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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On April 19, 2013 No. 28222


of March 12, 2013 No. 101

About approval of Federal regulations and rules of industrial safety of "The safety rule for the oil and gas industry"

(as amended on 12-01-2015)

According to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 No. 401 "About Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision" (The Russian Federation Code, 2004, No. 32, Art. 3348; 2006, No. 5, Art. 544; No. 23, Art. 2527; No. 52, Art. 5587; 2008, No. 22, Art. 2581; No. 46, Art. 5337; 2009, No. 6, Art. 738; No. 33, Art. 4081; No. 49, Art. 5976; 2010, No. 9, Art. 960; No. 26, Art. 3350; No. 38, Art. 4835; 2011, No. 6, Art. 888; No. 14, Art. 1935; No. 41, Art. 5750; No. 50, Art. 7385; 2012, No. 29, Art. 4123; 42, of the Art. 5726) I order to No.:

1. Approve the Federal regulations and rules of industrial safety of "The safety rule for the oil and gas industry" attached to this order.

2. Consider not subject to application the resolution of the Federal inspectorate for mining and industry of Russia of June 5, 2003 N 56 "About approval of Safety rules for the oil and gas industry" (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 20, 2003, registration N 4812; Russian newspaper (special release), on June 21 2003, N 120/1).

3. This order becomes effective after six months after its official publication.


N. G. Kutyin


Approved by the Order of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the Russian Fedration of March 12, 2013 No. 101

Federal regulations and rules of industrial safety of "The safety rule for the oil and gas industry"

The list of the used reducings

AVPD abnormally high reservoir pressure;

AGZU the automated group zamerny installation;

ANPD abnormally low reservoir pressure;

BKNS block sectional pumping point;

VV explosives;

VM explosive materials;

GZh combustible liquid;

GZU group zamerny installation;

GIS geophysical surveys of wells;

GKS gas-compressor station;

GNVP gas, oil and water shows;

GPP gas processing plant;

GRS gas distribution station;

GS head constructions;

GTI is geological, geochemical and technology researches;

DVS internal combustion engine;

DKS booster compressor station;

DNS booster pumping point;

ZIP spare parts and accessories;

IPT testers of layers pipe;

KVD curve recoveries of pressure;

KIP instrumentations;

Instrumentation and automated control systems instrumentations and automatic equipment;

KNBK configuration of bottom of boring column;

KNS sectional pumping point;

KS compressor station;

PCB complex assembly point;

KTPN complete transformer substation of outside installation;

KShTs crane sharovy tsapfovy;

KETsN controller of the electric centrifugal pump;

Power transmission line of power line;

LVZh flammable liquids;

MCD intercolumned pressure;

MMP mnogoletnemerzly breeds;

MPP interbedded overflows;

NKT pumping and compressor pipes;

NPS oil pumping station;

OZTs cement hardening expectation;

OPK the tester of layers on cable;

Surfactant surfactants;

PVA prostrelochno-explosive equipment;

Air defense protivovybrosovy equipment;

TAC prostrelochno-explosive works;

PGR trade and geophysical works;

Maximum allowable concentration threshold limit value;

PLA the actions plan on localization and mitigation of consequences of accidents;

Party of Pensioners of Russia scheduled-preventive works;

PS collection point;

PSP delivery and acceptance point;

PSN oil delivery point;

PTEE of User Rules for Operating Electrical Equipment;

UGS underground gas storage;

RV radioactive materials;

RVS reservoir vertical steel;

SIZOD of individual protection equipment of respiratory organs;

SIZ of individual protection equipment;

SKN pumping unit oil;

ICR sulphidic and corrosion cracking;

SPHG station of underground gas storage;

SRO self-regulatory organization;

TVO pipe water separator;

TMS technical detergents;

TR production schedules;

UBT the weighted boring pipes;

GPP of the complex gas processing unit;

UPNG installation of preparation of oil and gas;

UPPG installation of preliminary preparation of gas;

UPPN installation of preliminary preparation of oil;

UPSV installation of preliminary dumping of reservoir water;

UETsN installation of the electrocentrifugal pump;

UPN oil preparation installation;

HV chemical;

TsKOD backpressure throttle cementing valve;

TsPS central collection point;

ETsN electric centrifugal pump.

