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of April 24, 2013 No. 865

About approval of "Approximate provision on industrial parks"

(as amended on 12-06-2024)

Being guided by Item 32 of article 109 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, I decide:

1. Approve "Approximate provision on industrial parks" it (is applied).

2. Determine that "authority" in "Approximate provision on industrial parks" is meant as the Ministry of Economics of the Azerbaijan Republic.

3. To the Ministry of Economics of the Azerbaijan Republic:

3.1. adopt the acts provided by the second offer of item 4. 3,  subitems 5.0.7-2, 6.0.2-1, 7.1. 6, 7.1.17, first offer of Item 9. 2, second offer of Item 9. 3, subitem 9.6. 6, Item 9. 7, first and third offers of Item 9. 10, Items 9.11 and 13.3 of "Approximate provision on industrial parks";

3.2. perform the functions following from "Approximate provision on industrial parks".

President of the Azerbaijan Republic

Ilham Aliyev

Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of April 24, 2013 No. 865

Approximate regulations on industrial parks

1. General provisions

1.1. "The approximate provision on industrial parks" (further - the Provision) is developed according to subitem 7.1.2 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About creation of the Sumgayit chemical industrial park" of December 21, 2011 No. 548 and regulates the questions connected with creation, government by industrial parks and implementation in them business activity.

1.2. In industrial parks the business activity which is not prohibited by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About business activity", connected with production of highly competitive products and rendering services by use of modern technologies and also sales of goods in the cases determined by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic is performed.

1.3. The concepts applied in this Provision express the following values:

1.3.1. the industrial park is the territory having necessary infrastructure and managerial structures for implementation of business activity, used for the purpose of production of competitive products and rendering services by use of modern technologies and also the sales of goods in the cases determined by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic promoting fruitful activities and development of entrepreneurs;

1.3.2. the organization for management of the industrial park (further - management company) - the legal entity of the state pattern of ownership providing the organization, management and development of activities of the industrial park;

1.3.3. the operator of the industrial park (further - the operator) is the legal entity chosen by authority on competitive basis and providing management of the industrial park within the managerial agreement signed with management company;


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