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The document ceased to be valid since  October 8, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of  October 6, 2015 No. 669

It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

 July 10, 2013

No. 1165/23697


of June 17, 2013 No. 231

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for provision by the National Bank of Ukraine of services in advertizing in official publications of the National Bank of Ukraine

According to the Laws of Ukraine "About printing mass media (press) in Ukraine" and "About advertizing" and for the purpose of enhancement of procedure for placement in official publications of the National Bank of Ukraine of advertizing of rather new banking technologies, products, tools, and also the up-to-date information useful to banks and bank workers, the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine DECIDES:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for provision by the National Bank of Ukraine of services in advertizing in official publications of the National Bank of Ukraine which are applied.

2. The resolution becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

3.  To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the vice-chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Prokhorenko V. P.



I. V. Sorkin


Approved by the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of June 17, 2013 No. 231

Regulations on procedure for provision by the National Bank of Ukraine of services in advertizing in official publications of the National Bank of Ukraine

I. General provisions

1. This Provision is developed according to requirements of the Laws of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", "About advertizing", "About information", "About publishing", "About printing mass media (press) in Ukraine", the Tax code of Ukraine, and also regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine (further - National Bank).

2. The provision determines procedure for provision by National Bank of services in advertizing in official publications of National Bank (further - services in advertizing), namely in the "Bulletin of the National Bank of Ukraine" magazine, appendices to it - the directory magazine "Banknotes and Coins of Ukraine" and the collection "Legislative and Regulations on Banking Activity" on CD disks, and also in the analytical and statistical   editions "Bulletin of the National Bank of Ukraine", "Bulletin of the National bank of Ukraine", "Paying Balance and External Debt of Ukraine", "Ukraine: Balance of Payments and External Debt" (further - official publications of National Bank), procedure for representation and publication of promotional materials and procedure for settlement between National Bank and advertisers, advertizing agencies and promotion agents for the provided services in advertizing.

3. Advertizing of rather new banking technologies, and also such which can interest banks and bank workers is published in official publications of National Bank.

4. In official publications of National Bank advertizing from bank institutions, the organizations, the companies, commercial structures and so forth, and also from structural divisions of central office, territorial administrations, structural units and divisions and educational institutions of National Bank is placed.

5. Terms and concepts which are used in this Provision are applied in the values determined by the legislation of Ukraine, including regulatory legal acts of National Bank.

II. Procedure for submission of the order for services in advertizing. Requirements to advertizing

1. Edition of periodicals of National Bank (further - Edition) takes the order for services in advertizing from advertisers, advertizing agencies and promotion agents based on the warranty letter order concerning placement of such advertizing (further - the warranty letter order).

In the warranty letter order (appendix) the amount of advertizing, the name and number of the official publication of National Bank in which advertizing will be placed are specified.

2. The editorial office takes the order for services in advertizing from structural divisions of central office, territorial administrations, structural units and divisions and educational institutions of National Bank based on the letter concerning placement of this advertizing in official publications of the National Bank approved with the vice-chairman of National Bank.

3. Promotional materials move in Ukrainian.

Requirements to prototype:

1) the prototype moves in one of such formats : TIF, JPEG, EPS;

2) the image - photo, slide, the color drawing and so forth;

3) the advertisement copy (in curve Adobe Ilustrator).

In case of placement of ready dummy of advertizing information moves in nezaarkhivovanny type (with density of 300 DPI) on one of such carriers: CD - R, CD - RW, DVD, flash cards or e-mail.

III. Procedure of payments for services in advertizing

1. The procedure for determination of services in advertizing, procedure of payments of their cost, procedure for installation and price approval (rates) for them and condition of their review are performed according to acts of National Bank concerning pricing.

2. Information on stated prices (rates) for services in advertizing and changes to them is placed on pages of Official Internet representative office of National Bank and is published on pages of official publications of National Bank.

3. The editorial office has the right to print on free basis promotional materials (amount no more than 10 percent from amount of the printing area of the official publication of National Bank) about other periodicals of Ukraine provided that in them promotional materials about official publications of National Bank will be placed about what it is specified in the relevant agreement.

4. The promotional material is published in number of the official publication of National Bank determined in the warranty letter order only after receipt of the copy of the payment order by the Editorial office about transfer by the advertiser or advertizing agency of means for services in advertizing.

5. Means for services in advertizing are transfered to account, opened in Head department of economic providing (further - GUHO), based on the invoice.


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