I. General provisions

1. Federal regulations and rules of industrial safety of "The safety rule for the oil and gas industry" (further - Rules) are developed according to the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ (The Russian Federation Code, 2005, No. 1, Art. 16; No. 30, Art. 3128; 2006, No. 1, Art. 10, Art. 21; No. 23, Art. 2380; No. 31, Art. 3442; No. 50, Art. 5279; No. 52, Art. 5498; 2007, No. 1, Art. 21; No. 21, Art. 2455; T 31, Art. 4012; No. 45, Art. 5417; No. 46, Art. 5553; No. 50, Art. 6237; 2008, No. 20, Art. 2251, Art. 2260; No. 29, Art. 3418; No. 30, Art. 3604, Art. 3616; No. 52, Art. 6236; 2009, No. 1, Art. 17; No. 29, Art. 3601; No. 48, Art. 5711; No. 52, Art. 6419; 2010, No. 3, Art. 4195, Art. 4209; No. 48, Art. 6246; No. 49, Art. 6410; 2011, No. 13, Art. 1688; No. 17, Art. 2310; No. 27, Art. 3880; No. 29, Art. 4281, Art. 4291; No. 30, Art. 4563, Art. 4572, Art. 4590, Art. 4591, Art. 4594, Art. 4605; No. 49, Art. 7015, Art. 7042; No. 50, Art. 7343; 2012, No. 26, Art. 3646; No. 30, Art. 4171; No. 31, Art. 4322, No. 47, Art. 6390; No. 53, Art. 7614, Art. 7619, Art. 7643; 2013, No. 9, the Art. 873, the Art. 874), the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ "About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" (The Russian Federation Code, 1997, No. 30, Art. 3588; 2000, No. 33, Art. 3348; 2003, No. 2, Art. 167; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2005, No. 19, Art. 1752; 2006, No. 52, Art. 5498; 2009, No. 1, Art. 17; No. 1, Art. 21; No. 52, Art. 6450; 2010, No. 30, Art. 4002; No. 31, Art. 4195, Art. 4196; 2011, No. 27, Art. 3880; No. 30, Art. 4590, Art. 4591, Art. 4596; No. 49, Art. 7015, Art. 7025; 2012, No. 26, Art. 3446; 2013, No. 9, the Art. 874) (further - the Federal Law "About Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities"), the Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 No. 2395-1 "About subsoil" (Sheets of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 16, Art. 834; Russian Federation Code, 1995, No. 10, Art. 823; 1999, No. 7, Art. 879; 2000, No. 2, Art. 141; 2001, No. 21, Art. 2061; No. 33, Art. 3429; 2002, No. 22, Art. 2026; 2003, No. 23, Art. 2174; 2004, No. 27, Art. 2711; No. 35, Art. 3607; 2006, No. 17, Art. 1778; No. 44, Art. 4538; 2007, No. 27, Art. 3213; No. 49, Art. 6056; 2008, No. 18, Art. 1941; No. 29, Art. 3418, Art. 3420; No. 30, Art. 3616; 2009, No. 1, Art. 17; No. 29, Art. 3601; No. 52, Art. 6450; 2010, No. 21, Art. 2527; No. 31, Art. 4155; 2011, No. 15, Art. 2018, Art. 2025, No. 30 (p. I), Art. 4567, Art. 4570, Art. 4572, Art. 4590; No. 48, Art. 6732; No. 49 (p. I), Art. 7042; No. 50, Art. 7343, Art. 7359; 2012, No. 25, Art. 3264; No. 31, the Art. 4322, No. 53, the Art. 7648), the Regulations on Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 No. 401 (The Russian Federation Code, 2004, No. 32, Art. 3348; 2006, No. 5, Art. 544; No. 23, Art. 2527; No. 52, Art. 5587; 2008, No. 22, Art. 2581; No. 46, Art. 5337; 2009, No. 6, Art. 738; No. 33, Art. 4081; No. 49, Art. 5976; 2010, No. 9, Art. 960; No. 26, Art. 3350; No. 38, Art. 4835; 2011, No. 6, Art. 888; No. 14, Art. 1935; No. 41, Art. 5750; No. 50, Art. 7385; 2012, No. 29, Art. 4123; No. 42, the Art. 5726), and other Federal Laws, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, normative and technical documents in the field of industrial safety, safe use of natural resources, labor and environmental protection, the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and oil spills and oil products.

2. These rules establish requirements of industrial safety to the organizations and workers performing activities in the field of industrial safety on the following hazardous production facilities of gas and oil producing productions (further - OPO):

drilling and production: basic, parametrical, search, prospecting, operational, delivery, control (pyezometrichesky, the observation), special (absorbing, water intaking), iodine-bromine, balneological and other wells which are pledged for the purpose of searches, investigation, operation of oil fields, gas and gas condensate, gas of coalbed methane layers, heat power, industrial and mineral waters, geological structures for creation of underground storage warehouses of oil and gas, burial of industrial drains, harmful production wastes, and also the wells drilled for liquidation of gas and oil fountains and griffins (further - wells);

arrangements of fields for collection, preparation, oil storages, gas and gas condensate.

3. Requirements of fire safety to OPO are established by the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ (The Russian Federation Code, 2008, N 30, Art. 3579; 2012, N 29, the Art. 3997) (further - "The technical regulation about requirements of fire safety" N 123-FZ).

II. Organizational engineering requirements and provisions

4. Actions plans on localization and mitigation of consequences of accidents according to the procedure, established by the Regulations on plan development of actions for localization and mitigation of consequences of accidents on hazardous production facilities approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2013 No. 730 are developed for all OPO I, II, III classes of danger (The Russian Federation Code, 2013, No. 35, the Art. 4516). Special Sections PLA are developed according to appendix No. 1 to these rules.

In case of possibility of distribution of emergency oil spills and oil products out of block limits (workshops, installations, production site) OPO shall be developed, affirm and become effective in addition plans for the prevention and liquidation of oil spills and oil products.

5. The admission of contract organizations on OPO, and also procedure for the organization and works on OPO is determined by the regulations on procedure for the admission and the organization of safe works approved by the organization operating OPO, and during the work of several divisions of one organization operating OPO - the regulations about the organization of safe works approved by the head of this organization.

