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The document ceased to be valid since  September 28, 2020 in compliance the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 27, 2020 No. UP-6075


of April 19, 2013 No. PP-1958

About measures for further improvement of meliorative condition of the irrigated lands and rational use of water resources for 2013 - 2017

(as amended on 26-12-2018)

For the purpose of further improvement of meliorative condition of the irrigated lands, development of network of meliorative and irrigational objects, rational and careful use of water resources, providing on this basis of steady functioning of agricultural production, increase in fertility of lands and increases in productivity of crops:

1. Approve the State program developed by the Ministry of agricultural and water economy, the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Finance, Goskomzemgeodezkadastr of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas on improvement of meliorative condition of the irrigated lands and rational use of water resources for 2013 - 2017 including:

package of measures for improvement of meliorative condition of the irrigated lands and ensuring rational use of water resources for 2013 - 2017 according to appendix No. 1;

forecast parameters of works on meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands for 2013 - 2017 financed by fund of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2;

forecast parameters of construction and reconstruction of the irrigational objects for 2013 - 2017 financed by centralized investments from the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 3;

forecast parameters of repair and recovery of irrigating network for 2013 - 2017, performed at the expense of means of associations of water consumers and farms, according to appendix No. 4;

forecast parameters of implementation of system of drop irrigation for 2013 - 2017 at the expense of credit and own means of agricultural producers according to appendix No. 5.

2. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas to develop in a month and in coordination with the Ministry of agricultural and water economy, Department of management of Fund of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to approve territorial programs for improvement of eliorativny condition of the irrigated lands and rational use of water resources for 2013 - 2017.

Assign to heads of the Ministry of agricultural and water economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other ministries and vedomstvispolnitel, the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas and areas the personal responsibility for high-quality and timely implementation of the State program approved by this resolution and territorial programs for improvement of meliorative condition of the irrigated lands and rational use of water resources.

3. To the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan when forming annual drafts of the Government budget and the Investing program of the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide in accordance with the established procedure assignment for implementation of actions, the irrigated lands included in the State program on improvement of meliorative condition and to rational use of water resources for 2013 - 2017.

4. Consider necessary to expand powers and functions SUE Suvkurilishinvest of the Ministry of agricultural and water economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, having assigned to them functions of the customer on construction and reconstruction of the irrigational objects performed due to the state capital investments, to repair and recovery of interdistrict and intereconomic collectors and other meliorative objects.

To provide to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas in two-month time these transformations, to approve in accordance with the established procedure Standard regulations on the Joint directorate of the companies under construction with accurate determination of powers and functions, to arrange structure and number of personnel taking into account the functions assigned to them and meliorative condition of lands of regions.

5. Establish procedure according to which, since May 1, 2013, investment obligations of the last on implementation of system of drop irrigation and other water saving technologies of watering are, as a rule, provided in lease agreements on provision of the parcels of land for production of fruit and vegetable, vinogradarsky and melon products concluded between executive bodies and agricultural producers.

6. To the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of agricultural and water economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on the stimulation mechanism in 2013-2014, according to the procedure of experiment, agricultural producers on implementation of system of drop irrigation by them in a month.

7. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 26.12.2018 No. PP-4086

8. To council of Fund of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Mirzayev Z. T.) provide:

forming and approval of annual lists of projects on meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands and to implementation of water saving technologies, if necessary, with entering into them within year of changes and amendments within the general parameters provided by the State program approved by this resolution;

effective monitoring and coordination of activities of bodies of the public and economic board, the executive power at the local level and other organizations for practical implementation of measures provided by the State program, with quarterly hearing of reports of their heads on the course of realization of the approved parameters of the State program.

9. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 26.12.2018 No. PP-4086

10. To the ministry of agricultural and water economy, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the interested ministries and departments to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on the changes and amendments in the legislation following from this resolution in a month.

11. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoev.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Islam Karimov

Appendix №1

to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 19, 2013 No. PP-1958

Package of measures for improvement of meliorative condition of the irrigated lands and ensuring rational use of water resources for 2013 - 2017


Realization form

Completion date

Executives in charge

I. Enhancement of regulatory framework on meliorative improvement of condition of the irrigated lands, irrigation and rational use of water resources


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