of April 29, 2013 No. 324
About approval of the Procedure of the social order at the expense of budgetary funds
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve the Procedure of the social order at the expense of budgetary funds which is applied.
2. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list which is attached.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
N. Azarov
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 29, 2013, No. 324
1. This Procedure determines according to the Law of Ukraine "About social services" the mechanism of forming, accomplishment and financing of the social order of social services which are provided by non-state actors, at the expense of budgetary funds, and also the organization and carrying out tenders on attraction of such means.
In case when the cost of purchase of social services equals or exceeds the size established by part one of article 2 of the Law of Ukraine "About public purchases", the social order is performed according to the specified Law.
2. In this Procedure terms are used in such value:
1) budgetary funds - expenses of local budgets which are not considered when scoping the interbudget transfers;
2) the contractor of the social order - non-state actor which provides social services based on the agreement on attraction of budgetary funds for provision of social services (further - the agreement);
3) the customer of social services - executive body of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the local state administration (its structural division), executive body city (the cities republican the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and regional value) council which are managers of budgetary funds and to whom the obligation on the organization of provision of social services or accomplishment of social programs is assigned;
4) tender on attraction of budgetary funds for provision of social services (further - tender) - competitive method of determination of subjects which provide social services, based on results of rating estimation of competitive offers;
5) the competitive offer - set of documents which prepares the participant of tender and moves to the customer of social services;
6) non-state actors - non-state legal entities and physical persons - the entrepreneurs answering to criteria of activities of subjects which provide social services;
7) the receiver of social services - physical person which is in difficult vital circumstances and to which social services are directly provided.
Other terms are used in the value given in the Law of Ukraine "About social services".
3. The social order at the expense of budgetary funds is performed in the amount determined by the agreement. The cost of social services is calculated according to the legislation.
4. Participants of the social order are:
1) customers of social services;
2) receivers of social services;
3) non-state actors;
4) contractors of the social order.
5. The social order is performed by such stages:
1) forming of the social order that consists in determination:
the needs of the population of administrative and territorial unit for social services (taking into account the methodical recommendations developed by Minsotspolitiki);
priorities of the social order which include:
- the list of the social services provided by the local development program of system of their provision by results of determination of requirements;
- the list of social groups and/or approximate number of separate categories of persons who are potential receivers of social services;
- approximate amount of annual financing of the social order at the expense of budgetary funds.
Priorities of the social order can annually be determined by the decision of the customer of social services or for the period up to three years depending on type of social services and social groups which receive them, taking into account the need for permanent provision of such services;
2) accomplishment of the social order that includes:
development of task for accomplishment of the social order;
organization and carrying out tender;
conclusion of the agreement and its accomplishment;
3) control of accomplishment of the social order that includes, in particular, estimation of quality of the provided social services, submission of the reporting.
6. The customer of social services within a month after approval of the corresponding local budget:
approves the annual plan of carrying out tenders and provides its promulgation by the publication in the printing edition of Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the local state administration, local council or its executive body and/or placement on own website;
sends the mentioned plan together with priorities of the social order of Minsotspolitiki.
The annual plan contains information on social services which social order is provided to be performed, social groups and/or separate categories of persons who are their potential receivers, the approximate period of carrying out tender and limiting amount of budgetary funds which are raised for provision of social services.
7. The decision on carrying out tender is made by the customer of social services and shall contain:
term and conditions of carrying out tender;
the list of social services which social order is performed I will eat around them, content, quality requirements, provision terms;
the list of social groups and/or separate categories of persons who are potential receivers of social services, their number (extreme number), other essential characteristics;
criteria of activities of non-state actors which are offered to participate in tender;
amount of budgetary funds which are raised for provision of social services;
time and place of disclosure of competitive offers, criteria of their assessment, term of installation of results of tender.
Conditions of tender cannot be changed after promulgation of the announcement of its carrying out.
8. The customer of social services provides within 10 working days after decision making about carrying out tender promulgation of the corresponding announcement with the method specified in the paragraph the second Item 6 of this Procedure.
In the announcement are specified:
full name of the customer of social services;
tender conditions;
requirements to the competitive offer, the list of documents which are attached to the competitive offer, the term of submission of competitive offers in paper and electronic form;
the address to which it is possible to receive form of the competitive offer, in particular on the Internet;
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The document ceased to be valid since June 6, 2020 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 1, 2020 No. 450