6. Works in places where there is available or can be the increased production danger, shall be performed according to the work permit.

The list of such works, procedure for execution of work permits, and also lists of positions of the specialists having the right to issue and approve work permits affirm the technical lead of the organization.

Carrying out every shift the carried-out work types without execution of the work permit, but with logging of accounting of works of the increased danger, on condition of obligatory development of the actions approved by the technical lead of the organization for their safe accomplishment is allowed.

Works of the increased danger shall be performed according to the instructions establishing requirements to the organization and safe carrying out such works, approved by the technical lead of the organization.

7.  No. 1 is excluded according to the Order of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the Russian Federation of 12.01.2015

8. Engineering procedures on OPO providing use of technical devices of foreign production shall conform to requirements of these rules.

9. All OPO under construction shall be supplied with information boards on the looked-through places with indication of the name of object and the owner, contact phone number. For the objects operating and put into operation being part of OPO their registration numbers according to the registration certificate OPO in the state register shall be in addition specified.

10. Areal OPO for which the mandatory requirement is development of declarations of industrial safety shall have barriers and the check mode.


III. Requirements to the organizations operating OPO

11. The organizations operating OPO shall:

have available and provide functioning of necessary devices, control systems, automatic and remote control and regulation of engineering procedures, the alarm system and antiemergency automatic protection, watch system, the notification, communication and support of actions in case of accident or incident, and also other technical means allowing to control remotely in real time parameters, determining safety on OPO;

perform actions for ensuring remote control of processes on OPO including registration of the parameters determining danger of engineering procedures, operations of systems of protection with the log entry of events and transfer to Rostekhnadzor of this information in electronic form.

11.1. The list of the parameters (their quantity and set) determining danger of processes and subjects to remote control is established by the organization operating OPO proceeding from properties of the addressing substances and conditions of safe conducting engineering procedures.

11.2. Information on registration of the parameters determining danger of processes, and also on operation of systems of protection (with the log entry of events), transferred to the automated process control system of the operating organization (archiving) and Rostekhnadzor is stored within 3 months. In case of production of drilling operations, underground and workover their video registration with forming of videoarchive with use of electronic means of the data carriers providing possibility of information transfer in Rostekhnadzor is provided.

12. The organizations operating OPO shall ensure availability, safety, operability of individual protection equipment, the alarm and fire alarm, gas contamination control facilities in rooms.

13. The gages used on OPO at all stages and in case of all work types shall be confided according to the Federal Law of June 26, 2008 N 102-FZ "About ensuring unity of measurements" (The Russian Federation Code, 2008, N 26, Art. 3021; 2011, N 30 (p. I), Art. 4590; N 49 (p. I), Art. 7025; 2012, N 31, Art. 4322).

14. The device of barrier and arrangement of check-points, and also their layout shall provide possibility of operational emergency evacuation of personnel in case of the different directions of wind.

15. When using in engineering procedures of the equipment, including in corrosion-resistant execution, it is necessary to develop and apply measures of protection from corrosion, wear and aging.

16. On each engineering procedure on production facilities, collection and preparation of oil, gas and gas condensate project (or operating) the organization the production schedules shall be constituted. The procedure for preparation of production schedules is provided in Chapter LVI of these rules.

Operation of OPO without production schedules of engineering procedures, on not approved production schedules, or on production schedules which effective period expired is prohibited.

17. The subsoil user shall develop the instruction on the prevention of gas, oil and water shows and open fountains considering specifics of operation of fields and technology of work during the drilling, reconstruction, repair, modernization, preservation and liquidation of wells and to approve it with antigushing service (the antigushing militarized part).

IV. General requirements to designing

18. OPO in case of investigation and arrangement of the oil, gas and gas-condensate fields containing sulphurous hydrogen and other hazardous substances shall be identified on classes of danger of possible emissions and leakages of vapors and gases in the atmosphere.

In such cases shall be established by the project documentation:

possibility of forming on objects (including in case of emergencies) gas-polluted zones with the concentration of hazardous substances exceeding maximum permissible sanitary standards;

borders of these zones, and also local sites with dangerous concentration of sulphurous hydrogen;

opportunity and intensity of sulphidic and corrosion cracking of metal of the equipment and the technical means contacting to hostile environment taking into account the parameters and criteria given in tables No. 1 and No. 2 of appendix No. 2 of these rules;

necessary actions and level of protection when conducting works in the conditions of potential and real safety hazards of workers.

In case of high concentration (over 6 (volume) %) of sulphurous hydrogen in formation fluids project decisions shall conform to requirements of Chapters XLVI-LV of these rules.

V. General requirements to construction, reconstruction, capital repairs, modernization, preservation and liquidation of OPO

19. For ensuring construction, reconstruction, capital repairs, modernization, preservation and liquidation of OPO the organization exploiting them on the property right, leases, other legitimate right determining its legal responsibility:

transfers to the contractor for works the project documentation approved by it to construction, reconstruction or documentation on capital repairs, modernization, preservation, liquidation in the amount necessary for performance of works of the contractor and the attracted organizations;

checks availability of necessary allowing documents at contractors; equipment and materials;

provides control of availability of the documents confirming compliance of the used technical devices and materials;

provides quality control of the used technical devices and materials;

exercises production supervision of performance of works by contractors and the attracted organizations.

