of May 20, 2013 No. 229
About some measures for sales promotion of innovative projects
For the purpose of stimulation of innovative activity of small business entities:
1.1. the state financial support in case of implementation of innovative projects * (further - the state financial support) can be given:
to the citizens of the Republic of Belarus including who are individual entrepreneurs in case of implementation of innovative projects with participation of scientific and technology parks or incubators of small business by them;
to legal entities - residents of the Republic of Belarus, being small business entities;
* For the purposes of this Decree the term "innovative project" matters, determined in the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 10, 2012 No. 425-Z "About the state innovative policy and innovative activities.
1.2. the state financial support is given:
The Belarusian innovative fund at the expense of the part of means of the innovative funds created according to the legislation directed to it to these purposes;
The Belarusian fund of financial support of entrepreneurs at the expense of the means provided in programs of the state support of small business;
1.3. the innovative project realized by the subject applying for rendering the state financial support shall:
1.3.1. correspond to the priority directions of scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities approved in the procedure established by the legislation;
1.3.2. provide creation, production and realization of the high-technology goods included in the list approved in the procedure established by the legislation;
1.3.3. be implemented with use:
inventions, selection achievements, topology of integral chips on which in the procedure established by the legislation to the subject applying for rendering the state financial support the patent (certificate) is granted or for which to patent body of the Republic of Belarus the called subject submits the application for receipt of the security document and according to this request the positive decision by results of preliminary expert examination is made;
know-how (know-how) which owner is the subject applying for rendering the state financial support in the presence of the material objects (samples of new materials, devices, installations, products of different function and another) confirming technical capability of realization of the specified know-how (know-how);
1.3.4. provide the following stages of its realization:
preparatory stage (carrying out researches and completion of the project);
design-technology stage (development of goods and (or) technology);
production stage (development and preparation of production);
commercial stage (production and sales of goods);
1.4. the state financial support is given step by step. At the same time the subject realizing the innovative project can address for rendering the state financial support on preparatory, design-technology or production stage of implementation of this project taking into account provisions of subitem 1.5 of this Item.
In case of realization of each stage of the innovative project the state financial support is given in one of the types provided in this Decree.
Condition of rendering the state financial support at each subsequent stage of implementation of the innovative project is the successful completion of the previous stage;
1.5. rendering the state financial support is performed:
1.5.1. on irretrievable basis the Belarusian innovative fund according to the procedure, determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, after passing of competitive selection for a period of up to one year (except for the case specified in part two of this subitem) in the form of provision:
the innovative voucher - in case of realization of preparatory or design-technology stage;
grant * - in case of realization of design-technology stage.
* For the purposes of this Decree the grant is understood as the financial resources provided to receivers of the state financial support for carrying out research, developmental and technology works on the conditions determined by the agreement and acts of the legislation.
In case of impossibility of completion in case of implementation of innovative projects in the field of health care, veterinary science, pharmaceutics and biotechnologies of testing and registration of products during this subitem of term specified in part one this term can be established up to two years.
Rendering the state financial support to the citizens of the Republic of Belarus including who are individual entrepreneurs is performed after passing of competitive selection for a period of up to one year in the form of provision of the innovative voucher for realization of preparatory stage of the innovative project on condition of the conclusion by them agreements with the scientific and technology park or incubator of small business on assistance in implementation of this innovative project.
In case of realization of design-technology stage of the innovative project legal entities are given the state financial support on condition of their equity in the amount of at least 10 percent from the total amount of the means necessary for financing of the innovative project;
1.5.2. on returnable basis the Belarusian innovative fund and the Belarusian fund of financial support of entrepreneurs according to the procedure, No. 174 established respectively by presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus of March 25, 2008 «About enhancement of activities of the Belarusian innovative fund» and of May 21, 2009 No. 255 «About some measures of the state support of small business», taking into account requirements of this Decree – in case of realization of production stage.
At the same time the decision on rendering the state financial support by the Belarusian fund of financial support of entrepreneurs is made without carrying out competitive selection on condition of successful completion of the previous stages of implementation of the innovative project including financed by provision of the innovative voucher and (or) grant;
1.6. the innovative voucher provided by the Belarusian innovative fund:
confirms the obligation of the Belarusian innovative fund for payment to the third parties of goods, necessary for implementation of the innovative project (works, services);
is not security;
is not subject to transfer to other persons.
The procedure for use of means of the innovative voucher is determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. The form of the innovative voucher affirms the State committee on science and technologies (further - GKNT);
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