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of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ

About contractual system in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs

(as amended on 26-12-2024)

Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on March 22, 2013

Approved by Council of the Russian Federation on March 27, 2013

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Scope of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law governs the relations aimed at providing the state and municipal needs for the purpose of increase in efficiency, effectiveness of implementation of purchases of goods, works, services, ensuring publicity and transparency of implementation of such purchases, prevention of corruption and other abuses in the sphere of such purchases, in the part concerning:

1) procurement plannings of goods, works, services;

2) determinations of suppliers (contractors, contractors);

3) the conclusions of the contracts provided by this Federal Law;

4) features of execution of contracts;

5) monitoring of purchases of goods, works, services;

6) audit in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services;

7) control of compliance with law of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts about contractual system in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs (further - control in the sphere of purchases).

2. This Federal Law is not applied to the relations connected with:

1) rendering services by the international financial institutions created according to international treaties which participant is the Russian Federation, and also international financial institutions with which the Russian Federation signed the international contracts;

2) purchase of goods, works, services for safety of persons which are subject to the state protection according to the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 No. 119-FZ "About the state protection of the victims, witnesses and other participants of criminal trial" and the Federal Law of April 20, 1995 No. 45-FZ "About the state protection of judges, officials of law enforcement and monitoring bodies".

3) purchase of precious metals and gemstones for replenishment of the State fund of precious metals and gemstones of the Russian Federation and the state funds of precious metals and gemstones of appropriate subjects of the Russian Federation in which territories precious metals and gemstones were extracted;

4) assignment of counsel of inquiry by body, body of pretrial investigation, court for participation as the defender in criminal trial according to the Code of penal procedure of the Russian Federation or court for participation as the representative in civil legal proceedings according to the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation or in administrative legal proceedings according to the Code of administrative legal proceedings of the Russian Federation;

5) involvement of the lawyer to rendering legal aid to citizens it is free according to the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 324-FZ "About free legal aid in the Russian Federation".

6) purchase of goods, works, services by precinct election commissions, territorial election commissions, including in case of assignment of powers on them other electoral commission, district electoral commissions in pursuance of powers, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation about elections and referenda;

7) attraction by the electoral commissions, commissions of referendum of citizens to performance of works and rendering the services connected with ensuring powers of the electoral commissions, commissions of referendum during preparation and elections, referendum in the civil agreements signed with physical persons according to the Federal Law of June 12, 2002 No. 67-FZ "About basic guarantees of the voting rights and the participation rights in referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation";

8) ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 03.07.2016 No. 266-FZ;

ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2024 No. 318-FZ

9) purchase of goods, works, services by Russian Central Election Commission, the electoral commissions of subjects of the Russian Federation, including in case of assignment of powers on them district electoral commission, by preparation and elections to public authorities;

9. 1) purchase of goods, works, services of subjects of the Russian Federation by the electoral commissions, territorial election commissions performed at the expense of the funds allocated from budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation, the budget of the federal territory for rendering assistance in preparation and elections to federal bodies of the government;

10) collection by the operator of an electronic trading platform, the operator of specialized electronic platform of payment according to part 4 of article 24.1 of this Federal Law;

11) agreement signature about establishment of the servitude in cases and procedure which are provided by the land legislation;

12) attorney's fees (costs) in cases and according to the procedure, provided by the Arbitral Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of administrative legal proceedings of the Russian Federation, the Code of penal procedure of the Russian Federation.

3. Features of regulation of the relations specified regarding 1 this Article in the cases provided by this Federal Law can be established by the separate Federal Laws.

Article 2. The legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on contractual system in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs

1. The legislation of the Russian Federation on contractual system in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs (further - the legislation of the Russian Federation on contractual system in the sphere of purchases) is based on provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil code of the Russian Federation, the Budget code of the Russian Federation and consists of this Federal Law and other Federal Laws governing the relations specified regarding 1 article 1 of this Federal Law. The rules of law containing in other Federal Laws and governing the specified relations shall correspond to this Federal Law.

2. In cases, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation about contractual system in the sphere of purchases, the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies, State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", the State corporation on space activities Roskosmos has the right to adopt the regulatory legal acts governing the relations specified regarding 1 article 1 of this Federal Law (further - regulatory legal acts about contractual system in the sphere of purchases).

3. Public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of the public power of the federal territory, local government bodies according to the competence of cases, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation about contractual system in the sphere of purchases, adopt the legal acts governing the relations specified regarding 1 article 1 of this Federal Law. These legal acts shall correspond to the regulatory legal acts specified in parts 1 and 2 of this Article.

4. If the international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes other rules, than those which are provided by this Federal Law are applied rules of the international treaty.

4.1. The decisions of interstate bodies made based on provisions of international treaties of the Russian Federation in their interpretation contradicting the Constitution of the Russian Federation are not subject to execution in the Russian Federation. Such contradiction can be established according to the procedure, determined by the Federal constitutional Law.

5. The Federal Laws making changes to the provisions of this Federal Law concerning procurement planning of goods, works, services, determination of suppliers (contractors, contractors), including establishment of new methods of determination of suppliers (contractors, contractors), control in the sphere of purchases, monitoring of purchases of goods, works, services, audit in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services become effective not earlier than January 1 of the next calendar year following after year of their acceptance, except as specified their acceptances after November 1 of the current calendar year in case of which such Federal Laws become effective not earlier than January 1 of the year following after the next calendar year.

6. The provisions of this Federal Law concerning subjects of the Russian Federation, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation on regulation of contractual system in the sphere of purchases of public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation authorized on implementation of normative legal regulation and control in the sphere of purchases are applied to the federal territories, bodies of the public power of the federal territories authorized on implementation of normative legal regulation and control in the sphere of purchases, respectively.

