to movement of buses on opening of bus routes and operational mode of buses.

26. The route network - characterizes density of bus routes in separately taken region (the city, the area, the area) and is one of the main indicators in assessment of level of security of the population with services of passenger transport, and reflects critical parameters of the schedule of movement of bus routes.

27. The route network is constituted annually based on the existing schedule of movement of bus routes and affirms according to form according to appendix 9 to these rules:

- city routes - local government bodies;

- suburban and long-distance routes of the intraregional and interregional message - authorized state body in the field of transport in coordination with local government bodies.

28. On bus routes relevant organs within year, if necessary, review the schedule of the operating bus routes and develop the schedule of again opened bus routes, without modification of route network, and claim according to the procedure, determined by Item 27 of these rules.

§ 2. Fixing of route to carriers

29. For servicing of passengers on routes:

- competition on determination of hauler for servicing of passengers on routes according to Regulations on procedure for the organization and carrying out tenders (tenders) for determination of hauler for servicing of regular bus routes (appendix 19 to these rules) is held

- the contract between carrier - the winner of tender and authorized state body in the field of transport on servicing of suburban and long-distance routes of intraregional and interregional messages is signed;

- also fixing of bus route to carriers on temporary servicing before carrying out tender for up to 3 months can be carried out;

- the relevant decision of authorized state body in the field of transport on fixing of carrier to station constructions, with indication of the schedule and the schedule of movement of buses is published;

- based on the decision on fixing of route, the authorized state body in the field of transport signs the contract with station constructions according to appendices 10 and 11 of these rules;

- the bus, trolleybus routes serviced by municipal transport enterprises are fixed without carrying out tender.

30. The carrier according to the signed service contract of route with authorized state body in the field of transport, signs the contract with station constructions on rendering services for passenger traffic by road transport on routes according to appendix 12 to these rules.


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