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The document ceased to be valid since  January 1, 2023 according to Appendix 2 to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 19, 2022 No. 888


of June 28, 2013 No. 565

About correlation of classes of government employees and the state positions in some state bodies and the state organizations

(as amended on 14-03-2019)

According to Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 9, 2004 No. 58 "About correlation of classes of government employees and the state positions" and the paragraph the eighth subitem 16.2 of Item 16 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 12, 2013 No. 168 "About some measures for optimization of system of state bodies and other state organizations, and also the number of their workers" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Establish correlation of classes of government employees and the state positions in some state bodies and the state organizations according to appendices 1-19.

2. Recognize invalid resolutions and separate provisions of resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix 20.

3. This resolution becomes effective since July 1, 2013.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

M. Myasnikovich

Appendix 1

to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 28, 2013 No. 565

Correlation of classes of government employees and the state positions in Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus

Classes of government employees

Name of the state positions


the deputy manager of head department, management, department, office of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the press service of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the chief and the deputy head of department as a part of head department, the chief and the assistant department head as a part of head department, management, the assistant to the Chief of Presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus


the manager of the sector as a part of head department, management, department, the chief adviser, the adviser-consultant, the chief specialist


Appendix 2

to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 28, 2013 No. 565

Correlation of classes of government employees and the state positions in the State secretariat of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus

Classes of government employees

Name of the state positions


adviser to the State secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus, head of department, department


deputy head of department, department, manager of the sector


the manager of the sector as a part of management, department, the chief adviser, the adviser-consultant, the chief specialist


leading expert

Appendix 3

to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 28, 2013 No. 565

Correlation of classes of government employees and the state positions in Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus

Classes of government employees

Name of the state positions


chief of head department, management, department of Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus


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