Article 3. The basic concepts used in this Federal Law

1. For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) contractual system in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs (further - contractual system in the sphere of purchases) - set of participants of contractual system in the sphere of purchases (federal executive body on regulation of contractual system in the sphere of purchases, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation on regulation of contractual system in the sphere of purchases, other federal executive bodies, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies authorized on implementation of normative legal regulation and control in the sphere of purchases, State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", the State corporation on space activities Roskosmos, the customers, participants of purchases including recognized as suppliers (contractors, contractors), authorized bodies, authorized institutions, the specialized organizations operators of electronic platforms, operators of specialized electronic platforms) and performed by them, including with use of unified information system in the sphere of purchases (except as specified if use of such unified information system is not provided by this Federal Law), in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts about contractual system in the sphere of purchases of the actions aimed at providing the state and municipal needs;

2) determination of the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) - set of actions which are performed by customers according to the procedure, established by this Federal Law, since placement of the notice on implementation of purchase of goods, work, services for ensuring the state needs (federal needs, needs of the subject of the Russian Federation) or municipal needs or in the cases established by this Federal Law from the direction of the invitation to take part in determination of the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) and come to the end with the conclusion of the contract;

3) purchase of goods, work, service for ensuring the state or municipal needs (further - purchase) - set of the actions performed in the procedure established by this Federal Law by the customer and the state or municipal needs aimed at providing. Purchase begins with determination of the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) and comes to the end with obligation fulfillment by contract parties. If according to this Federal Law placement of the notice on implementation of purchase or the direction of the invitation to take part in determination of the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) is not provided, purchase begins with the conclusion of the contract and comes to the end with obligation fulfillment by contract parties;

4) the procurement participant - any legal entity irrespective of its form of business, pattern of ownership, the location and the place of origin of the capital, except for the legal entity whose place of registration is the state or the territory included in the list of the states and the territories used for intermediate (offshore) ownership of assets in the Russian Federation approved according to Item 15 of Article 241 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation (further - offshore company), or the legal entity who is the foreign agent according to the Federal Law of July 14, 2022 No. 255-FZ "About control of activities of persons which are under foreign influence" or any physical person including registered as the individual entrepreneur, except for physical person being the foreign agent according to the Federal Law of July 14, 2022 No. 255-FZ "About control of activities of persons which are under foreign influence";

4. 1) the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) - the procurement participant with whom according to this Federal Law the contract is signed;

5) the state customer - state body (including public authority), State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", the State corporation on space activities Roskosmos, the public company "The Single Customer in the Sphere of Construction", state non-budgetary fund management authority or state governmental agency acting on behalf of the Russian Federation or the subject of the Russian Federation authorized to assume budgetary obligations according to the budget legislation of the Russian Federation on behalf of the Russian Federation or the subject of the Russian Federation and the conducting procurements;

6) the municipal customer - the municipal body or municipal public institution acting on behalf of the municipality authorized to assume budgetary obligations according to the budget legislation of the Russian Federation on behalf of the municipality and the conducting procurements;

7) the customer - the state or municipal customer or 4.3 and 4.4 articles 15 of this Federal Law of purchase performing according to parts 1, 2.1, 4, budget or autonomous institution, state either municipal unitary enterprise or other legal entity;

7. 1) the customer performing activities in the territory of foreign state - the customer from among diplomatic representations, consular establishments of the Russian Federation, the trade missions of the Russian Federation, representations of the Russian Federation in case of international (interstate, intergovernmental) the organizations, and also the customer performing activities in the territory of foreign state;

8) the public contract, the municipal contract - the agreement, the signed civil agreement which is signed in writing and which subject are delivery of goods, performance of work, rendering service (including real estate acquisition or lease of property) and which is concluded on behalf of the Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation (public contract), the municipality (the municipal contract) by the state or municipal customer for providing according to the state needs, municipal needs;

8. 1) the contract - the public or municipal contract or the civil agreement which is signed in writing and which subject are delivery of goods, performance of work, rendering service (including real estate acquisition or lease of property) and which is signed by budgetary institution, state either municipal unitary enterprise or other legal entity according to parts 1, 2.1, 4, 4.3 and 4.4 articles 15 of this Federal Law;

8. 2) the contract of lifecycle - the contract providing delivery of goods or performance of work (including if necessary designing of capital construction project, creation of goods as a result of performance of work), subsequent servicing, if necessary operation during service life, repair and (or) utilization of the delivered goods or the capital construction project created as a result of performance of work or goods;

8. 3) the contract to deliver goods, citizens, necessary for normal life support, - the contract providing delivery of food, the means necessary for rendering the ambulance, including fast specialized, medical care in the emergency or urgent form, medicines, medical products, technical means of rehabilitation, fuel which lack will lead to violation of normal life support of citizens;

8. 4) separate stage of execution of the contract - part of the obligation of the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) concerning whom the contract establishes obligation of the customer to provide acceptance (with registration according to this Federal Law of the document on acceptance) and payment of the delivered goods, the performed work, the rendered service;

8. 5) the contract with counter investment obligations - the contract to deliver goods, rendering service concluded according to article 111.4 of this Federal Law and providing counter investment obligations of the supplier (contractor) on creation, upgrade, development of production of such goods and (or) on creation, reconstruction of the property (real estate or real estate and personal estate, technologically connected among themselves) intended for rendering such service;

9) unified information system in the sphere of purchases (further - unified information system) - set of the information specified regarding 3rd article 4 of this Federal Law and containing in databases, the information technologies and technical means providing forming, processing, storage of such information, and also its provision with use of the official site of unified information system on the Internet (further - the official site);

10) authorized body, authorized institution - state body, municipal body, state organization to which powers, stipulated in Article the 26th this Federal Law are assigned;

11) the specialized organization - the legal entity involved by the customer according to article 40 of this Federal Law;

12) federal executive body on regulation of contractual system in the sphere of purchases - the federal executive body authorized on implementation of functions on development of state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of purchases;

13) regulatory authority in the sphere of purchases - federal executive body, executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation, local government body of the municipal district, local government body of the municipal district, the local government body of the city district authorized on control in the sphere of purchases and also the federal executive body authorized on implementation of functions on control (supervision) in the sphere of the state defensive order and in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring federal needs which do not belong to the state defensive order and data about which are the state secret (further - regulatory authority in the sphere of the state defensive order);

14) executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation on regulation of contractual system in the sphere of purchases - the executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation authorized on implementation of functions on providing (in interaction with federal executive body on regulation of contractual system in the sphere of purchases) realization of state policy in the sphere of purchases for ensuring needs of the subject of the Russian Federation, the organization of monitoring of purchases for ensuring needs of the subject of the Russian Federation, and also on methodological maintenance of activities of the customers conducting procurement for ensuring needs of the subject of the Russian Federation;

