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of August 29, 2013 No. 426-IV

About diplomatic service

(as amended on 30-11-2024)

This Law determines legal and organizational basis of diplomatic service of Turkmenistan.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Concept of diplomatic service

1. The diplomatic service is the type of public service connected with execution of powers on realization of foreign policy of Turkmenistan, representation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of Turkmenistan, his citizens and legal entities in the field of the international relations.

The procedure for the organization of activities of consular establishments of Turkmenistan in foreign states is regulated by the separate law.

2. The consular service is part of diplomatic service of Turkmenistan.

Article 2. Legal basis of diplomatic service

The legal basis of diplomatic service is constituted: Constitution of Turkmenistan, this Law, other regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan, international agreements of Turkmenistan, and also conventional principles and rules of international law.

Article 3. Tasks of diplomatic service

The following tasks are assigned to diplomatic service:

1) realization of foreign policy of Turkmenistan and international initiatives of the President of Turkmenistan;

2) providing with diplomatic means and methods of protection of sovereignty, safety, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders of Turkmenistan, its political, trade and economic and other interests in relations with other states and on the international scene;

3) strengthening of neutrality of Turkmenistan, assistance to increase in its role as member of the international community in the solution of global and regional problems;

4) implementation of the diplomatic and consular intercourses of Turkmenistan with foreign states and the international organizations;

5) development of bilateral and multilateral political, trade and economic, scientific and educational, cultural, humanitarian and other ties of Turkmenistan with foreign states and the international organizations;

6) the analysis of political and economic situation in the region and the world, tendencies of development of the international relations, foreign and domestic policy of foreign states, activities of the international organizations;

7) development and representation for consideration of the President of Turkmenistan of offers on development of the main directions of foreign policy of Turkmenistan;

8) coordination of activities of relevant organs of the executive authority for ensuring carrying out single foreign policy of Turkmenistan in the relations with foreign states and the international organizations;

9) protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities of Turkmenistan abroad;

10) providing state bodies of Turkmenistan with information necessary for implementation of international backgrounds;

11) implementation of other tasks according to the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Article 4. Functions of diplomatic service

The following functions are assigned to diplomatic service:

1) representation of Turkmenistan in the diplomatic and consular intercourses with foreign states and the international organizations;

2) organization of negotiation and signing of international treaties of Turkmenistan;

3) preparation of offers on the conclusion, ratification, execution, suspension and cancellation of international treaties, and also about accession to them and introduction of relevant proposals for consideration of the President of Turkmenistan;

4) representation in accordance with the established procedure to the President of Turkmenistan of offers on establishment and development of the relations of Turkmenistan with foreign states and international organizations;

5) ensuring participation of Turkmenistan in organization activity of the United Nations, other international organizations, conferences, meetings, forums, assistance to increase in role of Turkmenistan as member of the international community in the solution of global and regional problems;

6) rendering assistance in realization of tasks of foreign economic activity of Turkmenistan, including in establishment and development of economic cooperation with foreign states and the international economic organizations and financial institutions;

7) participation in work of the intergovernmental commissions on questions of trade and economic, scientific and technical and cultural and humanitarian cooperation;

8) participation in protection of interests of Turkmenistan in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

9) rendering assistance to effective use of transport and transit capacity of Turkmenistan;

10) participation in limits of the competence of carrying out single energy policy of Turkmenistan;

11) implementation of general observation of accomplishment of international treaties of Turkmenistan;

12) ensuring functioning of single state system of registration and storage of international treaties of Turkmenistan;

13) maintenance of continuous communications with Foreign Ministries of other countries, diplomatic representations and consular establishments of foreign states, the organization and carrying out consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs;

14) participation in development of actions for development and expansion of trade and economic and financial communications, cooperation of Turkmenistan in scientific and technical, cultural and other directions with foreign states and the international organizations;

15) preparation of suggestions for improvement of the legislation in the field of legal support of foreign policy activities of Turkmenistan, to its reduction in compliance with the international obligations of Turkmenistan;

16) legal providing the state, official, working visits at the level of heads of states, the governments, parliaments, Ministers of Foreign Affairs and at other levels;

17) accreditation in Turkmenistan the staff of diplomatic representations, consular establishments of foreign states, and also representative offices of the international organizations;

18) control of observance of diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities;

19) implementation of the consular functions established by the legislation of Turkmenistan;

20) rendering assistance in functioning of diplomatic representations and consular establishments of foreign states, and also representative offices of the international organizations in the territory of Turkmenistan;

21) accreditation in Turkmenistan journalists of foreign mass media;

22) participation in preparation and distribution abroad information materials about domestic and foreign policy of Turkmenistan;

23) informing state bodies, mass media on world situation and foreign policy of Turkmenistan;

24) solution of questions of staffing of diplomatic service of Turkmenistan, organization of preparation, retraining and advanced training of personnel of diplomatic service;

25) interaction concerning the competence with state bodies and public associations of Turkmenistan;

26) implementation of other functions, stipulated by the legislation Turkmenistan.


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