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of March 1, 2012 No. ZR-6

About private security activities

(as amended on 01-03-2024)

Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on February 9, 2012

This Law establishes the legal basis, the principles, tasks of private security activities, procedure for cooperation with the state and other bodies, governs the relations arising during implementation of these activities.

Article 1. Law coverage

1. Operation of this Law extends to the telokhranitelsky and security activities performed in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

2. Telokhranitelsky and security activities in the territory of the Republic of Armenia only legal entities who obtained the license according to the procedure, established by this Law have the right to occupation.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in the Law

1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

private security activities – implementation by legal entities, being the non-state organization established by this Law of telokhranitelsky and (or) security activities;

telokhranitelsky and security activities – the activities which are subject to licensing which are performed on contractual (paid) basis for the purpose of rendering telokhranitelsky and security services by the non-state organization to physical persons and legal entities;

the organization performing telokhranitelsky and security activities - the non-state organization which obtained the license for implementation of telokhranitelsky and security activities;

the bodyguard – the physical person having the qualification provided by this Law for implementation of protection of life and health of the protected person, working in performing telokhranitelsky and security organization activity on contractual basis and performing authorized tasks;

the security guard – the physical person having the qualification provided by this Law for implementation of protection of the buildings, structures, constructions adjoining to them the territories in places of permanent and temporary arrangement of the protected objects, vehicles, working in performing telokhranitelsky and security organization activity and performing authorized tasks;

the protected person – the physical person who signed with the non-state organization performing telokhranitelsky and security activities the agreement on implementation of protection of the life and health or life and health of persons specified in the agreement on paid basis;

the protected object – property (territory), subject which is (subject) to protection according to the agreement signed between the organization performing telokhranitelsky and security activities and the customer;

telokhranitelsky and security services – set of the actions providing protection and safety of protected persons and the protected objects;

access control – the procedure established for entrance/entrance on the protected object and exit/departure from the protected object which provides controlled entrance / entrance on the protected object and exit/departure from the protected object of persons and vehicles;

the inside mode – procedure for safety in the protected object and set of the actions aimed at its providing.

Article 3. Legal basis of implementation of telokhranitelsky and security activities

1. Telokhranitelsky and security activities are performed on the basis of international treaties, this Law, other laws and legal acts of the Republic of Armenia.

2. If the international ratified treaties of the Republic of Armenia establish other regulations than provided by this Law, then the regulations established by international treaties are applied.

Article 4. Law purposes

1. Main objectives of the Law:

1) protection and protection of life, health, property of persons against illegal encroachments;

2) guarantee of labor rights of the legal entities performing private security activities;

3) assistance to the state in the field of protection of public order, ensuring public safety, prevention, the prevention and control of offenses;

4) the state control of activities of the legal entities performing private security activities.

Article 5. Principles of telokhranitelsky and security activities

1. Telokhranitelsky and security activities are performed on the principles of legality, equality of all before the law, respect of the rights, freedoms and advantage of man and citizen, the rights and legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities, implementation of protection of the protected physical person and the protected object by reliable and safe method.

Article 6. Main objectives of telokhranitelsky and security activities

1. Main objectives of telokhranitelsky and security activities:

1) rendering telokhranitelsky services for the purpose of protection of life and health of the physical persons (specified by them in the agreement of persons);

2) rendering security services for the purpose of protection of property, property rights and legitimate interests of the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (specified by them in the agreement of persons);

3) providing established the throughput and inside modes on the protected object.

Article 7. Implementation of telokhranitelsky and security activities

1. Telokhranitelsky and security activities are performed by the legal entities who obtained the license for these activities by rendering the telokhranitelsky and security services provided by this Law.

2. When implementing telokhranitelsky and security activities the following services can be rendered:

1) protection of life and health of physical person against illegal encroachments (including with the use of weapon);

2) protection of the objects, real and personal estate, the territory which are in property or legal ownership;

3) providing the throughput and inside modes on the protected objects;

4) provision of special communication and vehicles.

3. The organization performing telokhranitelsky and security activities in the cases provided by the agreement can perform also servicing by special communication and the vehicle.

4. Each protected person can accompany only one vehicle and no more than three bodyguards (including – the driver-bodyguard).

5. The organization performing telokhranitelsky and security activities has no right to render telokhranitelsky or security services to officials of state bodies and local government bodies.

6. When rendering telokhranitelsky and security services bodyguards (security guards) shall wear the unified uniform only in working hours. It shall differ from uniform of employees of the body performing special state protection.

The description of the unified uniform and symbolics is approved by the organization performing telokhranitelsky and security activities.

7. Heads, bodyguards and security guards of the organization performing telokhranitelsky and security activities have no right to hold positions or to work for those protected persons or at the protected objects with which the organization performing telokhranitelsky and security activities signed the service provision agreement.


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