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The document ceased to be valid since  April 23, 2024 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of March 18, 2024 No. 345

It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

April 30, 2013

No. 703/23235


of April 25, 2013 No. 466

About approval of the Regulations on distance training

(as amended on 08-09-2020)

According to article 9 of the Law of Ukraine "About general secondary education", article 12 of the Law of Ukraine "About vocational training", article 42 of the Law of Ukraine "About the higher education", for the purpose of uchebnometodichesky, scientific and methodical, information support of the organization of teaching and educational process for remote form of education I ORDER:

1. Approve Regulations on distance training which are applied.

2. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of January 21, 2004 No. 40 "About approval of the Regulations on distance training", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 09, 2004 for No. 464/9063.

3. To institute of innovative technologies and contents of education (O. A. Hoopoe):

3.1. Perform organizational and scientific and methodical support of implementation of distance training.

3.2. Provide provision of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.

4. To departments of general secondary and preschool education (Eresko O. V.), vocational training (Suprun V. V.), the higher education (Korovaychenko Yu. M.) to provide implementation of remote form of education in general education educational institutions, professional educational institutions, higher educational institutions and institutions of post-qualifying education.

5. To department of administration (Zapolskaya N. M.) to make the corresponding mark in cases of archive.

6. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

7. To impose control over the implementation of the order on the first deputy Minister Sulima E. M.


D. V. Tabachnyk


Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of April 25, 2013 No. 466

Regulations on distance training

І. General provisions

1.1. This Provision determines the basic principles of the organization and implementation of distance training.

1.2. Distance training is understood as the individualized process of acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of cognitive activity of the person happening generally in case of mediate interaction of the participants of educational process remote from each other in the specialized circle, functioning based on modern psychology and pedagogical and information and communication technologies.

1.3. This Provision extends to distance training in:

professional educational institutions (further - PTUZ);

higher educational institutions (further - HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION);

institutions of post-qualifying education or structural divisions of higher educational institutions, scientific and the educational scientific institutions performing post-qualifying education (further - ZPO).

1.4. The purpose of distance training is provision of educational services by application in training of modern informatsionnokommunikatsionny technologies for certain educational or educational and qualification levels according to state standards of education; according to programs of training of citizens for the accession to educational institutions, training of foreigners and advanced training of workers.

1.5. Task of distance training is providing to citizens of sales opportunity of constitutional right on education and professional qualification, advanced training irrespective of floor, race, nationality, social and property status, sort and nature of occupations, world outlook beliefs, belonging to batches, the relation to religion, religion, the state of health, the residence, according to their capabilities.

1.6. In this Provision terms and concepts are used in such values:

the asynchronous mode - interaction between subjects of distance training during which participants interact among themselves with time lag, applying at the same time e-mail, forum, social networks and so forth;

web resources of subject matters (programs), including remote rates, - the systematized information collection and the means of educational and methodical nature necessary for assimilation of subject matters (programs), available via the Internet (local network) by means of the web browser and/or other software available to the user;

the web circle of distance training - systemically organized set of web resources of subject matters (programs), the software of management of web resources, handshaking of subjects of distance training and management of distance training;

remote form of education - form of the organization of educational process in education institutions (HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION, the ZPO, PTUZ, OUZ) providing realization of distance training and providing possibility of receipt of the state sample by graduates of documents on the appropriate educational or educational and qualification level;

information and communication technologies of remote creation of obucheniyatekhnologiya, accumulating, storage and access to web resources (electronic resources) of subject matters (programs), and also providing the organization and maintenance of educational process by means of the specialized software and means of information and communication communication, including the Internet;

psychology and pedagogical technologies of distance training - system of means, acceptances, steps which consecutive implementation provides accomplishment of tasks of training, education and development of the personality;

the synchronous mode - interaction between subjects of distance training during which all participants at the same time are in the web circle of distance training (chat, audio-, video conferences, social networks and so forth);

management system web resources of subject matters (programs) the software for creation, storage, accumulating and transfer of web resources, and also for ensuring the authorized access for subjects of distance training to these web resources;

management system distance training - the software intended for the organization of educational process and control of training via the Internet and/or local network;

subjects of distance training are the studying persons (the pupil, the pupil, the student, the listener), and persons providing educational process on remote form of education (pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers, methodologists and so forth);


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