of June 6, 2013 No. 91
About identification of animals and animal products
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on April 25, 2013
This Law governs the relations connected with identification, registration, traceability of animals, and also animal products, determines organizational, legal and financial basis of identification of animals, establishes the basic principles of the organization and carrying out this work in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and is directed to conditioning, the providing authentic information about the identified animals and animal products.
For the purposes of this Law the following basic concepts and their determinations are applied:
1) auxiliary materials for identification - the applicator, injektor for chips, readers (scanners) of means of identification;
2) group identification number - number which is assigned to group of the identified one type of the animal subject of managing which does not change throughout their production operation before disbandment and liquidation of group;
3) the Unified state register of the identified animals - information and analytical system of accounting of data on the identified animals, their movement, owners, farms and their veterinary and sanitary condition;
4) animal - agricultural, house, zoo, circus, laboratory and wild animals, and also fur animals, birds, fishes, bees, other representatives of fauna, hatchable eggs, the impregnated caviar, seed of producers and embryos;
5) identification of animals - process on animal identification, that is determination of age, sex, color, breed and other necessary parameters of organism of animal;
6) individual identification number - number assigned to the identified animal with use of the visual, electronic and mixed information means which does not change throughout his life and is unique within one type of animal;
7) identification of animal products - establishment of identity of product characteristics of animal origin to its essential signs;
8) components of animal products - substances of animal, plant, microbiological or mineral origin, and also the natural or synthesized food supplements used in case of production of foodstuff;
9) marking of animal products - information on animal product placed in the form of texts, drawings, signs, symbols, other designations and (or) their combinations on interior package, shipping package or on other type of the data carrier attached to interior package and (or) to shipping package either placed in them or attached to them;
10) objects of identification - the animals provided by this Law and also products, raw materials received from animals;
11) animal products - any products and raw materials received from animals, birds, fishes, bees being objects of identification and traceability;
12) traceability of animal (herd) - opportunity to trace and establish origin, the location, movement and physical data of animal (herd) on all cycle of life of animal, and also slaughter and case;
Traceability of animal products - opportunity dokumentarno (on paper and (or) electronic media) to establish 13) primary manufacturer and the subsequent owners (except the final consumer) being in the product circulation of animal origin, and also the place of their production;
14) registration - entering into the Unified state register of the identified animals of information on the identified animals, their movement, owners, farms and their veterinary and sanitary condition;
15) registration number of economy - number which is assigned to economy of the subject of managing and does not change throughout its productive activity;
16) the subject of managing - the legal entity irrespective of pattern of ownership or the physical person which is the owner of animals is engaged in their cultivation, content, cultivation, trade, transportation, makes slaughter of animals, conversion and sales of products of slaughter, utilization of killing products and corpses, unsuitable to use, of the fallen animals, enables conversion and sales of products of animal origin and holds exhibitions with participation of animals;
17) means of identification - visual (label, collar), the electronic (chips) means allowing to identify animals and containing information on identification number and its display including for its automatic processing;
18) the shipping documentation - the documents providing traceability of animal products, determined by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic;
19) economy - buildings, constructions and the place in the territory of the country where there are animals, the place of trade, slaughter, sanitary utilization, the exhibition place and other places of concentration of animals which are subject to veterinary health control and supervision.
1. The purposes of this Law are:
1) implementation of single system of identification of animals in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;
2) receipt of operational and reliable information about animals for increase in their productive indicators, management and forecasting of the markets of products of livestock production;
3) planning and holding antiepizootic, treatment-and-prophylactic and veterinary and sanitary actions with use of reliable information about livestock of animals;
4) ensuring biological safety, providing to consumers products and raw materials of animal origin of complete and reliable information about origin, quality and safety of the sold products.
2. The main objectives of this Law are:
1) reliable accounting of livestock of animals;
2) the state veterinary control when exporting and importing animals and protection of the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic from drift of causative agents of infectious diseases;
3) observance by subjects of managing of veterinary and sanitary and zoohygienic requirements in case of content, animal husbandry, trade in them, slaughter and utilization of killing products and corpses, unsuitable to use, of the fallen animals.
1. The legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of identification of animals is based on provisions of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About bases of technical regulation in the Kyrgyz Republic", "About veterinary science", "About breeding case in livestock production of the Kyrgyz Republic", "About local self-government", this Law and regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic adopted according to them and also which came in the procedure established by the law into force of international treaties and agreements which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.
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