15) the expert, the expert organization - the physical person, including the individual entrepreneur, or the legal entity having special knowledge, experience, qualification in the field of science, the equipment, art or craft (workers of the legal entity shall have special knowledge, experience, qualification in science, the equipment, art or craft) which perform on the basis of the agreement activities for studying and assessment of subject of examination, and also for preparation of expert opinions on the delivered customer, the procurement participant to questions in the cases provided by this Federal Law;

16) cumulative annual purchasing amount - the total amount of financial provision approved for the corresponding financial year for implementation by the customer of purchases according to this Federal Law, including for payment of the contracts signed prior to the beginning of the specified financial year and subjects to payment in the specified financial year;

17) electronic platform - the website on the Internet corresponding to the requirements established according to Items 1 and 2 of part 2 of article 24.1 of this Federal Law on which competitive methods of determination of suppliers (contractors, contractors) electronically (except for the closed methods of determination of suppliers (contractors, contractors) electronically are carried out), and also the procurements conducted according to part 12 of article 93 of this Federal Law;

18) the operator of an electronic trading platform - non-public economic society in which authorized capital to foreign citizens, to stateless persons, foreign legal entities belongs no more than twenty five percent of shares (shares) of such society and which owns electronic platform, including software and hardware, necessary for its functioning, provides its functioning, and also corresponds to the requirements established according to Items 1 and 2 of part 2 of article 24.1 of this Federal Law and is included in the list of operators of electronic platforms approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

19) specialized electronic platform - the information system corresponding to the requirements established according to Items 1 and 3 of part 2 of article 24.1 of this Federal Law, access to which is provided with use of secure channels of communication and on which the closed competitive methods of determination of suppliers (contractors, contractors) electronically are carried out;

20) the operator of specialized electronic platform - the Russian legal entity who owns specialized electronic platform, including software and hardware, necessary for its functioning, provides its functioning, and also corresponds to the requirements established according to Items 1 and 3 of part 2 of article 24.1 of this Federal Law and is included in the list of operators of specialized electronic platforms approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Voided

Article 4. Information support of contractual system in the sphere of purchases

1. For the purpose of information support of contractual system in the sphere of purchases the unified information system which interaction with other information systems according to part 2 of this Article provides is created and conducted:

1) forming, processing, storage and provision of data (including automated) to participants of contractual system in the sphere of purchases within the relations specified regarding 1 article 1 of this Federal Law;

2) control of compliance of information on identification codes of purchases and not excess of amount of financial provision for implementation of these purchases containing in scheduled plans of purchases (further also - scheduled plans), notices on implementation of purchases, protocols of determination of suppliers (contractors, contractors), conditions of the drafts contract (sent according to this Federal Law with use of unified information system to participants of purchases with whom contracts are signed);

3) use of the strengthened qualified digital signature (further - the strengthened digital signature) for signing of the electronic documents provided by this Federal Law;

4) ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 31.12.2017 No. 504-FZ

2. The procedure for functioning of unified information system, provision of information and documents from unified information system, requirements to technological and linguistic means of unified information system, including the requirement to ensuring automation of processes of collection, information processing in unified information system, procedure for information exchange of unified information system with other information systems, including in the sphere of management of the public and municipal finances, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. The unified information system contains:

1) ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 01.05.2019 No. 71-FZ

2) scheduled plans;

3) information on implementation of scheduled plans;

4) ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2024 No. 318-FZ

5) information on purchases provided by this Federal Law on execution of contracts;

6) the register of the contracts signed by customers;

6. 1) unified register of participants of purchases;

7) register of unfair suppliers (contractors, contractors);

8) library of standard conditions of contracts;

9) register of independent guarantees;

10) the register of claims, scheduled and unscheduled inspections, their results and the issued instructions;

10. 1) the register of the single suppliers of goods which production is created, modernized, accustoms, the single contractors of the service rendered with use of property (real estate or real estate and personal estate, technologically connected among themselves) which is created, reconstructed;

11) the list of the international financial institutions created according to international treaties which participant is the Russian Federation, and also international financial institutions with which the Russian Federation signed the international contracts;

12) results of monitoring of purchases, audit in the sphere of purchases, and also control in the sphere of purchases;

13) the reports of customers provided by this Federal Law;

14) the catalog of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs;

15) the regulatory legal acts governing the relations specified regarding 1 article 1 of this Federal Law;

16) information on the prices of goods, works, the services which are purchased for ensuring the state and municipal needs developing in the goods markets and also on the requests for quotations of goods, works, services placed by customers according to part 5 of article 22 of this Federal Law;

17) others information and documents which forming and placement is provided by this Federal Law, the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 in unified information system No. 223-FZ "About purchases of goods, works, services as separate types of legal entities" and other regulatory legal acts accepted according to them.

4. Information specified in part 3 of this Article is posted on the official site if other is not provided according to this Federal Law. Information posted on the official site is public and is provided gratuitously. The data which are the state secret are not subject to placement in unified information system.

5. The consent of the subject of personal data to processing of the personal data containing in information and documents provided by this Federal Law is not required when processing the personal data for the purpose of provided by this Federal Law.

6. The government of the Russian Federation determines one or several federal executive bodies performing functions on development of functional requirements to unified information system, on creation, development, maintaining and servicing of unified information system, on establishment of order of registration of participants of contractual system in the sphere of purchases (except for participants of purchases) in unified information system and procedure for use of unified information system.

7. Subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities have the right to create the regional and municipal information systems in the sphere of purchases integrated with unified information system.

8. Single requirements to regional and municipal information systems in the sphere of purchases are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. The procedure for functioning and use of regional and municipal information systems in the sphere of purchases is established by acts according to the supreme executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local administrations.

10. Integration of the information systems specified in part 7 of this Article of electronic platforms with unified information system is reached by means of:

1) the exchange of electronic documents and information in case of interaction of the specified systems, electronic platforms with unified information system providing the guaranteed transfer to unified information system with signing and placement in it the electronic documents and information provided by this Federal Law including with use of the regional information systems specified in part 7 of this Article. Calculation of the terms provided by this Federal Law for placement in unified information system of electronic documents and information begins with the moment of their placement in unified information system;

2) uses of the databases of unified information system specified by information systems, electronic platforms;

3) establishments of single production and linguistic requirements to information which processing is performed in the specified systems, on electronic platforms;

4) placements of information on purchases on the official site.

