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of April 30, 2013 No. 387

About approval of the Regulations on reference of the legal entity to the organization of scientific and technical support of authorized body of state regulation of safety when using atomic energy

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.07.2017 No. 843)

According to article 37.1 of the Federal law "About Use of Atomic Energy" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the enclosed Regulations on reference of the legal entity to the organization of scientific and technical support of authorized body of state regulation of safety when using atomic energy.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2013 No. 387

Regulations on reference of the legal entity to the organization of scientific and technical support of authorized body of state regulation of safety when using atomic energy

1. This Provision establishes procedure for reference of the legal entity to the organization of scientific and technical support of authorized body of state regulation of safety when using atomic energy (further - the organization of scientific and technical support).

2. Reference of the legal entity to the organization of scientific and technical support is performed by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision which is authorized body of state regulation of safety when using atomic energy (further - authorized body).

3. Reference of the legal entity to the organization of scientific and technical support is performed in case of its compliance to the following criteria:

a) functions and powers of the founder of the legal entity or shareholder right of the legal entity on behalf of the Russian Federation are performed by authorized body;

b) the legal entity has the license for conducting examination of safety (examination of reasons for safety) of subjects to use of atomic energy and (or) types of activity in the field of use of atomic energy;

c) the legal entity performs the research works aimed at scientific and technical providing state regulation of safety when using atomic energy;

d) the legal entity conducts researches, testing, examinations and (or) other types of estimates of safety of subjects to use of atomic energy and (or) types of activity in the field of use of atomic energy, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation in the field of use of atomic energy;

e) the legal entity is member of the international organizations in the field of use of atomic energy or participates in activities of such organizations.

4. For the purpose of reference of the legal entity to the organization of scientific and technical support the legal entity submits in authorized body the statement in which it specifies complete and reduced (if is available) the name, and also the data confirming its compliance to criteria, stipulated in Item 3 this provision, with application of documents, confirming compliance to the specified criteria (further - the statement).

The statement is submitted the applicant in authorized body directly or goes the registered mail with the assurance of receipt.

The applicant has the right to direct the application electronically with use of information and telecommunication networks.

5. The authorized body within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the statement determines the applicant's compliance to criteria, stipulated in Item 3 this provision.

In case of the applicant's compliance to the specified criteria the authorized body makes the decision on reference of the legal entity to the organization of scientific and technical support which is drawn up by the act of authorized body.

6. The notification on reference of the legal entity to the organization of scientific and technical support goes to the applicant the registered mail with the assurance of receipt within 15 working days from the date of adoption of such decision or is handed to the applicant's representative under list after submission of the document confirming its right to the specified notification.

7. In case of discrepancy of the applicant to any of criteria, stipulated in Item 3 this provision, the authorized body makes the decision on refusal in reference of the legal entity to the organization of scientific and technical support which is drawn up by the act of authorized body.

8. The notification on refusal in reference of the legal entity to the organization of scientific and technical support with motivated reasons for causes of failure goes to the applicant authorized body the registered mail with the assurance of receipt within 3 working days from the date of adoption of the relevant decision.

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