20. The subsoil user shall ensure safety of the wells which are in preservation, and monitoring of safety of the liquidated wells located within the license area.

21. In case duration of preservation of buildings and constructions of OPO can exceed the terms provided by documentation on their preservation, such objects are subject to liquidation or shall pass the examination of industrial safety for the purpose of prolongation of terms of safe preservation and assessment of threat of property tort, life or to health of the population, the environment.

22. Upon termination of installation and construction works input of OPO in operation is made. Production schedules with indication of security measures shall be developed for balancing and commissioning using dangerous substances or in explosive conditions.

VI. General requirements to OPO and workplaces

23. In the organizations which have underground communications (for example, cable lines, oil pipelines, gas pipelines) schemes of the actual arrangement of these communications shall be approved by management of the organization.

Underground communications on the area are designated by the indexes located on the route and in places of turns.

24. Pipelines in places of crossing with thoroughfares, transitions shall have signs of the danger warning and the additional protection (for example, "casings") providing them safe operation.

25. From extreme number of operational wells, and also around other OPO sanitary protection zones which sizes are determined by the project documentation are established.

In the presence in products of fields of harmful impurity (sulphurous hydrogen, tsianistovodorodny (hydrocianic) acid) between OPO extracting and transporting these products, and the selitebny territories the buffer (sanitary protection) zone which sizes are determined by the project documentation shall be established.

26. Categories of projectible buildings and rooms on fire and explosion and fire dangers are established by the project organization on blueprint stage.

27. Employees of OPO depending on working conditions and the accepted production technology shall be provided with appropriate means of individual and collective protection. Each site, the OPO workshop where the service personnel resides, needs to be equipped with the round-the-clock telephone (radiotelephone) communication with control office or management of the site, workshop of this object.

28. On workplaces, and also in places where impact per capita of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors is possible, precautionary signs and texts shall be placed.

29. Illumination of workplaces shall be uniform and exclude emergence of the blinding operation of lighting devices on working. Works in dark places are not allowed.

Measurement of illumination in rooms (including sites, separate workplaces, passes and so on) is carried out in case of input of network of lighting to operation according to illumination regulations, and also in case of change of functional purpose of rooms.

30. In all production rooms, except the worker, it is necessary to provide emergency lighting, and in zones of works on the open areas at night - emergency or evacuation lighting.

Lamps of emergency and evacuation lighting shall be powered from independent source. Instead of the device of stationary emergency and evacuation lighting use of manual lamps with accumulators is allowed.

The choice of type of lighting of sites, workshops and auxiliary premises of OPO shall be made taking into account the maximum use of natural lighting.

31. Places of pass and access to technical devices on which the m needs raising of working or service personnel on height to 0, are equipped with steps, and the m - ladders with handrail is one height higher 0,. In places of pass of people over the pipelines located at height of 0,25 of m and above from the Earth's surface, the platform or floor transitional bridges which are equipped with handrail shall be arranged if height of arrangement of the pipeline of more 0,75 of m.

32. Mid-flight ladders shall have bias no more than 60 degrees (at reservoirs - no more than 50 degrees), width of ladders shall be at least 0,65 of m, at ladder for transfer of weights - at least 1 m. The distance between steps on height shall be no more 0,25 of m. Width of steps shall be at least 0,2 of m and have bias in 2 - 5 degrees.

On both sides of step shall have side levels or the onboard covering height of at least 0,15 of m excluding possibility of slipping of legs of the person. Ladders shall be equipped from two parties with handrail 1 m high.

33. Ladders of tunnel type shall be metal width of at least 0,6 of m and have, since height of 2 m, safety arches 0,35 radius - 0, the m fastened among themselves with strips. Arches are located at distance of no more 0,8 of m one from another. The distance from the most remote point of arch to steps shall be in 0,7 limits - m 0,8.

Ladders need to be equipped with the intermediate platforms established at distance no more than 6 m down one from another.

The distance between steps of ladders of tunnel type and step-ladders shall be no more 0,35 of m.

34. The working platforms and platforms of servicing located at height shall have the flooring executed from metal sheets with the surface excluding possibility of sliding or boards thickness 0, suffice m, and, since m 0,75 height, handrail m 1,25 height with the longitudinal levels located at distance of no more 0,4 of m from each other and the board height is at least m 0,15 forming with flooring gap of no more 0,01 of m for liquid drain.

35. The works connected with danger of the fall working from height shall be carried out using safety belt.

36. It is necessary to test safety belts and falls at least once in 6 months the static load specified in the maintenance instruction of manufacturing plant, the special commission with execution of the act. In the absence of such data testing it is necessary to lead to maintenance instructions by static load 225 kgfs within five minutes.

37. For explosion-fire-hazardous productions (oil preparation installations, reservoir parks, warehouses of fuels and lubricants, platforms of wells and other objects) in places of possible spill of liquid combustible and flammable substances application of wooden floorings is forbidden.

