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The document ceased to be valid since  April 14, 2017 according to Item 3 of the Order of the Main state tax authorities of the Republic of Moldova of  April 4, 2017 No. 13


of June 18, 2013 No. 780

About procedure for issue of standard forms of source documents of the strict accounting (except for tax delivery notes)

(as amended on 12-11-2014)

1. Approve the list of standard forms of the strict accounting (further – forms) which fall under operation of this order:

a) act of purchase of goods;

b) act of purchase of services in letting of property and related expenses;

c) receipt;

d) the receipt on acceptance of non-tax payments (1-SF);

e) the receipt on acceptance of tax payments (2-SF);

f) route sheet;

g) delivery note and appendix to delivery note.

2. To perform issue of forms to subjects which shall use them in the activities, according to acting legislative and regulations.

3. Approve Regulations on issue of standard forms of source documents of the strict accounting (appendix).

4. To impose control over execution of this order on head department on taxes and fees, management economic and public procurements and head department of execution of the tax legislation.

5. Repeal the Order GGNI No. 141 of 5.02.2013 about procedure for the administration of the procedure of issue of standard forms of source documents of the strict accounting (except for tax delivery notes) imputed obligation of the Main state tax authorities with changes and amendments.

6. To management of clerical work and archiving to bring this order to the attention of all structural and territorial subdivisions.

7. Provide to legal management publication of this order in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

Chief of the Main state tax authorities

Ion Prisekaru


to the Order of the Main state tax authorities of the Republic of Moldova of June 18, 2013 No. 780

Regulations on issue of standard forms of source documents of the strict accounting

I. General procedure

1. Forms are issued for a fee only signed by officials of business entity or based on the power of attorney signed by them in case of submission of the request in the form given in appendix No. 1 to this provision and the payment order which confirms money transfer from the account of the taxpayer on the treasury account of the State Tax Administration. Public organizations will submit the request in the form given in appendix No. 2, procedure for filling is stated in annex No. 4 to this provision. Patentees from categories of source documents can demand the act of purchase of goods and receipts.

2. If transactions according to the bank account of the economic agent are suspended, he has the right to transfer money to account of tax authorities on behalf of the responsible person (the director or the accountant) specified in the request. The proof of transfer is the payment order confirming money transfer with indication of purpose of payment (example: payment of standard forms of source documents of the strict accounting for XXX LLC).

3. For issue of forms economic agents address to the centers for issue of forms specified in item 4 of this provision. In case of refusal in issue of forms, they shall submit the application according to the special procedure specified in Chapter II (present Items 6-16) provision.

4. The centers for issue of forms are:

for the business entities served by GUKN and tax offices of the republic - the center of issue for the address Ulitsa Teilor, 7/2, the floor 3, kab.303 (in the building of management of tax administration of the sector of the Botanist);

for business entities in mun. Chisinau - the center of issue, at the address mun. Chisinau, Hyncheshtskoye Shosse, 53;

for the business entities served by territorial GNI - territorial GNI where the request was submitted.

5. To those which provide observance of regulations of item 7 of the Instruction on procedure for filling of the delivery note approved by appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 47 of 31.03.2010 about approval of standard form of the source document of the strict accounting "Delivery note" also independent seal of delivery note and appendix to delivery note is allowed to business entities to whom according to the list approved by GGNI the independent seal of forms of tax delivery notes is resolved as well as.


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