11. Creation of information systems in the sphere of the purchases which are not integrated with unified information system is not allowed.

12. If information provided by Items 1 - 15 parts 3 of this Article and placed in unified information system, does not correspond to information placed in other information systems in the sphere of purchases, information placed in unified information system has priority.

13. For the purpose of monitoring and fixing of actions, failure to act of participants of contractual system in the sphere of purchases in unified information system, on electronic platform, specialized electronic platform the state information system which shall provide is created including:

1) monitoring of availability (working capacity) of unified information system, electronic platform, specialized electronic platform and storage of information on such availability (working capacity);

2) fixing, including video fixing, in real time actions, failure to act of participants of contractual system in the sphere of purchases in unified information system, on electronic platform, specialized electronic platform;

3) storage of information on actions, failure to act of participants of contractual system in the sphere of purchases in unified information system, on electronic platform, specialized electronic platform, including information on the electronic documents created by participants of contractual system in the sphere of the purchases and signed by the strengthened digital signature if other is not provided by this Federal Law.

14. The government of the Russian Federation for the purpose of operation of this Article of the state information system specified in part 13:

1) the federal executive body authorized on ensuring its operation and development is determined;

2) the procedure for monitoring of availability (working capacity) for unified information system, electronic platform, specialized electronic platform is established;

3) the procedure for fixing, including video fixing, in real time actions, failure to act of participants of contractual system in the sphere of purchases in unified information system, on electronic platform, specialized electronic platform is established;

4) requirements to its operation, procedure for forming, storage and use of information containing in it are established, including:

a) requirements to the technological and linguistic means providing collection, processing, storage and use of information containing in the specified system;

b) requirements to information technologically interaction of the specified system with other information systems, including with unified information system, the electronic platform specialized by electronic platform;

c) requirements to procedure and storage durations, and also procedure for provision to the specified system of information containing in;

d) the rights and obligations of persons who are receivers to the specified system of information containing in;

e) order of interaction of software and hardware of participants of contractual system in the sphere of purchases with the specified system;

e) requirements to ensuring confidentiality of information containing in the specified system.

15. The information and documents provided by this Federal Law, created and constituted by the customer (except for created and placed in unified information system and (or) on electronic platform, specialized electronic platform), and also received by the customer in case of determination according to this Federal Law of the starting (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract signed with the single supplier (the contractor, the contractor), starting prices of commodity units, work, service, the initial amount of the prices of the specified units, the maximum price value of the contract, in case of reasons (except for included in the contract as reasons for the price of the contract signed with the single supplier (the contractor, the contractor) according to part 4 of article 93 of this Federal Law) such starting (maximum) price, the price of the contract signed with the single supplier (the contractor, the contractor) starting prices of commodity units, work, services, are stored by the customer at least six years from the moment of the beginning of purchase.

Article 5. The organization of document flow in contractual system in the sphere of purchases

1. Within the relations specified regarding 1 article 1 of this Federal Law exchange of electronic documents, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts about contractual system in the sphere of purchases, between participants of contractual system in the sphere of purchases, including submission of applications for participation in determination of suppliers (contractors, contractors) is allowed. The specified requests and electronic documents directed in case of determination of suppliers (contractors, contractors), in case of execution of contracts shall be signed by the strengthened digital signature. In cases, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts about contractual system in the sphere of purchases, exchange of electronic documents is performed with use of unified information system.

2. Qualified certificates of keys of verification of digital signatures, held for use participants of contractual system in the sphere of purchases for the purpose of this Federal Law, are created and issued by the certification centers which obtained accreditation for compliance to requirements of the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 to No. 63-FZ "About the digital signature". The participants of purchases who are the foreign persons having the right to use for the signing of information and electronic documents provided by this Federal Law, the digital signatures created according to rules of law of foreign state, international standards and recognized in the Russian Federation. The surname and initials of the owner of the qualified certificate of the key of verification of the digital signature which signed the information and documents which are subject to placement in unified information system provided by this Federal Law are placed in unified information system.

3. During the forming and placement of information and documents in unified information system, on electronic platform, specialized electronic platform, and also in case of creation of documents according to this Federal Law single document forms are applied. Requirements to the specified forms, procedure for forming and placement of information and documents in unified information system, on electronic platform, specialized electronic platform are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. In case of availability of contradictions between the data containing in unified information system and the data containing in information and documents directed by participants of contractual system, information containing in unified information system has priority.

5. No later than one hour from the moment of placement according to this Federal Law of information and documents on the official site, on electronic platform such information and documents shall be available to acquaintance on the official site, on electronic platform if other is not provided by this Federal Law. Collection of payment for provision of access to such to information and documents is not allowed.

6. No later than one hour from the moment of placement according to this Federal Law in unified information system of the changes made to the notice on implementation of purchase, explanations of provisions of the notice on implementation of purchase, the notice on purchase cancellation the operator of an electronic trading platform places the specified information and documents on electronic platform, and also sends the notification on the specified changes, explanations, the notice to all procurement participants who submitted applications for participation in such purchase, to person who sent inquiry for giving explanations of provisions of the notice on purchase implementation with use of electronic platform.

7. The operator of an electronic trading platform, the operator of specialized electronic platform shall provide confidentiality of information on the procurement participant (except for purchases of goods at the single supplier electronically on the amount provided by part 12 of article 93 of this Federal Law) who sent information and documents, and their contents to the direction according to this Federal Law such information and documents to the customer if other is not provided by this Federal Law.

8. The information and documents created and placed according to this Federal Law are stored in unified information system by one or several federal executive bodies determined according to part 6 of article 4 of this Federal Law, at least six years after completion of purchase according to this Federal Law.

Article 6. The principles of contractual system in the sphere of purchases

The contractual system in the sphere of purchases is based on the principles of openness, transparency of information on contractual system in the sphere of purchases, ensuring the competition, professionalism of customers, stimulations of innovations, unities of contractual system in the sphere of purchases, responsibility for effectiveness of ensuring the state and municipal needs, efficiency of implementation of purchases.

