of July 29, 2013 No. 643
About approval of standard agreements in the field of hot water supply
According to the Federal Law "About Water Supply and Water Disposal" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Approve enclosed:
standard agreement of hot water supply;
the standard agreement on transportation of hot water;
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013, No. 643
_______________________________ "__" __________ 20 __.
(place of agreement)
(name of the organization)
the hereinafter referred to as organization performing hot water supply
on behalf of ___________________________________________________________________,
(name of position, surname, name, middle name)
acting on the basis of the ________________________________________________,
(provision, the charter, the power of attorney - to specify necessary)
on the one hand, and _______________________________________________________,
(name of the organization)
hereinafter referred to as the subscriber, on behalf of ___________________________________
(surname, name, middle name, passport data - in case of the conclusion of the agreement
from the subscriber physical person; position, surname, name, middle name
- in case of the conclusion of the agreement of hot water supply with
parties of the subscriber legal entity)
acting on the basis of the ________________________________________________,
(provision, the charter, the power of attorney - to specify necessary in case
the conclusions of the agreement of hot water supply from the subscriber
legal entity)
on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as with the parties, concluded this
agreement as follows:
1. The organization performing hot water supply shall give to the subscriber through the attached water supply system hot water from the closed centralized systems of hot water supply of the established quality and in the established amount according to the mode of its giving determined by the agreement, and the subscriber shall pay the accepted hot water and observe the consumption mode provided by the agreement, ensure safety of operation being under its authority of networks of hot water supply and serviceability of metering devices (metering stations) and the equipment connected with consumption of hot water.
2. Borders of balance sheet accessory of objects of the closed centralized system of hot water supply of the subscriber and the organization performing hot water supply, and operational responsibility of the specified objects are determined according to the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory and operational responsibility provided by appendix No. 1.
3. The act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory and operational responsibility provided by appendix No. 1 to this agreement is subject to signing in case of the conclusion of this agreement and is its integral part.
4. Data on the installed capacity necessary for implementation of hot water supply of the subscriber, including with distribution of the specified capacity on each point of connection (technological accession), and also about the connected capacity (loading) within which the organization performing hot water supply assumes liabilities to provide hot water supply of the subscriber are given in appendix No. 3.
5. The place of obligation fulfillment under the agreement is
(specify the place of obligation fulfillment under the agreement)
6. Start date of supply of hot water "__" ___________ 20 __.
7. The organization performing hot water supply, and the subscriber shall observe the mode of supply of hot water in connection point (technological accession) according to appendix No. 4.
8. Payment under the agreement is performed by the subscriber on the two-component rate for hot water (hot water supply) established according to the pricing Bases in the sphere of water supply and water disposal approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2013 No. 406.
The two-component rate for hot water (hot water supply) established at the time of the conclusion of the agreement constitutes:
component on cold water - ______ (rub/m3 and (or) rub/m3/hour);
component on heat energy - ______ (rub/Gcal and (or) rub/Gcal/hour).
9. 1 calendar month is accepted to settlement period for payment under the agreement.
10. The subscriber pays the received hot water in volume of the consumed hot water to the 10th following for settlement based on the invoices exposed for payment by the organization performing hot water supply no later than the 5th following for settlement. Payment date receipt date of money on the settlement account of the organization performing hot water supply is considered.
11. In case of placement of metering devices (metering stations) not on border of balance sheet accessory the size of the losses of hot water arising on the network site from border of balance sheet accessory to installation site of metering devices (metering stations) constitutes
(specify the size of losses of hot water)
The size of losses of hot water is subject to payment according to the procedure, stipulated in Item the 10th this agreement, in addition to payment of amount of the consumed hot water in settlement period.
12. The reconciliation of calculations is under this agreement carried out between the organization performing hot water supply and the subscriber at least 1 time a year or at the initiative of one of the parties, but is not more often than 1 time a quarter, by creation and signing of the reconciliation statement of calculations by the parties. The party initiating carrying out reconciliation of calculations under this agreement draws up and directs to other party the reconciliation statement of calculations in 2 copies. The term of signing of the act is established within 3 working days from the date of its obtaining. The reconciliation statement of calculations is considered approved by both parties in case of non receipt of the answer within 10 working days after its direction to the party.
13. The organization performing hot water supply shall:
a) provide operation of objects of centralized system of hot water supply, including water supply systems on which transportation of hot water, the belonging to the organization performing hot water supply on the property right or other legal cause and (or) normative and technical documents which are in limits of operational responsibility of such organization according to requirements is performed;
b) provide the uninterrupted mode of supply of hot water in connection point (technological accession) provided by appendix No. 4 to this agreement except the cases of the temporary termination or restriction of hot water supply provided by the Federal Law "About Water Supply and Water Disposal";
c) not allow quality degradation of drinking water below the indicators established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population;
d) perform the admission to operation of metering devices (metering stations) of hot water;
e) carry out production supervision of quality of hot water, including temperature of supply of hot water;
e) notify the subscriber on the temporary termination or restriction of hot water supply according to the procedure provided by this agreement;
g) take necessary measures for timely mitigation of consequences of accidents and incidents on objects of centralized system of hot water supply, including on water supply systems on which transportation of hot water is performed, belonging to the organization performing hot water supply, on the property right or other legal cause and (or) being in limits of operational responsibility of such organization, according to the procedure and terms which are established by normative and technical documents, and also measures for renewal of action of such objects and networks with observance of requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population and technical regulation;
h) notify the subscriber in case of assignment of rights of ownership on objects of centralized systems of hot water supply, including on water supply systems of hot water supply, and (or) use of such networks and objects to the third parties, on change of the name, form of business, the location, and also other data which can influence execution of this agreement, within 5 working days from the date of such change.
14. The organization performing hot water supply has the right:
a) exercise control of correctness of accounting of amounts of the hot water pumped to the subscriber;
b) exercise control of the facts of unauthorized use and (or) unauthorized connection (technological accession) of the subscriber to centralized systems of hot water supply by bypass of consumers and (or) visual survey of object in the location, and also to take measures for prevention of unauthorized use and (or) unauthorized connection (technological accession) of the subscriber to centralized systems of hot water supply;
c) to temporarily stop or limit hot water supply in the cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
d) provide access to networks of hot water supply, places of sampling of hot water, metering devices (metering stations) belonging to the subscriber for control removal of indications of metering devices (metering stations), including with use of systems of remote removal of indications, and also for survey of networks of hot water supply and the equipment in cases and procedure which are provided by the Section VI of this agreement;
e) demand from the subscriber of maintenance in connection point (technological accession) of the mode of the consumption of hot water provided by appendix No. 4 to this agreement.
15. The subscriber shall:
a) provide operation of networks of hot water supply and objects on which consumption of hot water is performed, belonging to the subscriber on the property right or other legal cause and (or) being in limits of its operational responsibility, and also replacement and checking of the metering devices belonging to the subscriber according to rules of the organization of commercial accounting of water, sewage;
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