Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 19, 2013 No. 154

About road transport

(as amended on 04-08-2023)

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 27, 2013


Chapter 1. General provisions

The purpose of this Law is creation of the legal basis of realization of single state policy in the field of road transport aimed at providing public conveyances, baggage and loads with buses, passenger and cargo vehicles including with use of automobile trailers and semitrailer trucks.

Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Law

1. This Law governs the relations arising when rendering services by road transport which is part of transport system of the Kyrgyz Republic. The relations connected with rendering services by road transport and urban land electric transportation (trolleybus) and not settled by this Law are regulated by other laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Public conveyance and baggage, loads road transport of the international message are regulated by the international treaties which came in the procedure established by the law into force which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. This Law determines general terms of public conveyances and baggage, loads respectively cargo vehicles, by buses, cars, including with use of automobile trailers, automobile semitrailer trucks, and also general terms of provision of services to passengers, freighters, consignors, consignees, carriers, freighters on objects of transport infrastructures.

3. Operation of this Law extends to all physical, legal entities performing according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic business activity in the field of road transport, irrespective of their departmental accessory and pattern of ownership.

Regulations of this Law do not regulate the activities connected with military road transport, health cares, law enforcement agencies and authorized body according to the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and also the technological (intraeconomic) transportations performed by vehicles without departure on highways public or streets of settlements.

Article 2. Legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on road transport

1. The legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on road transport is based on the Constitution and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic and come in the procedure established by the law into force of international treaties and agreements which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. If the international treaty which came in the procedure established by the law into force which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic establishes other rules, than provided by this Law rules of the international treaty are applied.

Article 3. Basic concepts and terms

In this Law the following concepts are used:

road transport - the mode of transport used for implementation of motor transportations of passengers, loads, baggage and mail and also industry of economy which main field of activity are the organization and implementation of public conveyances, baggage, loads and mail with use of vehicles and infrastructures;

road transport public - the road transport registered in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and used for accomplishment of public conveyances and loads on contractual basis or on other legal causes;

the automotive vehicle (further - the vehicle) - unit of railway vehicles of the road transport including buses, passenger and cargo vehicles, automobile trailers, semitrailer trucks to truck tractors and also the specialized cars (intended for transportation of certain types of loads, passengers with limited opportunities of health) and the special equipment vehicles (intended for accomplishment different, mainly not transport, works);

motor transportation - the transportations by road transport of passengers, loads, baggage and mail which are carried out for a fee based on agreements or on other legal causes;

motor transportation for own needs - motor transportation which has auxiliary character in relation to core activities of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur and is carried out by them for carriage of goods belonging to them on the property right or on other legal causes, and also movements of the workers provided that vehicles workers of these of the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur or the individual entrepreneur manage;

automobile carrier (further - carrier) - the legal entity or physical person owning the automotive vehicle and the territory, technological complex for storage, repair of vehicles on the property right or on other legal causes, providing services in carriage of goods, passengers and baggage, registered as the subject of business activity and having on this corresponding permission (license);

motor transportation activities - set of organizational and engineering procedures on public conveyance, baggage and loads road transport, and also other transport works (services) performed on contractual basis or on other legal causes connected with motor transportation;

the bus - the vehicle intended for public conveyance and baggage, having more than eight places for sitting, not including driver's seat:

cars with special management - cars with the equipment for management of persons with limited opportunities of health;

baggage - the property or material values of the passenger packed for departure by the automotive vehicle, transported separately from the passenger in the same direction as the passenger, based on the supplementary agreement with carrier;

the ticket - the document certifying right to use by the passenger services in transportation by the passenger vehicle and confirming the conclusion of the transportation agreement between carrier and the passenger;

city transportations - transportations between the certain Items which are in limits of the established city borders;

the consignor - physical person or legal entity on behalf of which shipment is drawn up;

the consignee - the physical person or legal entity authorized on receipt of load based on the agreement of motor transportation of load or on other legal causes;

the cargo vehicle - the vehicle intended for carriage of goods, towage of trail cars and semitrailer trucks;

loads - the material object accepted for transportation in accordance with the established procedure;

the customer - the legal entity or physical person (the consignor, the consignee, the passenger, the lessee, etc.) using motor transport according to the agreement signed with carrier or the freight forwarder;

the work order - chartering contract form;

infrastructure of road transport - the complex of constructions (station constructions, car parks, freight terminals (the logistic centers), stations (masterful) maintenance and repair of vehicles, construction and the territory for storage of vehicles, fuels and lubricants, gas stations) providing continuity of process of transportations and safe operation of vehicles;

container - the equipment having amount at least one cubic meter suitable for reuse and adapted for loading, unloading of load, its overload from one vehicle on other vehicle without intermediate reloading of load;

bulky cargo - load which taking into account dimensions of the vehicle exceeds the dimensions established in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic for movement of vehicles on highways;

the car - the vehicle intended for motor transportation of passengers and baggage and having no more than eight places, not including driver's seat;

route - travel line of vehicles for public conveyance and loads between certain Items;

the share taxi - the bus of especially small class intended for public conveyance and baggage along the established route;

long-distance motor transportations - the transportations by the vehicle performed between the cities or other settlements at distance more than 60 km;

the international motor transportations - transportations by the vehicle of loads or passengers out of limits of the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic or on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also transportation by the vehicle of loads or passengers by en route through the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;

public passenger transport - the vehicles public which are in property of municipality and intended for public conveyance and baggage;

multimodal transportations - the transportations performed by several modes of transport;

irregular public conveyances and baggage - the transportations having one-time (irregular) character, transported with use buses between certain Items;

non divisible load - load which in transit on highways cannot be divided into two or more parts without excessive costs or without risk of its spoil;


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