Article 7. Principles of openness and transparency

1. In the Russian Federation the free and non-paid information access about contractual system in the sphere of purchases is provided.

2. The openness and transparency of information specified regarding 1 this Article are provided, in particular, by its placement in unified information system.

3. The information provided by this Federal Law and placed in unified information system shall be complete and reliable.

Article 8. Principle of ensuring competition

1. The contractual system in the sphere of purchases is directed to creation of equal conditions for ensuring the competition between participants of purchases. Any interested person has opportunity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts about contractual system in the sphere of purchases to become the supplier (the contractor, the contractor).

2. The competition when implementing purchases shall be based on respect for the principle fair price and non-price competition between participants of purchases for the purpose of identification of the best conditions of deliveries of goods, performance of works, rendering services. Making by the customers specialized by the organizations is forbidden, their officials, the commissions on implementation of purchases, members of such commissions, participants of purchases, operators of electronic platforms, operators of specialized electronic platforms of any actions which contradict requirements of this Federal Law including lead to competition restriction, in particular to unreasonable restriction of number of participants of purchases.

Article 9. Principle of professionalism of the customer

1. The contractual system in the sphere of purchases provides implementation of activities of the customer, the specialized organization and regulatory authority in the sphere of purchases on professional basis with involvement of the qualified specialists having theoretical knowledge and skills in the sphere of purchases.

2. Customers, the specialized organizations take measures for maintenance and increase in skill level and professional education of the officials occupied in the sphere of purchases including by advanced training or occupational retraining in the sphere of purchases in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 10. Principle of stimulation of innovations

Customers when planning and implementing purchases shall proceed from priority of ensuring the state and municipal needs by purchases of innovative and high-technology products.

Article 11. The principle of unity of contractual system in the sphere of purchases

The contractual system in the sphere of purchases is based on the single principles and approaches provided by this Federal Law and allowing to provide the state and municipal needs by means of planning and implementation of purchases, their monitoring, audit in the sphere of purchases, and also control in the sphere of purchases.

Article 12. Principle of responsibility for effectiveness of ensuring the state and municipal needs, efficiency of implementation of purchases

1. State bodies, governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds, municipal authorities, state organizations, other legal entities in the cases established by this Federal Law when planning and implementing purchases shall proceed from need of achievement of the set results of ensuring the state and municipal needs.

2. Officials of customers bear the personal responsibility for observance of the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on contractual system in the sphere of purchases and the regulatory legal acts specified in parts 2 and 3 of article 2 of this Federal Law.

Article 13.

Voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 27.06.2019 No. 152-FZ

Article 14. Provision of national treatment when implementing purchases

1. When implementing purchases the national treatment providing to the events from foreign state or group of foreign states (further - foreign state) is provided to goods, work, service, according to carried out, rendered by the foreign citizen or the foreign legal entity (further - the foreign person), equal conditions with goods of the Russian origin, work, service, according to carried out, rendered by the Russian citizen or the Russian legal entity (further - the Russian person), except as specified acceptances by the Government of the Russian Federation of measures, stipulated in Item 1 parts 2 of this Article. If other is not provided by the measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation according to Item 1 of part 2 of this Article the provisions of this Article concerning goods of the Russian origin, work, service according to carried out, rendered by the Russian person, are applied also to the goods coming from foreign state, work, service according to carried out, rendered by the foreign person who provides equal conditions with goods of the Russian origin, the work, service, according to carried out rendered by the Russian person.

2. Government of the Russian Federation:

1) the measures having the right to take parts 3 of this Article taking into account provisions establishing:

a) prohibition of purchases of the goods (including the purchased works delivered in case of accomplishment, rendering the purchased services) coming from foreign states, works, services according to carried out, rendered by foreign persons;

b) restriction of purchases of the goods (including the purchased works delivered in case of accomplishment, rendering the purchased services) coming from foreign states, works, services according to carried out, rendered by foreign persons;

c) benefit concerning goods of the Russian origin (including the purchased works delivered in case of accomplishment, rendering the purchased services), works, services, according to carried out, rendered by Russian persons;

2) determines information and the list of documents which confirm the country of goods' origin for the purposes of this Federal Law, in case of taking measures, stipulated in Item 1 this part.

3. Acceptance by the Government of the Russian Federation of measures, stipulated in Item 1 parts 2 of this Article, is allowed in cases in case of which the international treaty of the Russian Federation provides possibility of failure to provide national treatment to the goods coming from foreign state, work, service according to carried out, rendered by person registered in the territory of foreign state.

4. When implementing purchase of goods:

1) if the Government of the Russian Federation establishes the prohibition of purchases of goods provided by the subitem "an" of Item 1 of part 2 of this Article:

a) the application for participation in purchase containing the offer on delivery of such goods coming from foreign state is subject to variation according to this Federal Law;

b) the conclusion of the delivery contract of such goods coming from foreign state with the single supplier is not allowed;

c) in case of execution of the contract replacement of such goods by the goods coming from foreign state concerning which this prohibition is established is not allowed;

2) if the Government of the Russian Federation establishes the restriction of purchases of goods provided by the subitem "b" of Item 1 of part 2 of this Article:

a) all applications for participation in purchase containing offers on delivery of such goods coming from foreign state are subject to variation according to this Federal Law if on participation in purchase it is given and by results of consideration the request containing the offer on delivery of such goods of the Russian origin is acknowledged the purchase conforming to requirements of the notice on implementation, documentation on purchase (if this Federal Law provides documentation on purchase);

b) in case of execution of the contract replacement of goods by the goods coming from foreign state concerning which this restriction is set if the contract provides delivery of goods of the Russian origin, is not allowed;