Temporary application of wooden floorings from boards is allowed by thickness of at least 0,04 of the m processed by the materials interfering burning when conducting works from the woods during repair of completely stopped equipments and devices, buildings and constructions.

38. Potentially dangerous places (zones) of production facilities, preparation and transport of oil and gas (for example, open reservoirs, transmissions) shall be reliably protected, including the temporary protecting devices.

Open doors of barriers or remove barriers follows after complete stop of the technical device. Launch of the technical device is allowed only after installation into place and reliable fixing of all removable parts of barrier.

39. Height of perilny barriers shall be sufficient for exception of access to moving parts of technical devices during their work.

When using perilny barriers for drive belts from outer side of both pulleys on case of gap of belt metal front boards are established. Use of perilny barriers for closing of access to moving parts of the equipment and mechanisms is allowed if there is possibility of installation of barriers at distance of more 0,35 of m from the danger area. In the absence of such opportunity the barrier shall be executed continuous or mesh.

40. Large-size doors (goal mouths) of production rooms having no more than two bearing loops on each party of shutter of gate, doors (for example, the machine hall, the block of distribution combs, the block of drainage pumps, the block of filters), shall be equipped with the insuring devices (for example, cables, chains).

41. On sites and in the OPO workshops there shall be sanitary and household rooms for working, occupied directly on production, designed depending on groups of production processes.

42. In places of journey of motor transport under engineering communications (for example, transitions of pipelines, cable platforms) route signs with indication of journey height dimensions shall be established.

43. Barns, holes, wells (mines), ditches, and also different reservoirs acting over the Earth's surface less than on 1 m in order to avoid fall of people in them shall be protected or blocked.

44. Wells of underground communications shall be closed by strong covers, have brackets or ladder for descent in them.

45. In places of transition of people over ranks of pipelines laid on the Earth's surface, and also over ditches and trenches transitional planked footway width of at least 0,65 of m with handrail at least 1 m high shall be arranged.

VII. General requirements to use of technical devices and tools

46.  No. 1 is excluded according to the Order of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the Russian Federation of 12.01.2015

47. Use of technical devices shall be performed according to the instructions for safe operation and servicing constituted by manufacturing plants or the operating organization, technical data sheets (forms). Maintenance instructions of technical devices and the instrument of foreign production shall be provided in Russian.

48. Technology systems, their separate elements, technical devices shall be equipped with the necessary shutoff valves, means of regulation and blocking providing their safe operation.

49. For explosion-fire-hazardous engineering procedures the systems of antiemergency protection, fire protection and gas safety providing safe stop or transfer of process in safe condition in case of critical variation from the parameters provided by production schedules shall be used.

50. Technical devices shall be established according to the project documentation or requirements of instructions for installation (operation) of manufacturing plant.

51. For explosion-fire-hazardous technology systems, technical devices and pipelines which in use are exposed to vibration it is necessary to provide measures for its decrease, exception of possibility of emergency movement, shift, depressurization and destruction of their nodes and details in the project documentation.

52. Commisioning of technical devices: again mounted; after capital repairs; the repair connected with constructive changes it is performed in case of positive results of acceptance testing. Results of acceptance testing are drawn up by the act of the operating organization.

53. Operation of the technical device which working parameters do not ensure safety of engineering procedure is forbidden.

Further operation is allowed after elimination of the revealed shortcomings.

54. Operation of the technical devices which underwent to constructive changes in use is performed in case of positive experimental testimony of industrial safety.

55. Nodes, details, devices and elements of technical devices which can be source to danger for working and also the surfaces of protective and protection devices shall be painted in alarm colors.

56. The operated technical devices shall correspond on execution to climatic conditions of their operation.

57. In case of start-up in work or stop of technical devices and technology systems measures for prevention of education shall be provided in them the explosive mixes and traffic jams which are formed as a result of hydrate formation or freezing of liquids.

58. The open moving and rotating parts of technical devices are protected or consist in casings. Such technical devices shall be equipped with systems of blocking with the starting arrangements excluding their start-up in work in case of the absent or open barrier. The relevant requirement is established by specifications on development and production of technical devices.

The barrier shall be quick-detachable and convenient for installation.

The design and fixture of barrier shall exclude possibility of the inadvertent contact working with the protected element.

59. Temperature of outside surfaces of technical devices and casings of heat-insulating coverings shall not exceed temperature of self-ignition of the most explosion-fire-hazardous product, and in the places available to service personnel, shall exclude possibility of burns.

60. The locking, cutting, unloading and safety devices established on the delivery and soaking-up pipelines of the pump or the compressor shall be as close as possible to the pump (compressor) and be in zone, available and safe for servicing.

61. On the shutoff valves (latches, cranes) established on pipelines indexes of provisions shall be "open" and "closed".

The shutoff valves located in wells, cameras or trenches (trays) shall have the convenient drives allowing to open (to close) them without descent of service personnel in well or trench (tray).

62. On the delivery pipeline of centrifugal pumps and compressors installation of the backpressure valve or other device for prevention of movement of the transported substances in the opposite direction shall be provided.

63. Technology pipelines after their installation, and also after repair using welding shall be pressured up. Frequency and conditions of pressure testing are established by the project documentation, and also normative and technical documents in the field of industrial safety.

