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The document ceased to be valid since  January 5, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of  December 29, 2017 No. 148

It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

July 2, 2013

No. 1109/23641


of June 6, 2013 No. 210

About limiting establishment of the amount of payments with cash

(as amended of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of 25.11.2016 No. 407)

On fulfillment of requirements of Article 1087 of the Civil code of Ukraine and according to articles 33 and 40 of the Law of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine" the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine decides:

1. Determine the limiting sum of payments with cash:

the companies (entrepreneurs) among themselves within one day in the amount of 10 000 (ten thousand) hryvnias;

between physical person and the company (entrepreneur) within one day in the amount of 50000 (fifty thousand) hryvnias;

physical persons among themselves under agreements of purchase sale which are subject to the notarial certificate, in the amount of 50000 (fifty thousand) hryvnias.

2. Physical persons have the right to perfrom calculations on the amount which exceeds 50000 hryvnias, by money transfer from the current account on the current account, introduction and/or money transfer on current accounts (including in the deposit of the notary to the separate current account in national currency).

3. Approve Changes to the Regulations on conducting cash transactions in national currency in Ukraine approved by the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of December 15, 2004 No. 637, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 13, 2005 for No. 40/10320 (with changes) which are applied.

4. Declare invalid the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of February 09, 2005 No. 32 "About limiting establishment of the amount of cash calculation", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 18, 2005 for No. 410/10690.

5. To general department of regulation of money turnover (Nesterenko V. M.) after state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to bring contents of this resolution to permission of territorial administrations, structural units of the National Bank of Ukraine and banks of Ukraine for use in work, and also other legal entities and physical persons by publication in official printing publications.

6. (Kutereshchin O. R.) to provide to the press service of the National Bank of Ukraine publication of the press release and contents of this resolution in mass media.

7. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the vice-chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Rychakivskaya V. I.

8. The resolution becomes effective since September 1, 2013.


I. V. Sorkin

Approved by the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of June 6, 2013 No. 210

Changes in Regulations on conducting cash transactions in national currency in Ukraine

1. The fourth Item 1.2 of Chapter 1 to state the paragraph in such edition:

"cash (cash) - bank notes of national currency of Ukraine - banknotes and coins, including change, turnover, commemorative coins which are the valid means of payment".

2. In Chapter 2:

Item 2.3 to state 1) in such edition:

"2.3. The companies (entrepreneurs) have the right to perfrom calculations cash among themselves and/or with physical persons within one day according to one or several payment documents within the limiting sums of payments with cash determined by the relevant resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine. Payments over the determined limiting sums are registered through banks or non-bank financial institutions which in the procedure established by the legislation obtained the license for money transfer without opening of the account, by money transfer from the current account on the current account or entering of means into bank for their further transfer to current accounts. The number of the companies (entrepreneurs) and physical persons with which calculations are perfromed for day is not limited.

The restriction set in paragraph one of this Item concerns also calculations during payment for goods which are acquired on production (economic) requirements at the expense of the cash received by means of electronic means of payment.

Restrictions do not extend on:

1) calculations of the companies (entrepreneurs) with budgets and the state trust funds;

2) donations and charitable help;

3) use of the means issued on business trip;

Item 2.8 to state 2) in such edition:

"2.8. The companies can keep in off-duty hours in the cash desks cash revenue (cash) in limits which do not exceed the set limit of cash desk. Cash revenue (cash) which exceeds the set limit of cash desk surely is given in banks for its transfer on bank accounts. Separate divisions of the companies - legal entities can hand over cash revenue (cash) directly in cash desks of such legal entities or in any bank for its transfer and transfer to bank accounts of the specified legal entities.

In the absence of banks cash revenue (cash) for transfer to bank accounts of the company (entrepreneur) can be given to operators of mail service and in non-bank financial institutions which in the procedure established by the legislation obtained the license for money transfer without opening of the account.

Delivery of cash revenue (cash) is performed independently (including using payment devices and through collection points for cash) or through the relevant services to which according to the legislation it is granted the right to transportation of currency values and collection of means.

Delivery of cash revenue (cash) can be performed for transfer on any bank account of the company (entrepreneur) at its choice";

Item 2.13 to state 3) in such edition:

"2.13. The companies (entrepreneurs) during implementation of settlings with consumers for cash shall accept on account of products (goods, works, services) without restrictions of banknote and coin (including change, turnover, commemorative coins, worn out, considerably worn-out banknotes and coins) all nominals which releases the National Bank of Ukraine which are the valid means of payment and do not raise doubts in their authenticity and solvency. In case of obtaining from consumers on account of products (goods, works, services) worn out and/or considerably worn-out banknotes of the company (entrepreneurs) not issue such banknotes on delivery and further hand over them together with cash revenue (cash) to the serving banks. Besides, the companies (entrepreneurs) shall provide availability in cash desk of banknotes and coins for delivery issue [except for those nominals of coins (banknotes) which release into the stream of commerce is stopped by the National Bank of Ukraine]";

Item 2.14 to exclude 4).


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