3) if the Government of the Russian Federation establishes the benefit provided by the subitem "v" of Item 1 of part 2 of this Article concerning goods of the Russian origin:

a) in case of assignment according to the subitem "b" of Item 1 of part 15 of Article 48, the subitem "b" of Item 1 of part 5 of Article 49, the subitem "b" of Item of 1 part 3 Articles 50, the subitem "v" of Item 1 of part 10 of Article 73, Item 1 of part 5 of Article 74, the subitem "v" of Item 1 of part 9 of Article 75, the subitem "b" of Item 1 of part 5 of article 76 of this Federal Law of sequence number to the application for participation in the purchase containing the offer on delivery of goods only of the Russian origin are performed decrease by fifteen percent of the price proposal of this procurement participant or increase by fifteen percent of the price proposal of this procurement participant in case of submission of the offer on the amount of the payment which is subject to introduction for the conclusion of the contract by it. In case of assignment according to the subitem "b" of Item 6 of part 12 of article 93 of this Federal Law of sequence number to the application for participation in the purchase containing the offer on delivery of goods only of the Russian origin decrease by fifteen percent of the unit price of goods offered by the procurement participant who submitted such application is performed;

b) in case of the conclusion of the contract with the procurement participant specified in the subitem "an" of this Item, the contract is signed without performed according to the subitem "an" of this Item of decrease in the price offer, unit price of goods or increase in the price offer;

c) in case of execution of the contract replacement of goods (taking into account the features provided by part 7 of article 95 of this Federal Law) only on goods of the Russian origin is allowed if the contract provides delivery of goods of the Russian origin.

5. When implementing purchase of work, service:

1) if the Government of the Russian Federation establishes the prohibition of purchase of work, service provided by the subitem "an" of Item 1 of part 2 of this Article, according to carried out, rendered by the foreign person:

a) the application for participation in such purchase submitted by the foreign person is subject to variation according to this Federal Law;

b) the conclusion of the contract for accomplishment of such work, rendering such service with the single contractor (contractor) who is the foreign person is not allowed;

2) if the Government of the Russian Federation establishes the restriction of purchase provided by the subitem "b" of Item 1 of part 2 of this Article such works, services, according to the carried-out, rendered by the foreign person, all applications for participation in such purchase submitted by foreign persons documentation on purchase are subject to variation according to this Federal Law if the application for participation in such purchase submitted by the Russian person is acknowledged by results of its consideration of the purchase conforming to requirements of the notice on implementation (if this Federal Law provides documentation on purchase);

3) if the Government of the Russian Federation establishes the benefit provided by the subitem "v" of Item 1 of part 2 of this Article concerning work, service, according to carried out, rendered by the Russian person:

a) in case of assignment according to the subitem "b" of Item 1 of part 15 of Article 48, the subitem "b" of Item 1 of part 5 of Article 49, the subitem "b" of Item of 1 part 3 Articles 50, the subitem "v" of Item 1 of part 10 of Article 73, Item 1 of part 5 of Article 74, the subitem "v" of Item 1 of part 9 of Article 75, the subitem "b" of Item 1 of part 5 of article 76 of this Federal Law of sequence number to the application for participation in the purchase submitted by the Russian person are performed decrease by fifteen percent of the price proposal of this procurement participant or increase by fifteen percent of the price proposal of this procurement participant in case of submission of the offer on the amount of the payment which is subject to introduction for the conclusion of the contract by it. In case of assignment according to the subitem "b" of Item 6 of part 12 of article 93 of this Federal Law of sequence number to the application for participation in the purchase submitted by the Russian person decrease by fifteen percent of the price for provision of the right to use the program for the electronic computer and (or) the database (including updates to them and additional functionality), including by provision of remote access to them through information and telecommunication networks, including through the Internet, offered by the procurement participant who submitted such application is performed;

b) in case of the conclusion of the contract with the procurement participant specified in the subitem "an" of this Item, the specified contract is signed without decrease or the increase in the price offer performed according to the subitem "an" of this Item.

6. Following the results of year till February 1 of the year following after accounting year in unified information system the report on purchasing amount of goods of the Russian origin, works, services, according to carried out, rendered by Russian persons which is created by processing of information containing in the unified information system included in the register of the contracts signed by customers and also by forming by the customer of information on purchasing amount, information on which is not subject according to this Federal Law to placement in unified information system, is placed. In the cases established according to part 8 of this Article in case of which the report on purchasing amount of goods of the Russian origin, works, services, according to carried out, rendered by Russian persons, is not subject to placement in unified information system the customer till February 1 of the year following after accounting year constitutes and sends such report to the federal executive body specified in part 7 of this Article.

7. Consideration of the reports on purchasing amount of goods of the Russian origin, works, services provided by part 6 of this Article, according to carried out, rendered by Russian persons, and assessment of results of implementation in reporting year of such purchases are performed by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation till March 1 of the year following after accounting year.

8. The government of the Russian Federation establishes requirements to form and content of the report on purchasing amount of goods of the Russian origin, works, services, according to carried out, rendered by Russian persons, procedure for forming and placement of such report in unified information system, on the official site, procedure for provision to the federal executive body specified in part 7 of this Article, information access containing in such reports placed in unified information system, procedure for consideration of such reports and assessment of results of implementation in reporting year of purchases of goods of the Russian origin, works, services according to carried out, rendered by Russian persons, this federal executive body. The government of the Russian Federation for the purpose of ensuring defense of the country and safety of the state has the right to establish cases in case of which the report on purchasing amount of goods of the Russian origin, works, services, according to carried out, rendered by Russian persons, is not subject to placement in unified information system, and also procedure for its direction in these cases in the federal executive body specified in part 7 of this Article.

9. Provisions of this Article are not applied when implementing purchases of goods, works, services of foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation by bodies and bodies of the Federal Security Service for safety of the state, when implementing purchases of goods, works, services of the state protection by bodies for implementation of measures for implementation of the state protection, when implementing purchases of goods, works, services by troops of national guard of the Russian Federation to accomplishment of tasks on participation of troops of national guard of the Russian Federation in fight against terrorism and extremism, and also to accomplishment according to the decision of the President of the Russian Federation of tasks on safety of management officials of subjects of the Russian Federation (heads of the supreme executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation) and other persons.

Article 15. Features of the procurements conducted budget, autonomous by organizations, state, municipal the unitary enterprises and other legal entities

1. Budgetary institutions conduct procurement through the subsidies provided from budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, and other means according to requirements of this Federal Law, except as specified, provided by parts 2 and 3 of this Article.