64. Operation of technical devices and the tool in non-operational condition or in case of defective safety controls (the blocking, fixing and alarm devices and devices), and also with variation from the working parameters set by the manufacturer is forbidden.

65. Removal of casings, barriers, repairs of technical devices is made only after electricity outage, dumping of pressure, stop of the moving parts and taking measures preventing their accidental reduction in movement owing to wrong or spontaneous turning on of switching devices, by gravity or other factors. On steering wheels of latches, shiber, gates posters "Shall be hung out not open! People work". On the starting arrangement the poster is surely hung out: "Not include, people work".

66. In production rooms of objects of the oil preparation installations (OPI), the booster pumping point (BPP), the sectional pumping point (SPP), the compressor station (CS), the complex gas processing unit (CGPU) and other production rooms the flange connections of pipelines (including connections of shutoff valves) expected working pressure of 10 MPas and above shall consist in protection covers.

67. On reaching the useful life established by the manufacturer, further operation of the technical device without prolongation of term of safe operation is not allowed.

Criteria of conclusion from operation are determined by the manufacturer and brought in the maintenance instruction of the equipment.

Prolongation of term of safe operation of technical devices shall be performed according to normative and technical documents by results of conducting necessary examinations.

68. Works on determination of possibility of prolongation of term of safe operation of the technical device are carried out by the expert organizations, taking into account features of design and service conditions of the specific technical device.

69. Ropes talevy and cargo, provided by manufacturing plant of drilling rigs and aggregates on repair of wells shall be applied to talevy system of drilling rigs and aggregates on repair of wells.

70. Connection of ropes shall be carried out using: kousha with zapletka of the free end of rope, snap by the metal plug or installation at least three screw clips. At the same time the distance between them shall make at least six diameters of rope. Clips are established so that the bracket of clip was from the free end of rope.

71. Talevy ropes shall have the certificate of conformity of the manufacturer.

72. Talevy ropes shall correspond to passport data of the talevy block, kronblok and the boring winch. Diameter of talevy rope shall correspond to the sizes of profile of flutes of pulleys of kronblok and the talevy block, system of flutes for stacking of rope on the winch drum.

When replacing talevy rope it is forbidden to make merging with rope of new bay before dropping loops from the device of fixture of the motionless end of talevy rope. It is required to apply to merging of rope in case of its input in talevy system special loops of factory production for preserving constructive density of rope after restart-up.

73. Behind condition of rope control shall be established. Frequency of surveys of rope is established depending on nature and working conditions. Use of ropes is forbidden if:

one of locks is torn off, pressed or on rope there is vydavleniye (stratification) provolok in one or several locks;

the core of rope or lock is squeezed out;

on rope there is deformation in the form of sinuosity, korzinoobraznost, local increase or reduction of diameter of rope;

the number of the m which are torn off provolok on rope twist step by diameter to 0,02 makes more than 5%, and on rope diameter over m 0,02 - more than 10%;

on rope there is twist ("bug"), excess, the hall;

as a result of superficial depreciation, corrosion diameter of rope decreased by 7% and more;

in case of reduction of diameter outside rope provolok as a result of their depreciation, corrosion for 40% and more;

on it there are traces of stay in conditions of high temperature (color of pobezhalost, scale) or short electric circuit (oplavleniye from electric arch).

74. In case of restart-up of rope before raising of the talevy block from half of the boring platform on the winch drum at least 6 - 7 rounds of talevy rope shall be reeled up.

75. It is forbidden apply the spliced ropes to the equipment of talevy system of the drilling rig, aggregates for development and repair of wells, and also for raising of towers and masts, production of extensions, load-lifting hoisting slings holding workers, and insurance ropes.

76. Cutting of talevy ropes, and also ropes for raising of towers and masts, extensions, safety ropes with use of electric welding is forbidden. Cutting of ropes should be made mechanically with use of special devices using goggles (masks).

VIII. Requirements to use of electric equipment on OPO

VIII.I. Organizational engineering requirements

77. OPO electric equipment shall be resistant concerning impact of the environment or protected from this impact.

78. The cells of the OPO distributing device expected voltage of 6 kV shall be equipped with the locking device and the blocking excluding opportunity:

carrying out transactions with the disconnector in case of the switched-on oil, vacuum, electrogas switches or high-voltage contactor;

turning on of the disconnector in case of open back door of cell;

opening of back door in case of the switched-on disconnector.

79. The distance across from extreme wire of air-line of electricity transmission of 6 - 10 kV (in case of its greatest variation) to the room pumping, household and other constructions shall be at least 2 m, and for air-lines up to 1 kV - m 1,5 suffices.

80. Crossing of the vertical plane passing through extreme wires of air-lines of electricity transmission with extensions of towers is not allowed.

81. For safety of people metal parts of electroinstallations, the body of electric equipment and the drive equipment shall be executed according to requirements of this Chapter of Rules and are grounded (zanulena).

82. Shall be made for determination of technical condition of the grounding device:

measurement of resistance of the grounding device;

voltage measurement of touch (in electroinstallations which grounding device is executed on regulations on touch tension), verification of presence of chain between the grounding device and the grounded elements, and also connections of natural grounding conductors with the grounding device;

measurement of currents of short circuit of electroinstallation, check of condition of penetrative safety locks;

measurement of specific resistance of soil around the grounding device.

