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of April 3, 2013 No. 290

About the minimum list of the services and works necessary for ensuring proper maintenance of common property in the apartment house, and procedure for their rendering and accomplishment

(as amended on 29-05-2023)

According to part 1.2 of article 161 of the Housing code of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve enclosed:

the minimum list of the services and works necessary for ensuring proper maintenance of common property in the apartment house;

Rules of rendering the services and performance of works necessary for ensuring proper maintenance of common property in the apartment house;

changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning content of common property in the apartment house.

2. Determine that the list and Rules approved by this resolution are applied to the legal relationship which are following from agreements of management of the apartment house and agreements of rendering services in content and (or) performance of works on repair of common property in the apartment house and arose after day of entry into force of this resolution.

3. This resolution is effective till September 1, 2029.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2013, No. 290

The minimum list of the services and works necessary for ensuring proper maintenance of common property in the apartment house

I. The works necessary for proper maintenance of the bearing designs (the bases, walls, columns and columns, overlappings and coverings, beams, crossbars, ladders, the bearing elements of the roofs) and which are not bearing designs (partitions, internal finishing, floors) apartment houses

1. The works performed concerning all types of the bases:

check of compliance of parameters of vertical layout of the territory around the building to project parameters. Elimination of the revealed violations;

check of technical condition of visible parts of designs with identification:

signs uneven deposit of the bases of all types;

corrosion of armature, stratifying, cracks, vypuchivaniye, variation from vertical in houses with the concrete, reinforced concrete and stone foundations;

defeats by decay and partial destruction of the wooden basis in houses with the column or pile wooden bases;

in case of identification of violations - development of control holes in places of detection of defects, detailed inspection and scheduling of actions for elimination of causes of infringement and to recovery of operational properties of designs;

check of condition of waterproofing of the bases and systems of drainage system of the base. In case of identification of violations - recovery of their working capacity;

determination and documentary fixation of temperature of permafrost soil for the bases in the conditions of permafrost soil.

2. The works performed in buildings with cellars:

check of temperature moisture conditions of basements and in case of identification of violations elimination of the reasons of its violation;

check of condition of rooms of cellars, entrances to cellars and the priyamk, taking measures excluding flooding, littering, pollution and blocking up of such rooms, and also the measures providing their ventilation according to project requirements;

control of condition of doors of cellars and technical undergrounds, locking devices on them. Elimination of the revealed defects.

3. The works performed for proper maintenance of walls of apartment houses:

identification of variations from design specifications of operation, unauthorized change of the constructive decision, signs losses of the sustaining capability, availability of deformations, violation of heat-shielding properties, waterproofing between socle part of the building and walls, defects of the water taking away devices;


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