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The document ceased to be valid since  April 24, 2018 according to Item 3 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of March 12, 2018 No. 241

It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

July 10, 2013

No. 1163/23695


of June 20, 2013 No. 808

About Committee on physical training and sport

(as amended of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 01.12.2016 No. 1453)

According to subitems 65-67 and 71 of item 4 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of April 25, 2013 No. 240, and the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 16, 2001 No. 203-r "About enhancement of system of the organization of work on physical training and sport in educational institutions" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Rename Committee on physical training and sport of the Ministry of Education and Science, youth and sport of Ukraine into Committee on physical training and sport of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

2. Determine that the Committee on physical training and sport of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is legal successor of the rights and obligations of Committee on physical training and sport of the Ministry of Education and Science, youth and sport of Ukraine.

3. Approve Regulations on Committee on physical training and sport of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine which are applied.

4. (Bazhenkov E. V.) to provide to committee on physical training and sport of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine state registration in the Ministry of Justice of this order in accordance with the established procedure.

6. To department of organizational and analytical providing and interaction with mass media and public associations (Marchenko A. V.) to make mark in cases of archive.

7. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

8. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy minister - the chief of staff of Dneprov O. S.


D. V. Tabachnyk

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of June 20, 2013 No. 808

Regulations on committee on physical training and sport of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

1. The committee on physical training and sport of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (further - Committee) is formed according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 16, 2001 No. 203-r "About enhancement of system of the organization of work on physical training and sport in educational institutions" for the purpose of the proper organization of physical training and sport in educational institutions of all types and levels of accreditation (further - educational institutions).

2. The committee is state budget non-profitable organization which belongs to the sphere of management of MON of Ukraine.

3. The committee in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders MON of Ukraine, and also this Provision.

4. In structure of Committee branches are effective: Crimean republican, regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city departments on physical training and sport (further - separate divisions).

5. The main task of Committee is participation in realization of state policy on physical training and sport in educational institutions.

6. Committee according to the task assigned to it:

1) together with the relevant structural divisions of the device MON of Ukraine participates in project development of the regulatory legal acts directed to realization of state policy on physical training and sport in educational institutions;

2) studies drafts of regulatory legal acts concerning physical training and sport in educational institutions which arrive on coordination;

3) participates in development and enhancement of state standards of education on physical training and sport in educational institutions;

4) participates in methodical ensuring work on physical training and sport and providing educational institutions with educational and educational and methodical literature;

5) also improvement of student's and student's youth will organize in accordance with the established procedure sports and improving work in initial institutions;

6) takes in accordance with the established procedure part in certification of pedagogical personnel for physical training and trainer's teachers;

7) takes in accordance with the established procedure part in work of the corresponding professional advice and the scientific and methodical commissions on physical training and sport;

8) studies, analyzes and generalizes condition of development of physical training and sport in educational institutions and performs actions concerning its enhancement;

Studies 9), generalizes and extends domestic and foreign experiment on physical training and sport in educational institutions;

10) provides coordination of work on physical training and sport in educational institutions;

11) promotes the organization in educational institutions of the teaching and educational process connected with preparation of sports reserve for the national teams of teams of Ukraine;

Annually develops 12) and submits in accordance with the established procedure on approval of MON of Ukraine the schedule of sports and mass actions of Committee;

13) develops projects of regulations on competitions which carrying out is within the competence of Committee, and provides their carrying out;

Will organize 14) and carries out All-Ukrainian and participates in the international sporting events among student's and student's youth which belong to competence of Committee;

15) in coordination with MON of Ukraine, together with National Olympic Committee, the sports unions of student's and student's youth and other interested organizations provides picking of the national teams of teams of students and pupils in sports for ensuring their participation in the world Universiades, the European junior Olympic festivals, the world Gymnasiades, the World Cups and Europe and other international competitions among school students and students;

16) participates in coordination with MON of Ukraine in work of the International federation of school sport and the International federation of student's sport, establishes connection with other international organizations for physical training and sport in educational institutions;

17) cooperates with public organizations of sports orientation;

18) interacts with the student's and student's sports unions concerning development of sport in educational institutions, their participations in the international competitions and performs their financial support according to the legislation;

19) makes regular team of reserve sport according to the legislation and provides its functioning;


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