Measurements shall be carried out during the greatest drying of soil (for permafrost regions - during the greatest frost penetration in soil).

Also the chain "phase zero" in electroinstallations to 1 kV with deaf grounding of neutral shall be performed (with creation of the test report).

Results of measurements are drawn up by protocols.

83. Repairs of technical devices with the drive from the electric motor are made only after accomplishment of the measures excluding possibility of accidental turning on of the electric drive.

84. For ensuring repair of the switching equipment with removal of tension on input of each feeding line it is necessary to provide the linear disconnector in the distributing device.

85. OPO shall be provided with portable lamps.

Voltage not higher than 50 V shall be applied to food of portable (manual) electric lamps in rooms with the increased danger and in especially dangerous rooms, and during the works in especially adverse conditions and in outside installations - it is not higher than 12 Century.

Forks of devices on voltage of 12 - 50 V shall not enter sockets with more high rated voltage. In rooms in which tension of two and more nominals is used on all plug sockets there shall be texts with indication of rated voltage.

86. Odinochno the established technical device shall have own grounding devices or join the general grounding installation device by means of the separate grounding conductors. Consecutive inclusion in the grounding device of several grounded objects is forbidden (connection among themselves of the grounding devices of different buildings, constructions, installations by means of one grounding conductor).

87. Installation, dismantle and adjustment of land power electric equipment, utility power system, lighting, lightning protection and grounding shall be carried out by the personnel having the admission to servicing and repair of electric equipment.

VIII.II. Requirements for ensuring explosion safety

88. In case of the choice of electric equipment and electrical accessories for OPO it is necessary to be guided by classification of explosive zones, stipulated in Clause 19 of "The technical regulation about requirements of fire safety".

Any enclosed space having the message with zones of classes 0 and 1, is considered as explosive. The class of their potential of explosion corresponds to class of potential of explosion of the reported zone.

89. The class and borders of explosive zones around sources of formation of explosive mixes are given in appendix No. 3 to these rules. The sizes of explosive zones are determined when designing taking into account features of engineering procedure, characteristics of the dangerous substances, systems of ventilation and other factors influencing intensity of possible leakages and distribution of air-gas and steam-air mixes.

90. Electric equipment (machines, devices, devices), the instrumentations, electric lamps, means of blocking, telephone sets and signaling devices to them established in explosive zones of classes 0, 1 and 2, shall be in explosion-proof execution and have explosion protection level according to the Technical regulation about requirements of fire safety No. 123-FZ, explosion protection type - category and group of explosive mix.

91. On each type of explosion-proof electric equipment of national and foreign production documents on assessment (confirmation) of its compliance to the normative legal requirements existing in the Russian Federation in the conditions of its operation in explosive zone shall be submitted.

92. Operation of electric equipment in case of defective means of explosion protection, blocking, violations of schemes of management and protection is not allowed.

IX. Requirements to labor organization, preparation and employee assessment

93. Preparation and certification of specialists in the field of industrial safety is carried out in the amount corresponding to their job responsibilities.

Primary certification of specialists is carried out no later than one month from the moment of position assignment, in case of transfer into other work, to employment to the organization, subsupervising to Rostekhnadzor.

Periodic certification of specialists is carried out at least once in five years if other terms are not provided by other regulatory legal acts.

The examination at workers shall be carried out at least once in 12 months according to qualification requirements of production instructions and/or instructions on this profession.

94. The specialists involved to works on diagnostics of condition of constructions, the equipment and other technical means shall undergo examination and acquire the right to conducting such works.

95. Certification of the welders involved to repair work on OPO on oil and gas fields and also to construction and repair of trade oil and gas condensate drain lines, shall be carried out according to the Rules of certification of welders and specialists of welding production approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of October 30, 1998 No. 63 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 4, 1999, registration N 1721); with the changes made by the order of Rostekhnadzor of October 17, 2012 N 588 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 23, 2012, registration N 25903); The production schedules of carrying out certification of welders and specialists of welding production approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of June 25, 2002 N 36 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 17.07. 2002, registration N 3587); with the changes made by the order of Rostekhnadzor of October 17, 2012 N 588 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 23, 2012, registration N 25903).

96. Workers shall own acceptances of rendering the pre-medical help to victims in case of accidents.

97. To management and conducting works on drilling, development, repair and reconstruction of wells, conducting geophysical works in wells, and also on production and preparation of oil and gas the persons having professional education in the specialty and who underwent examination in the field of industrial safety are allowed.

The workers performing direct management and performance of works on drilling, development, repair and reconstruction of wells, conducting geophysical and prostrelochno-explosive works on wells time in 2 years shall undergo in addition examination at the rate of "Control of well. Management of well under GNVP". This requirement does not extend concerning the workers exercising designer's service and scientific maintenance of implementation of engineering procedures, technical devices and the tool.

98. Workers of the integrated teams in need of performance of works requiring combination of professions shall be trained and receive the corresponding qualification by types of the performed works, and also have admissions to independent work on the combined professions.