2. In the presence of the legal act adopted by budgetary institution according to part 3 of article 2 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "About purchases of goods, works, services as separate types of legal entities" and the year placed before in unified information system, this organization has the right to perform in the corresponding year with observance of requirements of the specified Federal Law and the legal act of purchase:

1) at the expense of the means received as gift, including donation (charitable gift), according to the will, the grants donated and irretrievable citizens and legal entities, including foreign citizens and foreign legal entities, and also the international organizations which acquired the right to provision of grants in the territory of the Russian Federation according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, subsidies (grants) provided on competitive basis from the relevant budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation if the conditions determined by grantors do not establish other;

2) as the contractor under the contract in case of attraction based on the agreement in course of execution of this contract of other persons for delivery of the goods, performance of work or rendering service necessary for execution of the obligations of this organization provided by the contract;

3) at the expense of the means received when implementing of other revenue-producing activities by it from physical persons, legal entities including within the core activities provided by its constituent document (except for the means received on rendering and payment of medical care on compulsory medical insurance).

2.1. State, municipal unitary enterprises conduct procurement according to requirements of this Federal Law, except for:

1) purchases of the federal state unitary enterprises having essential value for providing the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, defense capability and safety of the state which list affirms the Government of the Russian Federation in coordination with Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the subsidies performed without use provided from the federal budget on implementation in the territory of the Russian Federation of capital investments in capital construction projects of state-owned property of the Russian Federation and (or) on acquisition in the territory of the Russian Federation of real estate units in state-owned property of the Russian Federation;

2) the procurements conducted according to the legal act provided by part 3 of article 2 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "About purchases of goods, works, services as separate types of legal entities", accepted state, municipal the unitary enterprises and placed prior to the beginning of year in unified information system:

a) at the expense of the means received as gift, including donation, according to the will, the grants donated and irretrievable citizens and legal entities, including foreign citizens and foreign legal entities, and also the international organizations which acquired the right to provision of grants in the territory of the Russian Federation according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, subsidies (grants) provided on competitive basis from the relevant budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation if the conditions determined by grantors do not establish other;

b) as the contractor under the contract in case of attraction based on the agreement in course of execution of this contract of other persons for delivery of the goods, performance of work or rendering service necessary for execution of the obligations of this company provided by the contract, except as specified execution by the company of the contract signed according to Items 2 and 6.1 of part 1 of article 93 of this Federal Law;

c) without attraction of financial resources of the relevant budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation.

3. The decision on implementation accepted by budgetary institution or state, municipal the unitary enterprises specified respectively in Items 1 - 3 parts 2 and subitems "an" - "in" Item 2 of part 2.1 of this Article of purchases according to the procedure, established by this Federal Law, or according to the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 "About purchases of goods, works, services as separate types of legal entities" cannot be changed No. 223-FZ in the current year if other is not established by this Federal Law.

4. When implementing by legal entities of purchases at the expense of the means provided from budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation which provision conditions according to the budget legislation of the Russian Federation provide observance of provisions of this Federal Law the provisions of this Federal Law governing the relations specified in Items 2, of 3, of 5, 6 and Item 7 (regarding the control in the sphere of purchases provided by part 3 of article 99 of this Federal Law) parts 1 of article 1 of this Federal Law are applied. When planning and implementing of purchases by autonomous organizations at the expense of the means provided from budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation on implementation of capital investments in objects of the state-owned, municipal property the provisions of this Federal Law governing the relations specified in Items 1 - 3 and 5 - 7 parts 1 of article 1 of this Federal Law are applied.

4.1. Voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 29.05.2024 No. 124-FZ

4.2. The public company "The Single Customer in the Sphere of Construction" conducts procurement for the purpose of accomplishment of engineering researches, architectural and construction designing, construction, reconstruction, capital repairs, demolition of capital construction projects according to the program of activities of the specified public company the current year and planning period through means of the federal budget according to requirements of this Federal Law.

4.3. By provision according to the budget legislation of the Russian Federation to Fund for preserving and development of the Solovetsky islands of subsidies, stipulated in Item 2 Articles 78.1 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation, when implementing of purchases by it at the expense of the specified subsidies extend to this Fund the provisions of this Federal Law governing the relations specified in Items 2 and 3 of part 1 of article 1 of this Federal Law.

4.4. When implementing by joint-stock companies which hundred percent of shares belongs to the subject of the Russian Federation of purchases for the purposes of obligation fulfillment under the contracts concluded based on Item 6.1 of part 1 of article 93 of this Federal Law for such joint-stock companies the provisions of this Federal Law governing the relations specified in Items 2 - 6 and Item 7 (regarding the control in the sphere of purchases provided by part 3 of article 99 of this Federal Law) parts 1 of article 1 of this Federal Law extend.

5. Voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 29.05.2024 No. 124-FZ

6. If according to the Budget code of the Russian Federation state bodies, governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds, the local government bodies, State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" or the State corporation on space activities Roskosmos which are the state or municipal customers when implementing budget investments and (or) on acquisition of real estate units in the state-owned, municipal property transmitted to capital construction projects of the state-owned, municipal property on a grant basis based on agreements the powers of the state or municipal customer to budgetary institutions, autonomous organizations, state, to municipal unitary enterprises or other legal entities, such organizations, the unitary enterprises or legal entities within delegated powers perform on behalf of the specified bodies or the state corporations of purchase of goods, works, services according to provisions of this Federal Law which regulate activities of the state and municipal customers.

7. If the legislation of the Russian Federation for the purpose of the conclusion of the civil agreement (contract) within the relations which are not specified regarding 1 article 1 of this Federal Law provides obligation of carrying out tenders and auctions or use of different ways of determination of the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) according to this Federal Law, in case of their carrying out provisions of Articles 14, of 23, 28 - 30, 34, the 35th this Federal Law are not applied if other is not stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation.

Chapter 2. Planning

Article 16. Procurement planning

1. Procurement planning is performed by means of forming, approval and maintaining scheduled plans. The purchases which are not provided by scheduled plans cannot be performed.

2. Join in scheduled plans:

1) the identification codes of purchases determined according to article 23 of this Federal Law;

2) name of object and (or) name of subjects to purchases;

3) amount of financial provision for implementation of purchases;

4) terms (frequency) of implementation of the planned purchases;

5) information on public discussion of purchases according to article 20 of this Federal Law;

6) other information determined by procedure, stipulated in Item 2 parts 3 of this Article.

