Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 8, 2000 No. 82

About approval of Instructions for use water objects for needs of fish and hunting farms

(as amended on 27-11-2017)

Based on the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Water code of the Azerbaijan Republic approved by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 26, 1997" of March 13, 1998 the No. 685 Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides:

1. Approve "Instructions for use by water objects for needs of fish and hunting farms" (are applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.


Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic

Artur Rasi-Zade

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 8, 2000 No. 82

Instructions for use water objects for needs of fish and hunting farms

1. These rules are prepared on the basis of the Water code of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Water code of the Azerbaijan Republic approved by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 26, 1997" of March 13, 1998 No. 685 and determine instructions for use water objects for needs of fish, including aquacultural and hunting farms.

2. The water basins carried to the water objects established by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic to fish and hunting objects in which waterfowl and valuable fur animals live can be used for needs of fish and hunting farms.

3. Transfer of water objects to use for needs of fish and hunting farms is performed according to the water legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.

4. Water objects are used by fish and hunting farms depending on types of the activities performed by them for the following purposes:

- cultivation, reproduction, reproduction, use and protection of the fish and other water bioresources, waterfowl and valuable fur animals carried to subjects to hunting;

- providing with water the water objects used for cultivation and reproduction of fish, valuable fur and other water bioresources, and also water basins in which waterfowl live;

- holding fish and economic meliorative actions;

- movement of the courts, boats and other vehicles used in fish and hunting farms;

- storage, repair and installation of hunting tools, technical means in the water objects which are taken away for needs of fish and hunting farms, and on their shores, placement of temporary buildings of residential and production appointment, and also construction of the corresponding hydraulic engineering constructions, parking for water vehicles according to the procedure, established by the water legislation;

- dumping into water object of the used water from the fish-processing companies, ponds for cultivation and reproduction of fish, and also other economic sites;

- for other needs of fish and hunting farms.

5. All fish and hunting farms irrespective of pattern of ownership and subordination shall observe the following requirements in the field of use and protection of water objects:

- requirements of these rules, water legislation, legislation on fishery and legislations on fauna;

- sanitary and hygienic, environmental, hydrological, technological and meteorological standards, regulations and rules on use and protection of water objects;

rules of fishing and protection of fish and other water bioresources;

- admissible regulations of harmful effects of water objects;

- regulations and limits of water use;

- agreements of water use;

- rules of paid water use;

- the use mode in the territories of the water protection zones and bank protection strips;

- rules of the state accounting of waters.

6. When using of water objects fish and hunting farms shall carry out the following:

- use water objects to destination;

- protect water objects from pollution, pollution and depletion;

- keep primary account of the waters which are taken away from water objects and dumped in them;

- in cases of dumping into water sources of hazardous substances owing to violation of the set mode of the waters which are taken away from water objects and dumped in them and accident it is urgent to notify on it the relevant state bodies;

- support sanitary condition of the water objects and hunting sites assigned to them up to standard;

- not allow adaptation of new types of the fish and other water bioresources able to make negative impact on environment of water basins in which fish, valuable fur and other water bioresources live;

- in accordance with the established procedure to carry out works on cultivation of fish and fish and economic meliorative works;

- not use hunting tools over permitted and not permitted hunting tools;

- not exceed the limit set for fishes, waterfowl, valuable animals and hunting tools;

- provide water vehicles with rescue accessories;

- care for the green plantings which are available on coast of water objects;

- carry out written instructions of relevant organ of the executive authority;

- perform other actions, stipulated by the legislation the Azerbaijan Republic.

7. On the water objects which are taken away for needs of fish and hunting farms, and adjoining to them sites it is forbidden:

- catching of fish and other water bioresources without the relevant allowing documents;

- dumping of the crude and not neutralized sewage, production, household and other waste;

- complete blockage of the rivers, their inflows and channels, emptying of lakes, ponds and ports, drainage of zabolochennost, except as specified, stipulated by the legislation Azerbaijan Republic;

- stay near water objects with the prohibited hunting tools, and also explosive and toxic agents;

- other cases, stipulated by the legislation Azerbaijan Republic.

8. Operation on water objects of the hydraulic engineering constructions able to make harmful effects on condition of the habitat of wild animals, establishment of the hydrological and water account modes, and also other actions directed to protection of fauna are performed taking into account interests of fish and hunting farms.

9. The rights of water users in fish water objects or in their separate parts which are important for reproduction, recovery and preserving valuable types of fish and other water bioresources can be limited for benefit of fish and hunting farms according to the procedure, provided by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About fish breeding" and the water legislation.

10. Based on appeals of fish and hunting farms water objects can be transferred to them to short-term - for a period of up to 3 years and long-term use - for a period of up to 25 years, for the purpose of maintaining hunting farms based on request of legal entities and physical persons, at least 10 years according to the procedure, established by the legislation.


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