of July 5, 2013 No. 570
About standards of disclosure of information by the heatsupplying organizations, the heatnetwork organizations and regulating authorities
Based on Item 5 of part 1 of article 4 of the Federal law "About Heat Supply" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve enclosed:
standards of disclosure of information by the heatsupplying organizations, the heatnetwork organizations and regulating authorities;
paragraph third ceased to be valid.
2. Determine that information specified in Item 18 and subitems "a", "b" and "e" of Item 43 of the standards approved by this resolution is subject to disclosure from the date of entry into force of this resolution in a month.
3. To Federal Tariff Service to publish information specified in subitems "an" and "e" of Item 39 of the standards approved by this resolution in a month.
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2013 No. 570
1. This document establishes structure, procedure, terms and frequency of information representation, subject to disclosure:
a) regulating authorities of rates in the field of heat supply (further - regulating authorities);
b) the single heatsupplying organizations heatsupplying with the organizations and the heatnetwork organizations functioning in the settlements and city districts which are not carried to price zones of heat supply, and also functioning in the settlements and city districts carried to price zones of heat supply according to the Federal Law "About Heat Supply" before the end of transient period in price zones of heat supply (further - the regulated organizations);
c) the single heatsupplying organizations heatsupplying with the organizations which are not given the status of the single heatsupplying organization, and the heatnetwork organizations functioning in the settlements and city districts carried to price zones of heat supply according to the Federal Law "About Heat Supply" after the end of transient period in price zones of heat supply (further - the single heatsupplying organizations heatsupplying the organizations and the heatnetwork organizations in price zones of heat supply).
2. Disclosure of information hereunder is understood as ensuring access of the unrestricted group of people to information irrespective of the purpose of its obtaining.
3. The regulated organizations, and also the single heatsupplying organizations heatsupplying with the organizations and the heatnetwork organizations in price zones of heat supply information reveals in the way:
a) placements in federal state information system "Single information-analytical system "Federal body of regulation - regional regulating authorities - subjects of regulation" (further - information-analytical system) directly or by means of information transfer from the regional information systems created by executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of the prices (rates) or in case of investment with the law of the subject of the Russian Federation with powers on state regulation of the prices (rates) in the field of heat supply of local government bodies of municipalities (further - local government bodies) - the information systems created by local government bodies or other information systems containing information, necessary for disclosure (in case of their availability), with use of the unified structured open formats for data transmission (single formats for information exchange) approved by federal executive body in the field of state regulation of rates in the field of heat supply (further - single formats);
b) publications in printing editions in which acts of local government bodies are published (further - printing editions), and also the information representation in electronic form signed by the strengthened qualified digital signature of the authorized representative of the regulated organization and also the single heatsupplying organization, the heatsupplying organization and the heatnetwork organization in price zones of heat supply, in full on the electronic medium in executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of the prices (rates) - in case, the specified in paragraph one of Item 10 of this document;
c) publications in printing editions - in the case specified in the paragraph the second Item 10 of this document;
d) provisions of information on a grant basis based on written requests of interested persons;
e) publications on the official site on the Internet (further - Internet network) the single heatsupplying organization - for the single heatsupplying organization.
4. Federal executive body in the field of state regulation of rates in the field of heat supply information placed in information-analytical system reveals by publication on its official site in Internet network by means of information transfer from information-analytical system with use of single formats.
The federal executive body in the field of state regulation of rates in the field of heat supply provides access for interested persons to information on the activities of the regulated organizations, and also the single heatsupplying organizations, the heatsupplying organizations and the heatnetwork organizations in price zones of heat supply which are subject to disclosure according to this document, placed in information-analytical system.
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The document ceased to be valid since September 1, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2023 No. 110