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of June 26, 2013 No. 444

About approval of the Procedure of training of the population in actions in emergency situations

(as amended on 06-09-2024)

According to part four of article 39 of the Code of civil protection of Ukraine the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Procedure of training of the population in actions in emergency situations which is applied.

2. This resolution becomes effective since July 1, 2013.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

N. Azarov

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 26, 2013, No. 444

Procedure of training of the population in actions in emergency situations

1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of the organization of training of the population in actions in emergency situations (further - training of the population), its structure, types and forms.

2. Training of the population is performed:

on place of employment - the working population;

in the place of training job seekers of education;

at the place of residence - the idle population.

3. The organization of training of the population is assigned:

working and the unemployed - on GSChS, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local public administrations, local government bodies;

job seekers of education - on MON.

4. Educational and methodical ensuring training of the population is performed by GSChS together with MON.

5. Training of the population consists from:

training it is direct at the companies, in organizations and the organizations;

training outside the companies, organizations and the organizations of administrative board and specialists in questions of civil protection and fire safety;

practical preparation during special object doctrines and trainings concerning civil protection;

training during receipt of appropriate level of education in organizations of education;

independent studying of information on actions in the conditions of emergency situations.

6. Training of the working population is performed directly at the company, in organization and the organization according to programs of training of workers for actions in emergency situations, and also during special object doctrines and trainings concerning civil protection.

Training by employees of the central executive bodies, other public authorities, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the local state administrations, local government bodies, subjects of managing from among administrative board and specialists whose activities are connected with the organization and implementation of actions for questions of civil protection advanced training of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers who provide training of job seekers of education in actions in emergency situations will be organized by the employer according to Procedure for carrying out training of administrative board and specialists whose activities are connected with the organization and implementation of actions for questions of civil protection, advanced training of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers who provide training of job seekers of education in actions in emergency situations, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved by the resolution of October 23, 2013 No. 819 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2013, No. 89, Art. 3269; 2018, No. 29, Art. 1043; 2020, No. 14, Art. 568).

7. Programs of training of workers for actions in emergency situations are developed and affirm the companies, organizations, the organizations based on programs and organizational and methodical instructions for preparation of the population for actions as emergency situations which are developed and affirm GSChS, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local public administrations, local government bodies.

Training programs concerning fire safety are approved with GSChS.

8. Programs of training of workers for actions in emergency situations are divided on:

general training of employees of the companies, organizations and organizations;

special training of workers who are part of specialized services and forming of civil protection;

additional preparation on technogenic safety of workers of objects of the increased danger;

fire and technical minimum for the workers occupied at works with the raised fire risk;

the accelerated training of workers for actions during the special period.

9. Training of workers for actions in emergency situations provides:

according to the program of general training of employees of the companies, organizations and organizations - studying of information which contains in plans of emergency response, about actions in the conditions of threat and emergence of emergency situation, and also mastering skills of provision of first aid by the victim, uses of means of individual and collective protection;

according to the program of special training of workers who are part of specialized services and forming of civil protection, acquaintance with obligations, skills of use and equipment of the equipment, devices and organic property of such services and forming, remedies, studying of procedure for their reduction in readiness, carrying out rescue and other urgent operations;

according to the program of additional preparation for technogenic safety of workers of objects of the increased danger - increasing knowledge concerning technogenic safety, danger sources which under certain circumstances can entail emergence of emergency situation on object of the increased danger and dangerous substances which are produced, processed, stored or are transported in its territory;

according to the program of fire and technical minimum for the workers occupied at works with the raised fire risk - increase in level of general fire and technical knowledge, studying of fire safety regulations taking into account features of production, acquaintance with fire-proof actions and actions in case of the fire, mastering skills of use of the available fire extinguishing means;

according to the program of the accelerated training of workers for actions during the special period - training in methods of protection against effects of the emergency situations caused by use of weapons of destruction during the special period which is performed by the companies, organizations and the organizations which continue work in wartime and begins along with enforcement of plans of civil protection for the special period.

10. Training of workers at the company, in organization and the organization is performed in the way:

course training that provides forming of educational groups and is performed in educational classes or on objects of uchebnoproizvodstvenny base of the company, organization and organization;

individual training that provides studying of theoretical material independently and in the form of consultations with heads of educational groups or other persons.

Educational groups are completed mainly from workers who are part of specialized services and forming of civil protection.


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