3. Are established by the government of the Russian Federation:

1) requirements to form of scheduled plans;

2) procedure for forming, approval of scheduled plans, modification of such scheduled plans;

3) procedure for placement of scheduled plans in unified information system, on the official site.

4. The government of the Russian Federation has the right to establish features of inclusion in the schedule of information on centralized purchases, joint tenders and auctions, purchases when which implementing the closed methods of determination of suppliers (contractors, contractors), and also about the separate purchases provided by the subitem "g" of Item 2 of part 10 of Article 24, part of 1 Article 93, articles 111 and 111.4 of this Federal Law are applied.

5. Scheduled plans are created for the term corresponding to effective period of the Federal Law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period, the Federal Laws on budgets of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation for the next financial year and planning period, the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation, the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation on budgets of territorial state non-budgetary funds, the municipal legal act of representative body of the municipality on the local budget. Scheduled plans join taking into account provisions of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation information on purchases which implementation is planned after planning period. In this case information specified in part 2 of this Article is entered in scheduled plans of purchases for all term of the planned purchases.

6. The schedule is created by the state or municipal customer according to requirements of this Article in the course of creation and consideration of budget statements of the budget system of the Russian Federation taking into account provisions of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation and affirms within ten working days after bringing to the state or municipal customer of amount of the rights in terms of money to acceptance and (or) obligation fulfillment according to the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. The schedule is created state, municipal by organizations, state, municipal the unitary enterprises according to requirements of this Article when planning financial and economic activities of the state, municipal organizations, state, municipal unitary enterprises and affirms within ten working days after approval according to the plan of financial and economic activities of the state, municipal organizations, the plan (program) of financial and economic activities of the state, municipal unitary enterprises.

8. Scheduled plans are subject to change if necessary:

1) their reductions in compliance in connection with change of the requirements to the goods which are purchased by customers, works, services established according to article 19 of this Federal Law (including marginal price of goods, works, services) and (or) standard costs on ensuring functions of state bodies, governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds, municipal authorities;

2) their reductions in compliance in connection with change of the amount of the rights brought to the customer in terms of money on acceptance and (or) obligation fulfillment according to the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, change of indicators of plans (programs) of financial and economic activities of the public, local government offices, state, municipal unitary enterprises, change of relevant decisions and (or) agreements on provision of subsidies;

3) implementation of the decision made by the customer following the results of public discussion of purchase according to article 20 of this Federal Law;

4) uses in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation the economy received when implementing purchase;

5) in other cases established by procedure, stipulated in Item 2 parts 3 of this Article.

9. Introduction according to part 8 of this Article of changes into the schedule can be performed not later than one day about day of placement in unified information system of the notice on implementation of the corresponding purchase or the direction of the invitation to take part in determination of the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) by the closed method or in case of the conclusion of the contract with the single supplier (the contractor, the contractor) according to part 1 of article 93 of this Federal Law - not later than one day about day of the conclusion of the contract.

10. Voided

11. Features of procurement planning within the state defensive order are established by the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 275-FZ "About the state defensive order".

Article 17.

Voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 01.05.2019 No. 71-FZ

Article 18. Reasons for purchases

1. For the purpose of this Federal Law the procurement conducted according to provisions of articles 19 and 22 of this Federal Law is recognized reasonable.

2. Voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 01.05.2019 No. 71-FZ

3. Voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 01.05.2019 No. 71-FZ

4. Assessment of justification of implementation of purchases is carried out during audit in the sphere of purchases and control in the sphere of purchases according to this Federal Law.

5. By results of audit in the sphere of purchases and control in the sphere of purchases particular procurement can be recognized as unreasonable.

6. In case of recognition of the planned purchase unreasonable the control facilities specified in Item 3 of part 1 of article 99 of this Federal Law issue instructions about elimination of the revealed violations of the law of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts about contractual system in the sphere of purchases and bring to the administrative responsibility persons guilty of violations of requirements of this Federal Law, according to the procedure, established by the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offences.

7. Voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 01.05.2019 No. 71-FZ

Article 19. Regulation in the sphere of purchases

1. Regulation in the sphere of purchases is understood as establishment of requirements to the goods which are purchased by the customer, works, services (including marginal price of goods, works, services) and (or) standard costs on ensuring functions of state bodies, governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds, municipal authorities (including respectively territorial authorities and subordinated state organizations, except for state organizations to which the state (municipal) task for rendering the state (municipal) services, performance of works is in accordance with the established procedure created).

2. For the purposes of this Article requirements to the goods which are purchased by the customer, works, services are understood as requirements to quantity, consumer properties (including to characteristics of quality) and to other characteristics of goods, works, services, the state and municipal needs allowing to provide but not leading to purchases of goods, works, services which have excessive consumer properties or are luxury goods in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The government of the Russian Federation establishes general rules of regulation in the sphere of purchases for ensuring the state and municipal needs, including:

1) general requirements to procedure for development and adoption of legal acts about regulation in the sphere of purchases, to contents of the specified acts and ensuring their execution;

2) general rules of determination of requirements to the separate types of goods, works, services which are purchased by customers (including marginal prices of goods, works, services) and standard costs on ensuring functions of state bodies, governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds, municipal authorities (including respectively territorial authorities and subordinated state organizations).

4. The government of the Russian Federation, the supreme executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local administrations according to the general rules of regulation provided by part 3 of this Article establish rules of regulation in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services for providing according to federal needs, needs of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal needs (further - rules of regulation), including:

1) requirements to procedure for development and adoption of legal acts about regulation in the sphere of purchases, to contents of the specified acts and ensuring their execution;

2) rules of determination of requirements to purchased by state bodies, governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds, municipal authorities, according to their territorial authorities and state organizations, budgetary institutions subordinated to the specified bodies and state, municipal unitary enterprises to separate types of goods, works, services (including marginal prices of goods, works, services) and standard costs on ensuring functions of state bodies, governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds, municipal authorities (including respectively territorial authorities and subordinated state organizations).


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