99. The workers who arrived to OPO for work shall be informed of regulations, characteristic dangerous and harmful production factors and signs of their manifestation, actions by specific types of alarms, other questions entering induction amount. Data on briefing are fixed in special magazines with confirmatory signatures instructed and instructing.

Specialists and workers shall be informed of the list of gas dangerous places and works and the corresponding instructions.

100. Works on OPO connected with development of fields which products contain sulphurous hydrogen, other hazardous substances shall be performed according to requirements of the regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the conditions of possibility of emergence of sulphurous hydrogen in the air circle. On these objects workers shall be provided with the isolating respiratory devices, treatment-and-prophylactic food, means and medicines for first aid.

In PLA of these objects places of "islands" of safety, procedure for evacuation taking into account specific meteoconditions shall be established.

101. In case of content in products of fields over 6 (volume) % of sulphurous hydrogen it is necessary to be guided by requirements of Chapters XLVI-LV of these rules.

102. The personnel shall be informed of the corresponding instructions and Sections PLA.

Knowledge of PLA is checked during educational alarms and the educational and training classes with personnel of object given in the schedule approved by the technical lead of OPO, but at least once a month.

X. Safety requirements in case of production of drilling operations

103. The wells specified in Item 2 of these rules shall be pledged outside borders of zone of sanitary protection of sources of water supply and water supply systems of drinking appointment, conservation zones of power lines, the main oil and gas pipelines, water intaking, other industrial and civil facilities.

104. The main document for production of drilling operations is the working project developed and approved according to requirements of these rules, other regulatory legal acts regulating procedure for designing.

105. Start-up in operation (operation) of the drilling rig, auxiliary constructions and technical devices on the site of conducting drilling operations is made after completion and quality check of vyshkomontazhny works, approbation of technical devices, in the presence of the completed boring crew and positive results of the testing and checks specified in Item 133 of these rules. Readiness for start-up is drawn up by the act of the working commission of the boring organization, with participation of customer representatives, contractors and territorial authority of Rostekhnadzor.

106. In case of accomplishment of special works with forces of boring crew (for example, recursor of the drilling rig, installation of mobile drilling rigs, repair work of the increased complexity) working crews shall undergo additional training and get admission to independent work on the main and combined professions.

107. At all production phases of drilling operations (including carried out by contractors, subcontractors) availability and functioning of necessary devices and control systems behind production process according to requirements of the working project and the corresponding regulatory legal acts shall be provided.

108. Control of course of production of drilling operations, quality of accomplishment of these works, engineering procedures and transactions, quality of the used materials and technical means, observance of safe working conditions shall be performed by the subsoil user (customer), the organization performing production of drilling operations and other business entities authorized by the subsoil user.

109. Production of drilling operations in specific conditions (in mnogoletnemerzly breeds; on fields with content in oil (gas) more than 6 (volume) % of sulphurous hydrogen; from well pads; for production of methane from coal layers) it shall be carried out using the additional security measures established by the corresponding Chapters of these rules.

XI. Requirements to development of the working project of production of drilling operations

110. The working project of production of drilling operations individual or group (further - the working project) is developed:

on drilling of separate well;

on drilling of group of the wells located on one well pad or one field, the area.

Development of the working project on drilling of group of wells is performed in case of community of the following factors:

purposes of wells;

project depths on trunk of wells;

designs of wells - identical diameters of upsetting columns and their quantity (without the directions). The variation of depths of descent of upsetting columns from specified in the working project down shall not exceed 400 m;

density of drilling mud fluid differing from the g/cm3 0,3 provided in the working project in limits +/-;

mining-and-geological conditions of posting;

environmental management conditions.

Inclusion of the wells having variation according to the working project on drilling of group of wells on vertical depth of 400 m between most and least deep well is allowed, at the same time difference on trunk length between most and least extended well shall not exceed 2000 m.

Production of drilling operations on each subsequent well according to the working project on drilling of group of wells shall be performed taking into account experience of posting of the previous wells.

111. Reuse of the working project for production of drilling operations on the subsequent wells and wells on squares and fields, identical on geological specifications, is allowed.

Reuse of the working project can be performed in case of community of the factors specified in Item 110 of these rules.

Reuse of the working project is drawn up by the protocol of the commission created by the subsoil user (customer) and approved with the project organization.

112. The developed working project shall consider experience of production of drilling operations on wells this and the next areas with similar conditions, ensure reliability and safety of the subsequent operation of well.

113. The working project shall contain the following data and decisions:

geographical and climatic characteristic of the area of works;

mining-and-geological conditions of drilling;

reasons for design of well. Profile of inclined and directed and horizontal wells;

the combined schedule of reservoir (steam) pressures and pressure of hydraulic fracturing. The expected pressure upon the mouth in case of gas, oil and water shows;

basic data for calculation of upsetting columns. Coefficients of margin of safety when calculating. Final tables of configurations of upsetting and lift columns. Types of threaded connections of casing and pumping and compressor pipes. Regulations of descent of upsetting columns (for example, speeds of descent, effort of screwing together);

reasons for density of drilling mud fluid and range of fluctuations of other parameters of flushing liquid;

drilling method. Configuration of column of boring pipes with indication of group of durability, thickness of wall, margin of safety and type of castle connections. Speeds of hoisting transactions;


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