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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

May 24, 2013

No. 807/23339


of May 8, 2013 No. 291

About approval of the Procedure for provision of services on traffic regulation of courts

(as amended on 06-08-2018)

According to part four of article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "About seaports of Ukraine" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the Procedure for provision of services on traffic regulation of courts which is applied.

2. To provide to department of state policy in industry of sea and river transport submission of this order in accordance with the established procedure on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and its promulgation on the official site of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of the introduction in operation of the Law of Ukraine "About seaports of Ukraine", but not earlier than day of its official publication.

4. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy minister Demidovich D. O.


V. Kozak

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine of May 8, 2013, No. 291

Procedure for provision of services on traffic regulation of courts

І. General provisions

1.1. This Procedure is developed according to Chapter 4 of the Merchant Marine Code of Ukraine, part four of article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "About seaports of Ukraine", for the purpose of observance of the regulations and rules established by international treaties of Ukraine taking into account the resolution of International Maritime Organization of A.857(20) "Management for ship movement services" of November 27, 1997.

1.2. This Procedure determines the mechanism of the order and provision of services by traffic regulation of courts to courts which are in the action area of services of traffic regulation of courts.

1.3. In this Procedure terms are used in such values:

the action area of center/traffic control post of courts - the area within which the center/traffic control post of courts performs the functions assigned to it according to rules of swimming in this zone;

the service of traffic regulation of courts (further - SRDS) is set of divisions (the centers of traffic regulation of courts/traffic control posts of courts) of the state company which belongs to the sphere of management of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine to which among other functions functions concerning provision of services on traffic regulation of courts are assigned;

the center of traffic regulation courts/traffic control post of courts (further - TsRDS/PRDS) - the main structural division of SRDS provided with accommodation (the building, construction) where technical means and personnel which services them are placed, will be organized activities of pilots-operators and accomplishment of the SRDS functions is provided.

ІІ. Services in traffic regulation of courts

2.1. In congested areas (port and inshore waters, narrowness, crossing of sea lanes) the decision of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine are created by TsRDS/PRDS which perform radar servicing of courts.

Such services SRDS belong to radar servicing: radar control of safety of navigation, traffic regulation of courts, radar carrying out (the navigation help), information services - informing on movement of courts, condition of means of navigation arrangement, hydrometeorological conditions and other factors which influence safety of swimming.

2.2. The action area of TsRDS or PRDS, procedure for movement of courts in it, the list of services which are provided by specific TsRDS/PRDS are established by rules of swimming in this zone which are determined by the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine.

2.3. Services in traffic regulation of courts are provided to courts in the way:

planning of safe movement of courts in the action area of TsRDS/PRDS based on received from marine agents or captains of ships of requests for movement;

installations of the mode of movement of courts;

provisions to courts of instructions which concern priority of movement, time of start of motion, route, speed and intervals of movement, the place of anchoring berth;

provisions of warnings to courts concerning violation corrected them swimmings in the corresponding zone;

provisions of warnings to courts in case of emergence (development) of situation of near collision with other courts and provisions of recommendations concerning collision hazard avoidance;

provisions of warnings to courts in case of their variation from safe route of swimming and provision of recommendations concerning return to the specified route.

ІІІ. Provision of services on traffic regulation of courts

3.1. Services in traffic regulation of courts are provided to SRDS for courts which perform foreign swimming, based on the request of the ship master and/or the marine agent authorized by the shipowner.

The request for services in traffic regulation of courts can be connected to the request for pilot services.

3.2. For courts of coastwise voyage and courts of local basing the request for services in traffic regulation of courts is provided by the ship master in the action area of TsRDS/PRDS through means of radio communication. The exit of the ship master to radio communication with the corresponding TsRDS/PRDS is considered submission of the request for provision of services on traffic regulation of courts.

3.3. TsRDS/PRDS within the action area is provided, and vessels use services in traffic regulation of courts. Degree of obligation of separate types of service of SRDS which are provided by the corresponding TsRDS/PRDS, are reported in rules of swimming in the corresponding zone and in obligatory resolutions on port.

3.4. Features of provision of services can be determined by traffic regulation of courts by rules of swimming in the corresponding zone.

ІV. Fee on traffic regulation of courts

4.1. Collection, procedure for collection and which size are established according to the law is levied from courts which use services SRDS in traffic regulation of courts.

4.2. The ship master who addressed to SRDS behind services in traffic regulation of courts and refused then them, shall pay completely the proper fee for services SRDS.

V. Relations between TsRDS/PRDS and courts

5.1. TsRDS/PRDS perform identification of courts on approaches to zone of their action, radio contact with courts, obtaining and registration of necessary data on each vessel.

5.2. Each vessel in 30 minutes prior to entrance to the action area of TsRDS/PRDS shall establish radio communication with the corresponding TsRDS/PRDS.


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